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Daily Foreword Notes August 12, 2009 to August 16, 2008

Daily Foreword August 12, 2009:Today's post has been extrapolated at various newsgroups including this extrapolated post at this newgroup link.  Recently I heard my family's voice.  It came through the voice of a man I had heard at Neturei Karta, a controversial Orthodox Jewish group who in my opinion, embody the true nature of God in man, in that they do not allow greed or fear to override their beliefs in their (our) written codes.  I say that with reservation because I am not a Rabbi and I have not read the entire Torah and Talmud, nor do I intend to, not in this life span, not most likely.

The voice of the Rabbi who sounded like Rabbi Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta said, "........was denied his rights under Habeus Corpus".  "He should have been brought to a jury before he was forcibly injected." My name is Kurt Brown, American Holocaust Number X 017 911 84 since 2001, former FDIC bank examiner. I was injected in Los Angeles at the VA federal facility at 3 a.m. by a federal agent. Later I was forced a medical procedure or procedures. I do not know. They had me lay on a table. Then I was threatened many times and then chained, jailed, lied to, and taken to court. I would have signed anything, and on this day, the death warrant of those who violated Habeus Corpus. Perhaps 9-11-2001 was indicative someone was listening in through unconscious and drugged eyes.

I am a follower of Neturei Karta because we seem to speak the same language, but they appear to be more experienced at it, as they have not trusted the nuts in power in the USA as I have in the past and the same people or things are in power on much of the Earth where many are tortured and killed and downgraded to nothing more than a lesser man.

My father told me once that I would meet my brother.  My father told me once that I should have been an attorney.  My father told me once that the USA was the greatest nation on Earth.  That was then, this is now. Mankind is being downgraded, as in the past and likely in the future.

I am the remnant of that man that was injected in 2001 and forced before a court and a hanging judge of the Los Angeles Superior Courts under the hand of the federal magistrate of war criminals tugging at the FDIC war criminal puppet, those who I was placed against at my last employer.  The world is a vampire under their design..  My career has ended.  I respect all good men, whether from my end of the Earth or the other.   We know that some do not behave as any thing above a lower animal.  We all carry that illness in varying degrees and it is a not a problem until those with the sickness at its worst dominate the Earth.  It is a sickness.  It is a blessing in times of war and famine, as then the insane men are the only ones who do not starve.

Habeus Corpus.  I want my job back at the FDIC in Washington D.C. this time, to have free travel in auditing the FDIC inner sect.  If not, then I do not want an FDIC or a Treasury to boot. It does not matter if currency is wiped out, as then we get to visit Albert Camus at the grocer and eat our bread from the three finger hand.

I was told once, they treat our people like sh-t. I was told once things are not as bad as they seem. I was told once by a lieing bastard that I had been told. He was brain damaged and he does not know about it and he or IT reigns in my native city's corrupted government in Mobile Alabama. Like 2000 a scab, it waits to fall off but will likely have to debrided as it is pustulent and gangrenous. Yes, some will say that Satan will say, "Thank You", but that is on the flipside.

As an aside, I was blindsided, literally, in more than one way. First I was partially blinded when I was placed in forced exile in 2003, where poison was sprayed into my eyes and those allegedly in Los Angeles who controlled my movement would not return my calls for three days. Secondly I was blindsided in my naivete in dealing with government officials, my lack of legal knowledge, and the coaxing in of myself and others into the traps that will kill us or enslave us all. I awakened to an old diddley today, Neil Young's song Ohio on In hindsight, I should have known better and maintained my distance from all government contact. I came too close. I will likely pay for an eternity or until the end of human conscience time, sooner or later.

Daily Foreword August 6, 2009: The lies of the government and our society are written in plain English many times for all of us to see.  In the war wagon city of Pensacola Florida on their highway bulletin boards and the same in the closed federal dictatorship in Mobile Alabama, the USA Marines new recruiting slogan, "It's A Commitment"

Now let us analyze those who coax you into working for them when you are young, such as the military. They do forced experiments and forced injections and forced medical procedures on veterans. I know, as I am one of their many victims at LA VA Westwood and that corrupt federal facility in Los Angeles. They will not only attack you in manners you may not know, but they will have you kill the innocent overseas just as others have in Afghanistan and Palestine and Iraq and Vietnam and in some cases the streets of Los Angeles and New Orleans and Mobile and other sewer states inside the USA.  

The word is "Commitment".  Commit, which means to commit one's self to an insane asylum immediately if you are going to sign the bottom line to throw your life in their circle of control. They will commit you to an insane asylum and call you a crazy veteran or a veteran in distress if when you are older you oppose their abuse of the American people, the common American people. They line up with those who kill and rob everyone within their reach.  The other part of the word commitment is Ment, which corrected means "Mint" and you will discover it will cost you a mint in terms of your life happiness and your life's good fortune. They do not care about you if you are a Jar Head or Squid or any other term of endearment, not the society, not the government and the brotherhood is vauge when bullets are flying behind your supposed allies lines and fired at you by your supposed allies. That is the life that I led. I should want revenge, and I should have a vendetta, but for them, I know, for the most part, it is only a matter of time. We are better off dead than to be injected, tortured, chased and robbed. They take our bodies through force and force medical procedures upon us and they take our children through force, often when the child has family or friends that are a phone call away. Their government tests the urine of their victims and treat them as criminals if they test positive for many drugs and wrongfully for soft drugs, including cannabis. Their game is warfare against all of us. Protect your young. David Koresh of Texas has my respect. He died but he stood up and was never made captive to the beast in power over the USA governments. I survived an attack on the highways by federal money laundering associates and the FBI and SS and others ignored me when I contacted them. It did not matter to them that I was attacked? I do not admire Timothy McVeigh as some have said. I prefer to identify war criminals and excise them or with precision and have zero collateral damage in the process. It is just a fantasy of mine I suppose.

The casinos and drugs lords and government approved money laundering channels and the corrupt members of the VA and the FDIC and the SS and local government in your city win, as to me, it is if they are one in many cases, and their game is to bleed us to the death.   I will hit the road and hope to take my people with me, and if not, I hope they are killed in an instant if they suffer as I did under the beasts in power inside the USA and Canada, and almost anywhere the enemy has taken power through force I am sure it will happen again. Your banking system and government has been robbed, and always has been. 

Some cities are like armed fortresses, but the true targets are not what you think.  Imagine laser pointing a moving target in the dark.  You get one shot and it has to be instantaneous.  They drew first blood against me, an innocent FDIC bank examiner turned informant and investigative journalist.  

We are nothing if we are not men and do not fight back.  If a social worker comes to your home to take your child, you have my best wishes in removing that child from that government workers presence.  They are our enemies.  They have been caught.  They refuse to see they have been caught.  They and often IT is not what it seems.  Moving and one glance.  A final joke: A young man from Mobile Alabama said that when social services came to take him away from his parents due to alcoholism and fighting, he and his brother were taken to the neighborhood Hocus Poke-us on the down low.

Daily Foreword August 4, 2009:  Another family of children has been abducted, put into transit with a government that can not be trusted, and then allegedly placed in a home outside of the family. The host family makes money from it in the homes of individuals allegedly free of crime and drugs and child molesters and surgeons on the take for war criminals of historical lore in the current ruling governmental regime. Others They make money from it by extorting money for forced in-house drug rehabalitation. The children are often forcibly removed from the parent's home for nothing of any materiality or significance e.g. the person may not even appear intoxicated or be intoxicated in the preseence of observers, and yet the governmental regime sends in people to remove the child from the home through force. I urge young people to keep their lives together so that their children are not taken by the state, here in the USA.  They have traps and such that start with simple infractions such as probation that turn into full blown prison sentences on unrelated or minor infractions in the laws the closed dictatorial government imposes upon us.

Now young parents are forced to lose their children to a government that allows forced injections and forced experiments on our people.   They are forced by economic deprivation to lose their children.  Their government can not be trusted.  Their government must be limited and its reach into our families more easily dealt with. In a squirrels nest, if some other squirrel or an aggressive social worker tries to enter the nest, they are eaten alive. We should have the same attitude. Families should be called first, not profit seekers who are foster homes, or even worse, government agents with ulterior motives.  Their government's drug tests and all that they do is designed to snare us into their traps.  The social worker at the door is just an employee.  The drug screener is an employee.  Those who write their laws can not be trusted and those in higher office can n 2000 ot be trusted and those behind the scenes in medicine and war can not be trusted. 

As one Secret Service agent told me in 2002, "The Trust Is Gone".  I survived after FDIC bank examiner employment and working as an investigative journalist covering a murder story at the FDIC.  They can trust that we have lost trust of them, their government and their agents and followers, and now we have lost our blood.  They or IT drew first blood, on myself and others.

I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner witnessed this first hand.  The LA VA Westwood was ordered to stop doing forced injections and forced experiments in 1999.  I, in a sense, and without planning to do so, ran a test in 2001 to see if they were still injecting people and doing forced medical procedures.  They were and likely still are doing so.  I was injected and forced a medical procedure and likely more since I was forced to lay down on a medical table. 

  Before I arrived, back in 1999, it was likely their agents were coming into the hospital and moving things into position for future illegal medical manipulations or finalization of results on those experiments and procedures that were started prior to 1999.  We are nothing but guinea pigs and tools like Jack Asses to them, to IT.  I am talking of likely medical procedures and other things performed unknown to this day. 

The state of Alabama forces women to have in-house drug treatments or they lose their children to adoption.   The treatments are not free and they are not easy and immediate access. That is an outrage and I encourage people to leave Alabama if the government starts to harass them and their family, or leave the USA if necessary. Canada is no better, as I was attacked there in 2006 after fleeing there from the USA. The crime syndicates of their governments, US and Canada, cut across all aspects of our lives.  I am shut out from government or I would push for a bill to assist these women to return to their children immediately and for all children to be left in family care and not abducted by their governmental employees.  They do not want us with our children, after all, they make money from it, and likely will be doing more experiments and procedures just like the LA VA Westwood in 1999 and 2001, and Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Los Angeles in 1992 which performed a huge experiment on their indigent pediatric patients.  We have been shanghaied in the worst possible fashion.

Some one move forward on the Alabama government, starting in Mobile, and do something about this situation.  This is urgent.  Just as the alleged Hitler's protectors raised their heads for those who would oppose that regime, so has the governments corrupt watchdogs raised their head to oppose us, the common and poor and outcast.  You can find proof of what I endured at the LA VA Westwood facility in the section of this link called Continuing Problems ). The link is about others, and my medical horrors started in 2001 after the governments crime syndicates tried to cover up some murders and money laundering and large dollar financial crimes.

In closing, I always hear a song the morning after a significant event. The authoritarian nature and self righteousness of the governmental regime and their armies of employees taking children from their families care makes me want to puke. After the loss of America's children to a growling governmental force with a smile on it's facade, I recall the 1960's and the lies and murder of people from the USA and Vietnam on behalf of the sociopathic force in government and their covered up motives. Todays song is on Youtube, written by Joni Mitchell, played in a music video by Counting Crows, "They Paved Paradise" .

I once envisioned how a person knocked unconscious could be used to spy on others utilizing bio-engineering in the CNS coupled to the peripheral nerves in the head and mouth, and the dental work of a metal nature touching or in close proximity to peripheral nerves in the gum line. I call it a whale down below, and I will elaborate on the Love Line pages at a later date. They force us to re-evaluate everything, because the truth will always be revealed to us in many situations. The SS was right in 2002. The trust is gone.

Daily Foreword August 2, 2009:  I realized today while applying for an auditor position online in the USA that I will not get the job, nor any other job in the USA.  I made a mistake, as I went to work for the USA federal government's FDIC as a bank examiner in 1999, and soon started testing their internal crime syndicates, and soon found myself attacked, forcibly injected, shackled, and my clean record ruined, and I suffer severe financial hardship due to the stain placed upon me by my enemies in government, in addition to health problems from the forced injections they used to force me to sign documents, forced medical procedures, being attacked repeatedly while in transit in exile,  being partially blinded by poisions while in exile, and being injected and labeled insane while I was in exile and probation, 2001 to 2004.  That is ironic because the FBI and SS labeled a top FDIC regional director's murder a suicide in his FDIC San Francisco office and I saw a crime syndicate in place afterward that deserved great and close technological examination.

Many live in fear of those who control the USA governments.    Do not fear them.  They are our lessers.  They will die or fall from prominence and we shall rejoice that they and their war felons are put in their place, under their piles of soil they have stolen.

I urge my people not to live where they rule in mass with military armaments.  I urge my people not to serve their military.  I have no option it appears.  I will have to leave the USA to find work and peace of mind and tranquility.  I will gladly embark on a career of virtue beyond these damned shores of war criminals and their supporting factions.   I was told not to challenge the war criminals of our era, but  he had not had first blood drawn by those factions of the enemies in power.   The vulture over the USA is repugnant and soon to fall.  Their casinos and money launderers, drug syndicates, and felonious and abusive governments will not see the coming century unless under a morticians lights .  They have betrayed us, applaud their deaths.  Do not serve them as you may be in the NEW line of fire. Mobile Alabama, Flagstaff New Mexico, Los Angeles California, and San Francisco California are corrupted, and it appears their strong arm enforcers are supported by the war criminals, our mortal enemies, in Washington D.C. and their international controllers.

Daily Foreword July 28, 2009: Recently I was in Mobile Alabama, a city whose government, federal and local, is like a self righteous war criminal who tells you they love you while they steal everything you have, including your children and your health.

The government of Mobile is like the government of Los Angeles and D.C., corrupted and vile and extremely dangerous. They took a man's grandchild from the mother's arms and put the child in a foster home. The woman was doing nothing. The government does not care about us, yet they take our child 2000 ren, and they are known to do forced injections and forced experiments. I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner now American Holocaust Number X --- 911-- since 2001 applaud the death of that government and their war criminal supporters and controllers as I was also snatched from my home, my vehicle, and forcibly injected by federal agents after FDIC bank examiner employment and informing on murder at the FDIC and money laundering and a thief who was Sheriff of Mobile Alabama, Jack "Snatch the Fairy Possum" Tillman.

Their government has ruined my health with forced injections and torture after FDIC bank examiner employment and working as a freelance journalist. They have taken family members, children, forcibly under what amounts to gunpoint. They have threatened my wife at her work when I was working as a freelance journalist in that enemy controlled government in Mobile Alabama. They came to my home illegally threatening me with arrest if I tried to enter their corrupt and televised government meeting in Mobile Alabama again, and that statement is on video in under the name of saintrambone. I hope to have either victory or to die in a global holy war against their war criminal factions and their controllers and supporters in that war criminal controlled government.

Their primary supporters will always have more money than us. They will also have more conventional weapons and tools. We need to invent our own weapons to take them out on the first blow. We need to make do with what we have and not to support the war criminal horde in power. They say the poor will always be with us. They forgot to mention that the wealthy war criminals and their followers will be dead in their mansions in the end, and the poor will bend down to the ground to thank God their wealthy subjugators are dead. We should make sure they have less than the poorest among us after the coming global wars, and if we can not win, then arrange it so that we all die and are free from the war criminals and their torturers who are in power. Let us welcome the end of time if necessary, rejoice when it is over, one way or another. I will soon leave the USA and hope to find peace in a place where they are and their war criminal horde do not rule. I have been blacklisted from federal employment by those who are robbing the USA Treasury. The 1.2 trillion dollars given away by the USA federal war criminals during the past year has made 1200 billionaires in a foreign nation. Congratulations, you, my enemies, got what you wanted. Now, soon, we get what I want, justice and I hope revenge. Remember, they drew first blood, and that is a quote from a VA official who was aware the Secret Service had injected me forcibly in 2001 before 9 11. Those attacks were not as claimed. I hope they got one of the controllers in the attacks.

Recently I saw where David Kohn of the Federal Reserve Bank and Johh Bovenzi of the FDIC were discussing the 1.2 trillion loan with Barney Frank a politician from Massachusetts. Kohn was sort of smiling as if he had achieved a victory. Considering they had stolen 1.2 trillion dollars, he probably would not care if you killed him because his family and friends are now wealthier than King Tut. Laugh and praise God when their empire crumbles and their corpses are finally buried in their buildings built from the wages of their wars against us, the common human being. We are not their animals or lessers. Applaud their deaths as they are sociopathic murderers and an abomination to mankind. This thing they are will end soon, I pray.

Daily Foreword July 20, 2009: I, Kurt  Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner and American Holocaust Number X --- 911 -- since 2001, am soon to leave the USA in search of a new home, perhaps. 

Recently I witnessed where the government of the United States had a social service agency forcibly take some children from the parents home.   The problem occurs in that we no longer trust the governments of the United States or their controllers.     We must oversee these government agencies and watch them as they are our enemies governmentally approved child abductors and kidnappers.

In Los Angeles they do experiments on children and veterans and likely many unknown medical procedures.  At the LA Veterans Administration Hospital Westwood the government was ordered to stop doing forced injections and experiments in 1999.  In 2001, they were still doing so.  I ran a test of sorts as  I was an investigative journalist working two other stories at the same time.   I was injected forcibly, forced medical procedures, and basically ordered silent on FDIC corruption by federal officials and I was seen as insane when I claimed the now terminated Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama was stealing inmate food funds. The orders againt me were due to pressure from the crime syndicates at the FDIC, my prior employer where I discovered federal crime syndicates and from Sheriff Jack Tillman who had illegally revoked my gun permit when I was going to report his food funds thievery.  Our enemy and their supporters permeate the entire federal government.  The rulers are at war with the common of Afghanistan, Iran, and the USA, and the world of average human beings. 

In Los Angeles Kaiser Permanente Hospital gave children the largest experimental dosage of drug ever experimented on children in the USA. We are nothing more than farm animals or test subjects to the drug companies, the government, and hospital officials.

If the government has done any thing to those children taken from that home, let us hope something happens that can kill all of us.  If our children are to be taken by the enemies inside the closed door governments of the USA, we can not watch over our relatives and families children.  Some adults have family issues but other family members can watch over them.  The government is not our family.  From what I can tell, many of them or IT is our hated and mortal enemy, including the murderous money laundering war criminal and drug smuggling and marijuana growing and prohibition horde in the USA.

Never again serve them or IT. Never again trust them or IT.  Put our faith in God and hope we can save our own children and ourselves. This is a growing un-holy war against us, the average human being of Prison Planet Earth.

Daily Foreword July 15, 2009:  Recently I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner and American Holocaust victim who survived,  was told of a video game based on my experiences and that of the era of Mobile Audit Club with the protagonist being the little bank examiner that I was at the F-DIC.  The protagonist is often possessed through chemicals, machines, and ghosts and altered states of being and provokes wrongdoers in California, Nevada, Arizona, Alabama, Lousiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Washington D.C., with some supernatural things happening in Oklahoma before entering Kansas, and the whole while traveling triangles with obstacles and known and unknown goals that are linked in three levels with windows to future games linked in the third level.  There was a sub-level to the F-DIC game called MOuRNING STAR FIGHT CLUB, the before death after death experience, a hellish maze of holes and tunnels with insane replicas of humans like the Sweet Carol or Sheriff Snatch the Fairy Possum of Mob AL and the Mass of Shee-it who is the boss of a segment of the underworld that controls the over-world briefly. The famous painting, "The Queerest of The Queer" painting is a sublevel to the MOuRNING STAR FIGHT CLUB truck driving segment with exploding missiles or meteorites with extra players brought up through various levels, including the Wizard of Oz-like Dorothy version, who is Kelly a mathematical oddity in an immense struggle against the negative pulls of the fatal sub underworlds in the Queerest of the Queer Land. Ba'al Zebub is harnessed by you, Saint Ram Bone, and brought back up from Queerest of The Queer Land to assist the bank examiner, you, Dirt, the F-DIC bank examiner, in San Francisco.    The game was denied financial backing because it was too controversial and involved true scenes in which the protagonist is forcibly injected with chemicals and forced medical procedures by federal agents  and raped in a bizarre game of true high dollar federal government and corporate subterfuge, murder and money and technological and supernatural controls.   In one scene I am ordered up to a bank examiner supervisors room for remedial training, she molests me and my penis falls off to be put in her F-DIC jar.  That was the finale for me as then the bone goes to heaven and I become U, IU and get paid by the government in the land of Plenty of Pussy.   I wish the programmers and writers luck who came up with the game and the program and the music that was similar to that on Mobile Audit Club's music page.  If it was just a rumor, then I hope someone moves on this game.  I will let you use the music from my own collection and you can bend it if you wish if you write the video game I am proposing.  

Daily Foreword July 11, 2009: The courts of Los Angeles are like Washington D.C., full of men who are devoid of heart. They may not be man. We may have been overtaken technologically and through brutality. I was injected with engineered chemicals that acted like poisons to me once they were in my system. I was injected forcibly in 2001 at the Los Angeles Westwood Federal Facility properties.

The judges and prosecutor did not consider that I had been attacked after reporting money laundering and murder at the FDIC and employee stacking. My health and my career are ruined. I suffered an American Holocaust under the ruling sect and they carried their weapons and followers to my end. I would prefer death than to be a captive on American shores and prefer death over that fact.

I have a home for sale in Pensacola Florida. Many there believe in the lie of American Justice and oneness with God. One customer at my home said to me and about me, "It is hard to twist an accountants arm." That is not true. Honest and open accountants are killed or injected or tortured or harmed or put away in prison or an asylum, and soon your top leaders will have no accountants because your new leaders are your subjugators, or prison or slave master.

I, Kurt Brown, American Holocaust X number from the corrupt city of Los Angeles, X 017 911 84 want payment of $9.11 Million dollars because the federal police did not respond to an attempt on my life and I was forcibly injected by federal officials in 2001 at the LA VA, which was forbidden to do another forced medical procedure on the innocent and compliant in 1999.

If I am not paid, you have my best wishes in taking all that the war criminals who injected me own. They took my belongings and my health and career. I trusted the VA officials. I trusted the courts of Los Angeles. I got a corrupt and likely, a thing , an IT, called a series of judges who rule the United States like war criminals deserving war criminals punishments. If we can find them and their masters, we should hope a new revolutionary party arises to slit the head from the snake before it multiplies.

If the government comes to your door with a needle, run, and if they pursue you, then treat them as the enemy they have become. Beware of technological trickery. A 3-D image can be projected from space like a hologram in yesterday's technology. Technology may have it come up and blow your brains out with your own gun. Mind control and other matters leave us better dead than to be mastered by someone who considers himself to be a master. That is just one example.

Daily Foreword July 6, 2009:  To the federal war criminal mass that has killed and pushed and squeezed the world of peon us, I would like to recount back in time and extrapolate forward, where we have been and where we are going, sooner or later.

One of the war criminal mass told me in a high rise San Francisco FDIC office that I had dug myself a hole I could not get out of.  That was in January of 2000.  The next year in September a few buildings went down in the hole in the other financial sector in New York.

Like a combatant in trench warfare, I pull people into my hole, but not by being below them, but above them.  I have uncovered thievery by a sheriff, murder for hire in the FDIC and NTEU, money laundering sanctioned from Washington D.C., forced medical procedures upon the innocent in Los Angeles, and the whole time the insanity of the war wages against us, against the world of us.

Excluded, we drop out, as EEOC rights give way to legal maneuvers by a wealthy war criminal sect in power internationally.  The nation is no longer a place of shared wealth, as the pools of war criminals followers drip with innocent spilled blood and crumbs of ill gotten gold.  The next time Flagstaff Medical Center forcibly injects an innocent and compliant person, or the next time the Los Angeles Veterans Administration  of the federal police syndicates there inject someone forcibly who is innocent and compliant, you have  my permission to and I urge you to find their acting superior and treat him or her just as a war criminal who had done the same things was treated in Nuremberg. 

If we are being used in an internal war through technological manipulations, we should be told, and if we can not be told, we must have already lost.

I will now listen to a Sweet Carol amid a mass'a rubble, Down In A Hole by Alice In Chains, as its symbolism parallels the barren place down in a hole I can not seem to get out of.    And I whisper, down at the FDIC where I am forbidden, I smell a rotten F-DIC and see a dead manner too.  The eggs of the crab are often laid when  the offspring may not be crab but F-DIC spawn, a wart on the ass of humanity.  Here is a picture of my view of the F-DIC and the federal crime syndicates  in its seedier quarters.  "AT THE FDIC, YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME IN THE BACK DOOR.  Caution, rather gruesome photo.

Daily Foreword July 4, 2009: The lie of Independence from abuse by governmental powers is celebrated every 4th of July in the United States.  We are not free from bodily harm including forced injections by government officials and forced medical procedures and being pushed from government like shit, so I hope a July 5th Independence day will be instituted when the ruling war mass over the world is removed liked a malignant tumor.  They have committed Nuremberg style atrocities, and many of those who practiced those atrocities have people with similar mindsets in the USA and international war criminal corners.  Our bodies, our wealth, everything is lost while they or IT pretends to have independence.  Never serve them or IT again if you dare.  Protect your young.  They or IT is at war with us.  Never believe their lies of equal protections.  That is an impossibility in a battle field of technological warlords when you are one of their targets.  They will target you, just as they targeted me, Kurt Brown, former FDIC bank examiner turned investigative journalist on murder and money laundering in the federal banking regulatory system. 

Federal Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales was shot in his head in Seattle on 10-11-2001 and I was told of it immediately afterward and they said he died because of me. I was released after the first injections and torture and jail on 8-11-2001 after no response by the federal government to attacks on my life. I did not know who federal banking frauds prosecutor Wales was at that time. I was later notified on Youtube, 7 years later in 2008.  I uncovered money launderers and murders linked to the FDIC in California through Nevada crime syndicates, and you  can bet on this one, it has international scope. 

Freddie Mac CFO, David Kellerman, allegedly committed suicide in 2009 at his home with a rope. An FDIC regional director allegedly shot himself in the head in his office in San Francisco during the early 1990's Savings and Loan Crisis.  I say it was likely a murder at the FDIC due to the crime syndicated action in place, most obviously to me a bank examiner in two offices, San Francisco and Sacramento (Roseville) after his death. Freddie Mac's CFO Kellerman was likely killed due to the shuffling about of people or assets so that the fallout from the foreclosure crisis could be absorbed by wealthy warring sects inside the USA and beyond.   

My advice to youth is to stay out of all federal and state and city government employment and do not major in finance. I would do engineering, if you are a creative sort.  High finance is controlled by killers and they will extort from all people all over the Earth and they will kill anyone through any means or destroy you professionally or healthwise.  Find a nation that is at peace with itself and the world.  In Europe, beware of Switzerland, as they are like the dagger bearing tie-die crowd of California, criminals none-the -less, as their banking system likely just absorbed 1.2 trillion dollars of American currency in direct loans from the ruling war criminal sect in power internationally and over the USA banking system.  As Confucius say, "When log jam occurs, the smarter badger makes it more like a home, you call him 'Beaver', and some people hunt beaver, and they are called 'Trapper'".  The USA banking system is being robbed, therefore taxpayers are being robbed.  Find a new home.  The USA is "just another place controlled by the international war criminals. Or take your children from beyond their grasp in all fashions, if possible".

The lie of protections has been ridiculed in comedy when war criminals actions against us are seen as nothing, therefore we are nothing to them, and the question remains, are they truly nothing to us?

Daily Foreword July 3, 2009: A funny thing occurred to me yesterday. I drove across the Perdido Bay to Lillian Alabama to a food store there.  A huge fat man, weighing around 450 pounds came running up when I was buying my ice cream and allergy medicine.  He was an undercover cop or tried to pretend to be one.  He told me when I was leaving that I was under surveillance and I had already endured a few slurs and one booty call by a small nymphomaniac  cashier.  Small town America is strange in Alabama but now, in Florida across Perdido Bay there will be a vote to legalize Medical Marijuana in Florida.  It is too bad the federal government will likely call in their Mexican and German and fake-Jewish and fake-Christian mafia to dry it out.   They can soak up the shit straight from the Perdido Bay also, because if the measure does not pass, there will be more foreclosures on the Florida side of the shit bayou known as Perdido Bay.

The government is corrupted to the core and drugs are at the teet of their control against the common American.   For instance, they sell it in California openly with easy access, but they take your money away from you for owning it if you are in transit with your medicine beyond state lines and they take the medicine and in places like the evil warlord dictatorship of Florida and Alabama, they put you away forever.  It is no wonder the area is like a impoverished third-world state, a banana republic equivocal to Hell in some aspects.  The people of the USA have an enemy to their well being always looking for a way to steal our money and our well being.  Who trusts a German or American drug company? Who trusts government officials in any state? None of the above. The trust is gone. That is what a Secret Service agent under the NTEU crime syndicates told me after I reported money laundering and murder. The people will need their dope as the other medicine is likely rigged by the enemy in power, the enemy we can never trust. What comes around, goes around. As one Californian told me, "It is only a matter of time."

Daily Foreword July 2, 2009: The big headlines of the regime in p 2000 ower in their mass today is that they are attacking Afghanistan in a great offensive.  What are American Holocaust victims supposed to do now, jeer or cheer?

Groups exist in the USA and much of the world and they wage war for profit, not only against those in other nations, but against us as well.  Like dogs and snakes they fight to keep us at bay and away from government.  Something is wrong and things will not last much longer under these conditions.  I would rather buy my oil and gas from the true owner, the Afghani tribesman, than from a warlord in the USA or the international ruling regime's warmongering profiteers who are there to steal their oil.  I was injected and tortured and ordered silent in verbal demands about likely murder at the FDIC after working at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in 1999 and 2000.

The problem with the governments war criminal sects, they will often act as if nothing is happening in this most hated and increasingly impoverished United States, when we can see it in our daily lives.    Things are never what they claim, and all government protections are lost for us.  I would release the names of people who handled my EEOC case at the FDIC in San Francisco.  The FDIC was stacking employees to keep us out.  It was business as usual.  Protect your young.

Ever since I was injected and tortured and attacked and exiled and jailed and blacklisted from federal employment, I have felt sick on occasion from the injections and stress.  Even animals are made sick from the stress of forced injections.  I want payment from the federal government and the Flagstaff Arizona medical center for their forced injections or I want those American Holocaust Institutions shut down. 

This nation is falling.  We know it.  I was told not to purchase anything, but I bought a house, a house that is not worth anything, except in what I owe.  Also, I suspect  tampering with children has occurred and will occur in the future.  We can hypothesize on many things, but in my nightmares from the war  I live in among the factions of my enemies, I dreamt there was a little known medical procedure that was performed on many infants during the time of my birth during the Vietnam War era and immediately before.   Two snips inside the brain near the top of the head, near the corpus callosum, on the left hemisphere, would create idiot savants, capable of creating greater and more ingenious weapons and  defense systems.

Daily Foreword June 28, 2009: The regime in power internationally that is robbing the poor and working class of all hope in the USA needs to be removed and if necessary destroyed. We should never protect them and if they fall we should listen for their last breath and breathe our own thanks to God when the enemy to mankind is destroyed. If necessary, let us hope we are destroyed in total if they are to continue to thrive and destroy us and our well being piece by piece.

The ruling regime has us join their military and then they abuse us after we are out, or while we are in. I hope the regime's top and middle controllers are caught in the cross fire and their entire family of war felons is chopped in to bits. Never trust the USA governments or any of their supporters internationally. The current regime is the enemy to mankind, and they are a self serving horde of wealthy war criminals. Look at the wealth of those who follow the war criminal sect in places like the military camp known as Pensacola Florida. Those who oppose the war criminal sect or those alert the public to the internal government crimes are impoverished, while those who support the war criminal sect are made wealthy. I will likely let my home go into foreclosure there due to health problems and I have no insurance excpept the VA Health care which is just like Adolf Hitler's Germany's exerimental holocaust labs and I have proof of forced injections and forced medical procedures and they treat veterans like their enemies in Los Angeles among the financial war criminal sect in power.

We are in a technological war. What you may see may not be what you confront, as that is what I suspect at the highest levels of this most hated regime in the United States. The attacks on the World Trade Center was not by a foreign power but by groups who knew of the inner workings of the current wars. We are kept on the outside. The USA government has betrayed me and all that I know. I hope to work in a nation that is ethichal instead of the war criminals who rule the United States. They inject us with chemicals forcibly and their followers laugh, claiming they have done nothing. What comes around goes around and when I see my enemy on fire in the streets I will fan his flames so IT will die quickly.

They are likely malicously tampering with our children, as those ruling war criminal factions in the United States are our enemies. We can not see all that they do to us. Maintain your distance from the enemy regime unless engaged in combat or surveillance. DO NOT USE VA HEALTHCARE. They lie on medical records. The controllers of the regime are likely found fat and happy at resort areas, far from the government steps. I urge young people to seek residence in nations apart and separate from the ruling regime in the USA and their suspected allies, which includes all nations who are killing the innocent in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those agencies and hospitals in the USA that have injected people forcibly under the ruling regime deserve to be shut down by any method and means possible. I urge that the LA VA Westwood Hospital be destroyed and be made into a campground for the homeless of that most unethical war criminals pit known as Los Angeles. The Flagstaff Arizona medical center is also doing forced injections and should be leveled. I was injected in Flagstaff forcibly after reporting what appeared to be a toxic spill on the highway and a burn on my neck. They injected me and did forced medical procedures at the LA VA Westwood in 2001. At the Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center in 2004I was injected, knocked unconscious, and held forcibly for three days and they lost the keys to my vehicle on purpose. They were ordered to stop doing the forced experiments and forced medical procedures in 1999 at the LA VA Westwood and they had not stopped in early 2001. I had not had any trouble until I worked for the FDIC in 1999 and 2000 and reported criminal misconduct, including covered up murders. The controllers of the regime in power, where ever they slither, should have their throats slit just like the war criminals of Nuremberg, and if they can not be killed we are better off dead, so welcome those nuclear and biological devices when the veneer is stripped from the false face of that ruling sect and their war criminal police state.

I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner, American Holocaust Number X 017 911 84 have considered making a move to re-enter my native government in Mobile Alabama, if I have not left the USA for a safer place where I can work with others in a manner to stop our enemies from consuming the globe. I may just organize a more militiant group to confront our enemies in power and their supporters in this wrectched nation of hatred and abuse. My enemies have barracaded me out of my native city's government. If I am stopped, I hope somone will bring justice against our natural enemies in these damned United States. Support all nations who are fighting that war criminal sect and demand our naive American brothers be brought home and to stop killing on behalf of the enemies to mankind. Those ruling the USA are our enemies. They have drawn first 2000 blood. They make their money in war against us Americans, and our brothers overseas. Let us applaud the regimes controllers deaths in the rising dawn of mankind..

It does not matter if we die in a fight with them, with it, because God will see our good deeds when the enemies to mankind are culled from our ranks and flushed into the worm beds of soil. But do not waste your life in unorchestrated fights. WE need a symphony to cut the rug and lay their asses in underneath. They deserve shallow graves so their faces can be seen and recognized when we spit on them in passing and our wolf hounds mark their faces with their urine. Bury them head above ground is my wish, as I want to see them when I pass by so I can recognize them or IT. Applaud the deaths of the closed governments of the United States.

It appears that mankind is breaking off into packs again, preparing for war. Chose your side in the future. I urge you to beware of the sect ruling the USA as they are a war criminal sect unto themselves. They are committing war crimes and portending to be kind and benevolent on the mass media they control. Adolf Hitler did the same things. Because I was injected and forced to sign documents in 2001 after FDIC employment and because I am barred federal employment, I will offer my services to any nation that is considered the enemy to the ruling regime in the USA, including North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the common Americans who are being robbed, killed, tortured, and imprisoned by that shit in power over these damned United States of America. We are not united. WE hate them or IT as it hates us. Do not let emotions control you in this war. This is a technological war. Do not always believe your eyes. The true controllers are fat and happy in the resort areas. We should help to take their wealth and their health just as they have taken ours. Never believe their mass media. Applaud when they are killed and their buildings are toppled.

Due to some unexplained and unnecessary medical procedures I endured while in the U.S. Navy, and due to an explained scar in my mouth that reaches from the gum line to the top of my mouth, I can not help but to suspect if an internal war is waging in the USA and I may have been used in some way. They can use us against each other in this manner also. I may have been knocked unconscious while working for the FDIC and while visiting the top FDIC San Francisco offices in 1999 and 2000. A top FDIC director had been murdered there and labeled a suicide in the early 1990's and a syndicate replaced the other regional director and much of the staff. The truth may have been revealed when I could still see but was knocked unconscious, if that indeed happened as I suspect it did. Or perhaps there are competing factions. That would explain the attacks in 2001. The mass media lies about everything. I feel those who supported me have lost. I applaud the destruction of the current ruling regime and their dictatorship internationally and especially in the USA. WE do not need each other. Let us take our time in this growing technological and holy war. The enemy is full of tricks and deceit. Have a cyanide capsule of some sort ready for all of mankind if we should lose against them. Let them eat each other in the end if we can not be free from them, from IT, our most hated enemies and their followers. Right before I was placed in forced exile in 2003, someone broke a window in my vehicle. Now, I have people throwing stones at my vehicle again while I am parked at my home in Pensacola Florida. My house is for sale, but it will not sale due to the robbing of the American worker by high level financial war criminals and their groups in the regime. I would like for the regime to pay for the attacks on my vehicle. I was attacked in 2001 in a setup that was intened to kill me and I suspect FDIC and NTEU and federal crime syndicate involvment. In 2003 the window was broken out in my vehicle and one of the syndicate types from FDIC San Francisco was standing there briefly when I discovered it. In 2004 I was run off the highway in Missouri while traveling to visit my dieing mother. I was living in exile and was partially blinded by poisions that year. In 2006 I was attacked in Canada repeatedly after crossing the Vancouver B.C. checkpoint. I was even shot at in Canada while changing a flat. Now, the last stone in 2009 was by a punk kid, probably one of their adolescents who was a brain damaged infant from the hospitals we can no longer trust. I am for hire. I have many talents. I may be bugged in a way by the regime in power. The coupling of bioengineered devices with the nervouse system, including genetic engineered changes can be done by them, the enemy against us. I have unexplained scars and have been forced medical procedures by my enemies in this most hated nation known as the USA. There are many good people here, and then there are some who are like feral dogs, and it is time they be dealt with humanely, and just as feral dogs, you have my permission to rid us of them however you see fit.

It has been brought to my attention that some FDIC lawyers are "flipping land receiverships." I met one FDIC attorney in D.C. once and he was snide and wondered why I was talking to him. They are the affluent war criminal. Hard may they fall. Never expect anything from the war criminal sect except warfare. Find a winning party with a winning technology and wipe the floors of justice with their blood, that is my sentiment. "They drew first blood", and that is a quote from a LA VA Hospital official who does not approve of veterans being tortured on this nations soil. He saw me being moved around in chains in early 2001. This 4th of July, give them something to stand in awe of. They are the enemy. We will never have anything with that sort of leadership. Let it fall. Help it fall, and keep it down when they do fall.

Daily Foreword June 25, 2009: Today's post is a comment I put on a video at the saintrambone channel regarding how I find it to be somewhat questionable ethically to work for the IRS as an auditor to collect taxes when I know from my prior FDIC bank examiner experience that the USA government's banking regulatory system is rife with corruption, including sanctioned murders of top banking regulatory and prosecutory officials. The attacks on myself and my reputation after FDIC federal bank examiner employment have me hoping for a job in a new nation far from the ruling faction in the war criminal and prison state controlled by those who control the United States. Would you work for the IRS to collect taxes when you know the federal banking regulatory system is basically robbed? I give the green light on the ruling war criminal faction in the regime, just as they gave the green light on me, starting in 2000 at the FDIC San Francisco via Washington D.C. and their war criminal cohorts internationally.

In the video I mention Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and that I want to go there to work. I know many people are dieing and starving and being tortured in this world. Many of us will welcome the end of human existence and hope our final suffering is quicker than that which preceded it under the ruling war criminal facion in control internationally and in the USA. The next time they start to jab an innocent and compliant person with a needle, I hope those who gave the OK on the injections are be-headed on the spot. Never trust the regime in power. They are not what they seem, and if their followers are human, they are more akin to the barbaric animals from which they came than the humans they torture.

In the video above, I made a comment about the Video I had watched prior to my own. The U.A.E. Royal family was filmed according to the proganda film, and they were all 2000 egedly torturing someone. I do not believe it. To begin with, the USA mass media is a voice for a small sect of war criminals in power. Secondly people with money usually hire others to do the torturing, much like the USA government war criminal factions hire local authorities to attack and harass us, the common human in the hated United States of America. After all, they have the National Treasury Employees Union police force federal authorities to trace us as if we are terrorist. Let freedom ring, take their heads and bring me the ring. I just want to see it.

Daily Foreword June 24, 2009:  The problem with those who control the United States, ever since I was a child in the 1960's, the United States has a ruling faction with ties overseas that wage war for profit.  We should never serve or work for any such entity.  When I was in the Navy, we were at peace time but before I enlisted,  I should have reflected back to the 1960's and remembered the detestable stench from the lies of the Vietnam war.   

Someone once told me when I was young that the United States government or those controlling the government wage wars for profit.  He then told me that war was and is waged against me. 

The nature of the rhesus, the bonobo, and the gorilla constitute the behavior of many men.  Why shouldn't it, we are all related to them in blood type rhesus factor, blood type A, and blood type B.  My question is that when the government was pulling unnecessary teeth and putting in huge metal appliances when I was in the Navy, was I supposed to whistle a Sweet Carol like a Mass'a Shee-it in the F-DIC? And if so, which F-DIC? It is a bank examiner paradox. I need payment because my teeth were too hard to swallow. I lost two.


Daily Foreword June 23, 2009: In consideration of the abuses and degradations I and others have suffered in the USA under the ruling regime and their supportive war criminal factions, I applaud anyone who can overthrow the war criminals and remove their controllers from the government steps.

If we can not remove them, let us usher in the end of mankind and the beginning of the final war. Never trust the USA government or their allies. Never bend down to their war criminal factions. Protect your young from all contact with the regime and their drugs. They will make us their lower caste for eternity. Let us make this thing come to an end. Support the overthrow of tyranny around the globe. Support those who attack those in government who have attacked us. Overthrow the IT or give us all our deaths. That is my prayer, my wish, sincerely Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surving FDIC bank examiner, American Holocaust Number X 017 911 84

I urge all young men to avoid military service and contact with the government. The regime is our enemy. They have us attack our brothers overseas and their prisons are full of our people and they inject and torture us and their courts are controlled by nothing more than a crime syndicate fit for the kill. Applaud those who can kill the controllers of the terrorists in power over the United States, a nation of filth despair and injustice and the American Holocaust. Those in power are not us. We will never get free from them if we do not remove their international power structure and their government and media.

Daily Foreword June 22, 2009: Today is the day of Catch 22. The USA government's ruling war criminal faction and their media, all controlled by the international war criminal sect, has made the entire Earth's nations who oppose them to look like war criminals, when they themselves are war criminals within their ranks in many cases. I was made to look like a criminal, and I am just a federal bank examiner who survived the crime syndicates. We are overwhelmed. Today's comment is a video in response to a propaganda video put out by the ruling regime in the USA against the United Arab Emirates royal family. I hope to go to Abu Dhabi to seek political asylum and find work. If not there, then somewhere, or I hope I am killed before I get ill and old as the only health care I have is at the Veterans Administration, a federal agency that allows forced injections and forced experiments and whose documents are written to support the war criminal factions in power, as I am one of their victims from 2001. Their documents claim I am delusional about the attack that was on my life and my claims that a Sheriff was a food funds thief. The Sheriff, Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, was forced to resign four years later. I claim the federal government deserves to have the ruling faction removed and a more humane and just government put in place. If not, let us welcome the quick cessation of life and global death, as they and their supporters are like a ravenous horde of locusts who have fed upon our lives so much that we do not even have control of our own bodies. If they inject an innocent man, then they all deserve to die for they have trespassed in the worst possible manner. Let us all die if we can not get free, I pray.

Daily Foreword June 21, 2009: The faction that rules the USA has silenced our people in government and media. They push us from the front of the cameras in government meetings and the mass media does not cover the abuses against us. They instead focus overseas on disturbances there so the warmongering profiteers who control us do not have to deal with us here in the USA and they can concentrate on killing and subduing more of us overseas and in the USA.

The war is waging now in the USA and has been waging for my entire life since the 1960's. It is increasing in ferocity and indifference. Let us hope the international war criminal horde controlling the USA and other nations is destroyed, or that we are all killed. As they are injecting and torturing and murdering and robbing us and they are likely doing medical and psychological procedures and experiments that we do not know about.

If you are young, and if you are not brain damaged by chemicals injected into when you were a baby, maybe you can study something that offers work overseas. But do not expect the IT not to exist overseas. The IT is that thing, or those people, who control the warmongering horde in power in the USA and internationally.

Let us welcome our own camera crews to view the atrocities here in the USA. The mass media is not our ally any more than the enemy regime in power. Support our people who are beaten down in Iraq and Afghanistan and the USA and elsewhere. Let us stick together as we are the human race. WE are the lower caste. Let us welcome the removal or the death of the war criminal faction.

The USA government allows and encourages forced injections on the innocent and compliant. If they try to inject you forcibly, run for your life. If you see a toxic spill, do not go to a hospital, just treat it yourself. I reported a toxic spill in New Mexico and a burn on my neck at Flagstaff Medical Center. I was held down, forcibly injected, and held captive for three days. If necessary, kill those who will inject you with their poisons. Never serve them. Never trust their lies. Prepare for global war against them, the IT. Welcome the Global Holy War to have variation and form and force beyond where our brothers lay dead in the streets under the weapons controlled by the IT. If the USA's ruling faction forces us to go to war with Iran, I encourage young people to seek alternatives to making a living. The Iranians of the lower caste do not need for us to attack them.

The idea of positive capitalism no longer exists in the USA. Let us recognize that fact, plan ac 2000 cordingly, and see those who attack the regime as possibly being deceived. This is a technological war and we are losing. They are stealing trillions from the working caste. Let us hope the regime in power in the USA is destroyed. They attack us, they deserve death internationally. Do not ever trust the USA governments or their allied governments and war criminal factions.

Daily Foreword June 17, 2009:  Today, I would like to give greetings to those of my readers who are American Holocaust victims and who do not condemn me or any other innocent individual in the USA or any other nation controlled by the ruling international dictatorship of warmongering war criminals for our non-criminal acts.

I would like to clarify something.  When I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner was in jail in early 2001 in Los Angeles for being in fear of murderous federal crime syndicates and after fleeing Alabama and the then Sheriff Jack Tillman and his protectorate of federal and local war criminals, I was hit by a man when I had done no wrong.  His anger was misdirected and he hated all men who he thought had it better than he did.  What happened was that I was the last inmate to get my food.  As I sat at the table trying to eat quickly, the guard told the inmates to empty their plates and go back to their cells.  I had not finished and told the inmate who was cleaning my table to just give me one second.  He did not and hit me in the face knocking out one of my teeth. 

I did not hit the old inmate back and could have killed him with my bare hands, as he was old and not very strong.  It did not matter what race he was in that attack, so do not confuse skin tone as the issue.  I took that anger, that knowledge out of the jail and agreed with God that I would take revenge for my being hit and for the dead FDIC regional director who was murdered and labeled suicide, not by hitting another inmate, but going after my enemies inside the USA government, that war criminal and fascist horde that has surfaced like the enemies to mankind always have surfaced.   I had initiated the awareness that Sheriff Jack Tillman was a thief who was starving long term inmates and he was eventually terminated, or forced to resign as the war criminal faction calls it.  He was what I fled from in Alabama, he and the federal crime syndicates that had me attacked in Lousiana after leaving California a few months earlier.  He was starving inmates and the federal dictatorship there, the enemy to open government, assisted him. My next hope is to not only remove those who injected me in the federal government, but those who pass those laws allowing that atrocity since 2001 in Arizona and New Mexico and Nevada. I also want the federal banking regulatory system re-evaluated, as it appears the crime syndicates internationale have achiever a firm grip. To sum up one scenario, the federal government loans trillions to other nations and then they invest paltry sums back into the USA in deals fashioned to make our war criminals wealthy, but at our expense. It is like a wheel with leverage and we are underneath. The only way to get out is to remove the wheel or those people harming us. The wheel of course is the banking regulatory and finance systems. Maybe it is time to see mankind as one kind, the lower caste. The others, well, who knows, as they are not humane therefore they are not human in our eyes, sadly.

I was later injected again forcibly in 2004.  I was going to report what appeared to be a toxic spill on the highway in New Mexico.  I went to Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona.  I was injected and knocked unconscious while I was already compliant.  The regime has allowed these war criminals among us to do as they please.

My career is over as an accountant now.  I see the regime has robbed the common of everything.  They do not even give us the right to our bodies to be free from harm, such as forced injections.  Many people agree with the regime but are they really people like me, like us, those who suffer?  Or are they so full of hate they want to kill and torture and rob all who they can reach?

I bought a home in Pensacola Florida.  I was conned.  I have repaired the home at a loss to myself and have it on the market.  I want to leave the United States and all of the regimes allies, and find a sanctuary where I can work with others and discover who is truly behind the madness that has gripped the USA.

Many do not understand why I am as I am.  If all Americans were injected forcibly and attacked and ignored by government when they called for help,  I believe many of us would welcome global war and our deaths and the complete destruction of the ruling war criminal horde in power internationally.   But I am one of the few who can talk about these things.  The others are dead or incapacitated in some fashion. 

I hope the man who hit me in jail learns that not all men of any color are good or bad.  We are all a mix, even in our own life times in many cases.  For instance, many young people have a terrible start in life and later become valued and good.  Many have a good start and become devalued and bad.   Sheriff Jack Tillman was in the latter group, as he started out good and turned out to be a common thief who would steal bread from a hungry man's mouth, and the sad part is that the ruling war criminal horde in power allowed that and they allowed him to take my gun permit, harass my wife at her work, and later persecute me when I fled Alabama.  Los Angeles turned out to be my Hell.

If my children are to suffer under this nightmare I have suffered, I pray for someone to release the final technologies or agents that will kill all of us.  I think we should honor those who attack and destroy those who take away our human rights.  Civil rights mean nothing.  Let us let go of their lie and hold on to the  truth, if we can not get free from the ruling international war criminal horde, we should welcome with happiness the end of human kind.

Never serve their military if you do not know that they do forced and unknown experiments on veterans and they did forced injections and forced medical procedures on me in early 2001 after I had worked at the FDIC and had reported money laundering and suspected a murder had occurred after I ran a test for murderers.  If those who cheer for me getting teeth knocked out, they should like around and dump a pile because that thing in 9-11-2001 that occurred may occur again and be amplified.  I must admit, I am not a violent man, but if someone was in those buildings on 9-11-2001 who had me forcibly injected or if they killed innocent bank examiner, then they deserved that death, and a rocket or a plane or a small nuclear device in those buildings was not enough punishment for them, as death is easy to swallow.  What is difficult is to be attacked and then forcibly injected by those who you trusted.  Never trust anyone in the government, that is my motto now. 

I want to leave Pensacola.  There is a truly anti-Semitic realm out there and I find it disgusting.  Many people of color hate because they have been hated.  I simply want out of the area and out of the USA.  I hope my grandchildren do not suffer as I have, and if they are to suffer as I have and as others have, then let us welcome those bright fighters wh 2000 o will bring mankind to the deathbed.  Never bend down to the enemy in power.  If they disrupt our food, we should disrupt.  Let us welcome global war if we can not be free from the tortures of the ruling international war criminal sect, including those who rob and torture us in the USA governments.

To be honest, I am an American Holocaust Victim. I often welcome my own death since being injected, tortured, and robbed of family and career. Let us see what lights on the deathbed of my funeral pyre. Drink up, it might be your last, and I hope that if you are innocent, your death is painless. Life is too painful under a war criminal. This is a technological war and many Americans do not care for each other. Prepare yourselves for global war, as it is a cut throat world with no alliances. Watch your back and cover your tracks if you are working in the governments banking regulatory industry. The cock roaches are moving up the ladder and have put up a glass window for the humane. Let us shatter that glass window. Let us shatter the indifference and ambivalence of the wealthier sector of the war criminal horde in power in the USA and the war criminal nations the ruling regime is allied with. The south eastern governments and D.C. have more sympathy for German companies and foreign nationals than they do us. We should move to close all German companies and stop funneling banking funds in corrupt moves so that those foreign companies can invest in the USA and rob us of our birthright. In other words, "Crush The War Criminal Factions of the International Regime In Power". The time has come for global war and for the little humane humans to realize their leaders are nothing more than a Trojan war horse for a technological horde of warlords and war criminals, who may not even be human as we are on this day, or who have become so sociopathic and powerful that they forgot the law of quicksand. No one, nothing survives, and if they do survive, let us hope they suffer the Hell they have created for us.

Daily Foreword June 15, 2009:  The federal government allowed me, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, to be abused on many occasions since FDIC federal bank examiner employment that ended in April of 2000.  I was attacked in February 2001 after running a test to see if murderers were present at my past employer and their local union the NTEU or their associates.  I had been wrongfully pushed out of the agency and the prior regional director was fatally shot in his head in his office in San Francisco with his own gun.  They said it was suicide, and after observing what I saw at FDIC bank examinations and bank charter issuances, I knew corruption was involved in the regional directors death, either through murder or suicide. I would wager it was murder due to the strict banking oversight the murdered man enforced and the lax oversight his replacement allowed. I researched the details and George Masa, regional director replacement, had an abysmal EEOC record from Chicago which indicates his controller was likely stacking employees to aid in collusion, which is rampant in the federal and local governments.

What was worse, the government did not respond to the attacks on my life after I contacted federal police in February of 2001.  I carried a gun after that, legally owned.  I tried to go to a Mobile Alabama City Council meeting to report a Sheriff Jack Tillman as being a food funds thief at the Mobile Alabama jail.  That date I went to report the thievery and starvation of inmates was on April 3, 2001 and Tillman met me at high noon and stopped my entry and demanded my gun permit.  I told him NO and he told me I would have to go with him.  I gave him the gun permit and I had no gun on me and he did not search me.  The federal government allowed Tillman to continue to steal for 5 more years until 2005 and the federal government used my legal gun ownership as a way to persecute me on April 23, 2001. To this day, the local war criminal regime in Mobile Alabama and their federal dictatorship forbid my entrance. They do not permit me into that sector of government so I welcome any political party who can remove they or IT and their blockades. They even went after my wife at her work to stop my legal entry as a reporter to observe. I want to observe the enemy regime and factions up close while I know what is going on, which is criminal misconduct in the fallen USA governments.

It is my belief that we are in a war on this planet. I was forcibly injected by federal agents on 4-23-2001 and jailed and ordered silent about the FDIC.  I have not had employment as an accountant since that time.   Investigative journalism and accounting and auditing do not mix in the real world.  You will soon discover the enemy or enemies to mankind and you will be overwhelmed.  The United States has been conned out of everything and much of the world is being robbed. Young men are better to try to go to the Mid East to get their own oil contracts than to follow the regime in power. Marcus Rich was friends with Saddam Hussein and bought a lot of oil after the embargo on Hussein and Iraq. Marcus Rich is now free in Switzerland and the federal reserve has loaned an estimated 1.4 trillion dollars since October of 2008 to foreign banks and such. Swiss Bank is one of the known benefactors of those loans. We can not get a loan to open a filling station.

Let us welcome the rise of socialized medicine and free education for all.   They are not allowing us to have anything anyway, not even human rights.  I have been damaged since that date on 4-23-2001.  I have been injected forcibly again.  The enemy to our people will always have a reason to shut us up.  I am trying to get a job with the IRS at this time.  I doubt it will happen.  I have suffered extreme prejudice after FDIC employment and the Veterans Administration has those who work against the veterans and not for them. 

My view on the world has changed.  It makes absolutely no sense to work for the USA military when young.  Why commit yourself to those who will betray you when the money is on the table and your life and your career are on the line later in life? I can see why Guisseppe Garibaldi would want to hang the emperors of his day, as they are very much the same today, except those of today stay hidden, like snakes in the grass or rockets in the stratosphere.

Daily Foreword June 13, 2009:  Today, I feel the bullet approaching, the big bang, maybe a temperature shift and the roll of a hurricane imminent,  or perhaps that single thud, that specific death that makes one feel of no consequence or feel no consequence.      

The Swine Flu epidemic has some running for cover, but the epidemic of forced injections on innocent and compliant people goes unrecognized.  If we are to be forcibly injected, beat from government, have our jobs stripped from us,  our basic human rights, and basic civil rights, and all material goods, and to basically have to engage in a lopsided battlefield on a daily basis to stay alive,  I can understand why some want to see a global pandemic of a rampant deadly virus to diminish or wipe out Earth's human population.

It would probably do no good because those or that in power have likely already gotten DNA samples from many of us and could re-establish slave colonies that had can be altered medical 2000 ly to be nothing more than thinking human machines, brutes on one level that may not even be aware of their subjugation.  I do not trust those who beat me from government, injected me, and had me attacked after FDIC bank examiner employment, and who kill and who have killed many when billions and trillions of the banking regulatory systems dollars are involved.  They or IT controls all or part of the government and trim the finances for their own benefit.  WE will likely be the subjugated caste and our grandchildren, many of them, will yearn for the end time and will welcome global pandemics of unstoppable force.  Except the younger children, who will see their parents and caretakers die with no one to sustain them.  The adults and those of knowledge will accept their end fate just as a tired being accepts a bed to rest. Let us hope they or IT in power that excludes and abuses us can never clone us elsewhere. They deserve their own kind, in their death beds, not us, not in test tubes nor otherwise in forced injections and other atrocities against HUMAN RIGHTS. Civil rights have been forgotten and likely never existed.

Daily Foreword June 11, 2009:  Sometimes I hear the sociopath that I consider the voice of IT, or rather a large percentage of the ruling regime, speaking among those people who surround me in my daily life.  One of their worst habits is to mock or ridicule those who suffer and another is to continue to punish those who have already suffered.  It is a sickness in mankind that is only quelled through warfare and death as was illustrated all through last century and into today, at least in the United States.  We are not united on that front..  We often despise each other as is evidenced by the government, federal and local, beating me down in my saintrambone videos when I was doing investigative journalistic work.  Nothing has changed since the 1960's .  They likely consider themselves as being separate or above those who suffer, those who harm us.  An officer was trying to break my neck when he had me down in 2004 in Mobile Alabama as is evidenced in my youtube videos.  I hope we can remove any government that blocks our entry into our own governance.  My family is here or I would have left the area as the ones who control the area government are not worth being among.

I have been offered one job since working as an FDIC bank examiner.  It was to work as a bank examiner for a man who likely had syndicated connections or perhaps he was not what he appears.  I told him NO, and thought I have already fought enough wars.  His partner had already shunned him in San Jose due to business practices.  I would hate to think I was wrong and underestimated the man's credibility or desire to hire me without having me killed.  I had already reported a bank charter issuance that was suspect to a man coming from Nevada to California to open a bank.   The man offering the job looked like his brother.  The Nevada man who was issued the bank charter had a demeanor that was obviously out there, "On the edge", but he squirmed in his chair and hid his face when talking with others bankers in the room on the other side of the table.  Considering a suspicious suicide of regional director at the FDIC San Francisco, who was strict as a banking regulator and had ethics, had preceded this man's arrival, I thought it was "Business As Usual".  The FDIC Regional Director who I worked for  who replaced him  was lax in banking regulatory oversight.

The day will come and we will regain our lives and achieve some level of dignity.   The regime and their followers, that part of the regime that injected me and basically tortured me, are like that man.  They hide and tell secrets to each other and lies to us.

Realize we may be in a full technological war as we speak.   Your guns are brutish and may not be able to reach the target no matter what the velocity and the rockets may be as useless as firecrackers in the farm fields.   

Yes, the sociopath at the forefront of the regime calls many insane or delusional.  What else can they do, throw nuts and scream patriotic Republican.  It is meaningless and soon their currency will be also as this thing, this illusion of a nation crumbles.   But things will stay the same until the critical point is reached, as more and more people are pushed from society.  Their government committed war crimes and only a few care.  Corruption spreads across the land.  Ignorance is fueled by lack of free education for the populace.  This is their design, them at top, us at the bottom.

If all wealth was wiped out tomorrow, the next day the same people would be wealthy and control everything who controlled everything today.   We often abandon our most prized possessions, our children, to chase their dream.  They want us that way.  Everything they can do to control us, they or IT will do.  They injected me forcibly me calling me insane.  I called them insane for attacking Iraq after 9-11.  I called them insane for attacking Egypt when I was just a boy in the 1960's.  I remember reading of nuclear fall out shelters.  I remember seeing a "so called" satellite explode over our home, but it was miles into the sky when doing so, not making sound, but just leaving colorful streaks.    I remember an insane leadership in a nation with a rope on its neck.  I sometimes wish it was over with for all of us who suffer.  I see the insanity of the USA and may abandon this nation and I hope I can bring some family out also. 

Their way is a closed door and sick way.  They can hide and squirm or bite their tongue, they can kick us and rob us, but some day, victory will be ours and somehow theirs deaths will carry less of a sting becaue they or IT has harmed us in ways they can not imagine.    

Daily Foreword 6-9-2009:  Today, the day of dozen fate, or frozen fate.  The alleged solar flares of the Sun subsided last year in 2008 therefore the forecast for hurricanes is reduced on that variable to a large percentage on that particular flow, but we are in the largest experiment in mankind, therefore let's speculate.

Considering the lies I have discovered and my speculations on the banking industry in particular, I know that their system, or its system will not last.  Much like Rome or Sparta or pre-communist era China or any where else on the planet, things are will change drastically in the United States or at least, here, since I do not know if I recognize the United States.  IT depends on if the United States recognizes me, as if it matters on that level.

Now I await the call, that peculiar or particular call, or the numbness of the death, the procrastination in a falling era, or is that a failing era.

The question of whether I should work for the IRS was put to my mind in front of the idealized version of Neturei Karta's best members opinions, as I see it.     I spoke to Beck.

He said, "Look, the IRS is under the same umbrella as the FDIC", "And the FDIC made you sick you cocksucker.&am 2000 p;quot;  

Yes, I do consider that a personal joke considering the holocaust I have endured.  Now let's speculate on those forced injections by the federal government and the nations hospitals of the United States.  Soon we will witness turnabouts in fair play and the deceptions and transgressions and realities of simple mathematics.

I know I have been likely played as I was before, as the letters from the IRS for  the international auditor job will not happen due to prejudices in the system that is corrupted and the lack of jobs.   Considering  I was forcibly injected on numerous times, I question those who injected me.

I want Flagstaff Medical Center in Flagstaff Arizona monitored intensely for corruption and crime syndication from Arizona to Nevada and the crime syndicates internationale that have murdered in my estimation at least the man I came to understand, Federal Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales. 

In the murder of the FDIC Regional Director in San Francisco during the S & L Crisis of the Bush Sr. Presidency era, I consider high technology and how it can be used under knowing or unknowing eyes.

The control of a group of people can be theoretically achieved, a group of objects, an entire planet.  However if one can gain control of ones mind or attention, i.e. the conscious eye, and at the same time divide that attention so that the minds eye splits with one over-riding the other in movement and work while the other eye calms the mind with visions of vacation.      Considering mankind is known for slavery or appears to be known for that, I can venture how that is done.  Then on the other hand, considering the financial peril and manipulations of the Florida Real Estate market, we are robbed and run harder to achieve even a break even effect.  The Veterans Administration should put true value holds on loans when they back those loans through a bank's appraiser, as in Florida the real value, i.e. what buyers will pay, versus the historical value, i.e. what it was worth and is now listed as, do not match. The VA should backing them in percentages in case of losses, as the United States is sinking horribly financially for us, and some would rather back out and take a small loss. But considering I was ejected and tortured, the price is always the same, as that is the way it is in this battle field known as the United States. 

I will not get a job in the USA unless I make one.  I have considered forming groups to disentangle the wire that is around the American people's throats, or perhaps that wire is the needles injected into the masses, or those intended for me.  I was told things would change for me at the half century mark.  Will it ever change for the better? 

I would recommend that if any syndicates are in the government or attached to them or attacking us, as they forcibly injected me in LA at the VA in 2001 and the Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004,  that they just kill all of us and take everything instead of enslaving and imprisoning us, often for non-offenses.  If not, I think we are all better off dead and await with the glee the final hour when all of us rise up at once or perhaps I am already gone, after all, I was attacked repeatedly and injected repeatedly after FDIC employment.  Murder is for hire just like mowing the lawn.  Mankind is a starving dog sometimes, devoid of humane conscience.  I often wonder mathematically if mankind when stressed explodes into self murder to rid the stress on the population.  A sort of suicidal mathematical probability.  That would be God's derivation, mine, or yours, or who knows what?

Daily Foreword June 5, 2009: Many times I lament my woes for myself, my family, and those humane humans who I know have been tortured and or killed wrongfully by people or things who are more like a pack of ravenous wolves. The true nature of our existence, my existence, is questionable.

I often question everything since being forcibly injected at a federal facility in Los Angeles in 2001. I was fleeing criminals from government in the South East and crime synicates that I had tested for murderers after reporting obvious money laundering and a covered up murder of a top regional FDIC director in San Francisco. Life to me is now questionable. I have been damaged or changed irrevocably, but it does not matter to most, as mankind is like road kill on the side of the road very often.

My career is likely over but the IRS said they put me in the line up for a job, a traveling international auditor job. I doubt the job will surface and I question whether I could sleep at night. I have survived, but I have been injured and changed. I would rather work in the banking industry. I am used to it now and expect death and criminals. If you know what to expect, you can deal with the outcome much better. That is one of the reasons I ran a test to see if murderers were at the FDIC or NTEU. I wanted to avenge the dead man labeled suicide. I could sense those who supported him and those who did not care while I was working at the FDIC. Something is strange about government in our era. The IRS is a new venue, as I know the FDIC and to some extent the Treasury.

I am not sure of my history, my true history, and you can not be sure of yours. For instance, my first memories were in Prichard Alabama in a hot row house. The dust allowed the light to be seen in a beam and I counted dead men in the dust while the roach egg on the floor ripened in the sun and burst forth with tiny roaches. My ankle has a scar like a chain on it since I can remember. One of my ears is scarred as if a rat was eating on it in my baby crib. The back of my head is flat as if I was neglected in my baby crib. Deceptions and wars and lags in technology being shown to the public leaves us in the dark, and now I question everything I have ever known and seen. Helen Keller probably wen through the same things. I suspect genetic engineering has produced a new breed of human or will. Likely very dangerous and likely sociopathic with immense IQ's. To quote the childrens book, "Now I lay me down to sleep."

Daily Foreword June 3, 2009:  Considering many of us innocent and humane humans are kicked to the lowest position in society by the war criminal horde in power and their wealthier followers, we should relish the day their enemies kick them to the ground just as they have kicked us to the ground.  Let us hope their enemies are more humane than they are because they are true sociopaths.   Instead of killing us, if they miss us in assassination attempts, they call us insane and inject us with chemicals and torture us. 

I await and applaud the deaths of the enemies to humane mankind, and I espcecially want to see those who injected me, tortured me, and tried to kill me after FDIC bank examiner employment destroyed.  I applaud the elders among us who will spare their lives before they die when they go after the  true cause of our suffering.  Beware of their government buildings as they are likely not what they seem and traps are set.  The true enemy controls from behind the curtain. Let us remove the curtain and if the sociopaths can not be stopped, let us assist those who will kill them forever more.

A horrifying thought is that we as children were lined up like cattle and injected with their toxins.  It is my belief that many of us have been marked sinc 2000 e birth.  Never trust a USA governsment official and any one associated with them.  Let us see the holy warriors who protect their lands as our brothers.  Let us bring our children away from that fight as the true enemy to mankind sits on the throne in the international crime syndicates, including the USA government and their war criminal supporters.   Let us welcome all of our deaths if we can not be free from them, from IT.

Daily Foreword June 1, 2009:  A very wise old woman once told me, as a sort of warning in how to deal with criminals and cut throats in government and industry, "Do not tell me any secrets and I will not tell you any lies."   She had survived the World War II era and brought back some knowledge for me to chew on.  She also said, 'This land is shit", and I am not sure if she was talking about the mud in her bayou garden or this nation with its leadership of those who are blind to atrocity and their associated war criminals. 

The reason I say this is because thinking back on the beginning of my American Holocaust in April of 2001, I had some computers with some things I had put on the World Wide Web.  None of the art or items were wrong or harmful in any way except to murderers and syndicates in the federal banking regulatory industry and the FDIC.   I was making comedy and discussing money laundering and murder sanctioned by the federal governments war criminal factions.  The government acted as if I had incriminating evidence on myself when they took my computers.  It was the federal police.   I had nothing on the computers to hide and it was on the web, just as it is today, just as the federal police and lower mobsters see today, "Mass'a Sueet N FDIC". 

The FBI and Secret Service and Homeland Security are poised like a war criminal fringe, waiting to pounce on the innocent who may disclose war criminals in the multi-trillion dollar banking regulatory industry, or other dangerous venues such as high technology of the cutting edge. I suspect a division between our kind and theirs. I am seeking my kind, the honest and open and humane, and I hope I do not have to become their kind, sociopathic and very dangerous. The federal government drew first blood on me with forced injections in April of 2001, after I had already been attacked and survived in February of 2001. Federal Banking Frauds Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales likely did not make it because he likely stuck his neck out for our side in facing the most dangerous war criminal fringe, those of Nevada's syndicated criminal internationale associates, including those overtaken factions of California. The truth is that if you enlist, you are volunteering to be all you can be, perhaps a bug in an experiment, or a bug on the wall in the FDIC high rise office. Due to war criminals injecting us against our will and often doing unknown medical procedures, I urge you to beware as the nature or intent of the forced and unknown medical procedures by the federal government on the West Coast will likely have a diabolical end for us all, our kind, the honest and humane and open.

I will take my job back when it is offered to me as a bank examiner or auditor.  I have applied for many jobs with the federal government since they defamed my character and tortured me with injections and forced medical procedures and threats of life imprisonment, with orders not to discuss the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and what I discovered there, murder and money laundering and financial crimes.  

If I can not get a job in the USA, I will gladly take one overseas.   Even North Korea's Arascom from Egypt.  I will put in a call on the company phone to "Mass'a Sueet", which is what I called the crime syndicates at the FDIC and their associated bank robbing and murderous felons in the SS,  "Genghis Khan will accept no letters other than big ones".   "Put the stolen money in package Sueet".   I am going to give it back to a Japanese nuclear bomb victim from WWII and ask for disbursement to the holocaust victims of that era and this era, all around the damned globe. WE are the lowest class. We are humane humans. We will over ride their corrupt legal systems and over come them, those war criminals who are the sociopaths in many factions of power and control.

Is it safe in North Korea to be free from those who force chemical injections on innocent and compliant people, and bank examiner informants?   I hope so.  I need a home, a refuge from the international war criminals in power in the USA . I was attacked and shot at in Canada also. I am not liked by the money laundering war criminal horde who control the USA border checkpoint computers. After all, the National Treasury Employees Union's Border Patrol and Customs Department under the NTEU controls that point along with their bosses of the international war criminal horde.

Daily Foreword May 28, 2009:  Many people do not understand the complexity and danger of working in high finance, whether as an attorney or an accountant or auditor and finance.   Trillions of dollars make things extremely dangerous for one simple reason -- Many people have monopoly of and access to extreme top technologies both for murder and simple manipulation of financial data. The only thing that I can equate to working in high finance if you are honest and open and can see anomalies in high finance through your intellect, intuition, and education. When I was working on oil rigs as a teenager I would wash dishes and throw food garbage over the side from the immense kitchen. The large fish would come from nowhere to eat the garbage masses and then disappear, not to be seen again. David Kellerman, CFO of Fannie Mac likely knows those fishes and it horrifies me that killers most likely came into his home and hung him on 4-22-2009. That is a 55% probability at the minimum in my estimation. The same goes for Federal Banking Frauds Prosecutor Thomas Crane Waless of Seattle murdered in 2001 shortly after 9-11-2001. The same goes for the FDIC regional director where I worked in San Francisco, as I saw his crime syndicates replacement. I want all to know that even though I worked for P.C when he was a bank examiner in charge during issuance of a suspect bank charter to a Nevada resident in California, and because I interviewed a suspect sweating bank president millionaire during his bank examiner in charge work at that Sacramento bank, I DO NOT suspect the P.C. bank examiner in charge I met to have been involved in any wrongdoing. The keys are at the top of the whole banking system, period. The regional management in San Francisco was callous and some were obvious syndicates sanctioned from Washington D.C.'s FDIC. One very large and mean woman who was my evaluator for my employment scores wanted me to come to her hotel room in Honolulu at a bank examination. I declined, not because I did not want to ride the whale, but because I have fear of being injected or manipulated in a fashion by someone who is established at the FDIC, where the blood spills onto the floor and the money runs out the door.

I like to speculate on high tech machines in the high finance subtle war arena, or not so subtle, in other words the Sicilian monkey way. Recently I considered such as machine in the imagination that could penetrate a bank's data systems and possibly vaults, a high powered light or x-ray of a sort broken into a spectrum with both collection and analysis of all data on all things in a se 2000 t and defined space.   In considering the tactics used against myself and others in the financial industry, I remember the fear I felt after being attacked after reporting money laundering and murderers at the FDIC and after being injected by federal agents in Los Angeles at the LA VA Westwood federal properties on 4-23-2001. 

They control through fear and terror against the innocent.  The nation is divided on many fronts, with legal traps set up for those who dare to venture across state lines.  The best example is Los Angeles.  If you have a gun, do not bring it into the city, even if fleeing assassins from the federal governments multi billion dollar crime syndicates.   Their bails are 250 thousand per gun in 2001, and likely are 500 thousand per gun in 2009.    Many states allow forced injections of the innocent since 2001, such as Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and in Los Angeles the Federal government behaves as a war criminal in a war against us and our rights.  I served the Navy there.  I was set up with the lies, and now I am aged.  I hope to someday draw up a manifesto, a guide, for my grandchildren to use in navigating away from the danger of the society we live in and the sociopaths who control many parts of it.

The lies are in the USA constitution and Bill of Rights as they are not upheld by the ruling factions for us, the common worker, the common American, the commoner internationally.    I am paid to sit at home since 2001.  I would rather work back in the federal banking regulatory industry so I can be part of that which oversees our finances.  I am forbidden, I was f-cked over by the federal government after F-DIC employment.  They pay me a paltry sum for a survivor of their American Holocaust and I would rather just work as an auditor again, as they need my assistance as much as I need work.  The internal federal crime syndicates are stealing from the American worker. 

F-DIC    Sueet, Mass-a Sueet, I want to sing you a Sacrificial Melody.  Have you heard a Sacrificial Melody sing?  That is what has happened to many of us, thrown out and sacrificed.  Perhaps a Sacrificial melody about the upcoming melee of disaster and revelation?  I will tune my guitar, hook up my keyboard, bring my washboard, and practicing waxing your ax across the ivories.

Daily Foreword May 27, 2009:  The recent revelation by Senator "Barney" Frank of Massachusetts to Bovenzi of the FDIC and Kohn of the Federal Reserve that 1.2 trillion dollars had been lent to foreign nations, "Swiss?", bank accounts since September of 2008, increasing from 800 Billion to 2 trillion in less than six months, with some estimates at 2.2 trillion, and Barney showed three fingers in the discussion to Bovenzi of the dirty F-DIC.   On another front Freddie Mac CFO commits suicide.  Another suspicious death.   I would like to second that emotion about the 2.2 trillion loaned, as it is likely 3 trillion taken.  But the rip off may be far deeper than that in a total penetration, just as death allows bacteria to invade a body, or an overtaken army is over ran by another.  

The fear I have for men like to Barney is that he may be naive or I may be deceived.  If he is indeed against money launderers and murderers and trillionaire governmental monies thieves, then his time is well spent.  I missed my opportunity by allowing the FDIC under George Masa at San Francisco to allow me to be terminated over a dead man's body, meaning the prior regional director, who was in my tests and estimation a murder victim, and I would wager that at 95% probability due to my observations at the FDIC management offices of Roseville and San Francisco and the banks in Roseville and Sacramento. 

The banks and office of the FDIC Roseville had a bizarre switch-a-roo Mr. Magoo tactic that reminded me of my French and Italian neighbors in New Orleans when I was an abandoned child watching their antics in the underground businesses.    The most bizarre thing about the tactics most reminds me of one major problem.  The government injects us, as I was forcibly injected, therefore they have penetrated the holy sanctum.  There will be no better retribution to take them or IT simultaneously to the underground of their choosing for observation or to find their controllers so we may do so.  God will over see us on this.    What comes around, goes around.

The only problem is, once they inject you, you are never your own again.  I would welcome death just as life as one begets the others simultaneously.

I would like to thank Yolanda Michaels-Gibson of Washington D.C. for her hours of work and emails to myself and others.  I once feared the USA governments.   She is married to a minister in D.C. and she said to fear nothing other than God.   She should contact the Mobile Alabama City Council with a mass media crew, but that will never happen, as they have defamed me just as they have many others.    The federal government or their appearance therein injected me, and some assassins tried to kill me in a road accident prior to that.  The federal police ignored my calls for help when I had been attacked in February 2001 by FDIC murderers associates.  I took a guilty plea for a $1 million dollar bail for legal gun ownership in Los Angeles when fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, foods thief who took my gun permit,  and the federal government in Mobile Alabama, those associated with murderers at the FDIC and Washington D.C. and the war criminal factions associated with payouts from Europe and Japan.   They prosecute for guns in LA and I have seen others prosecuted for cannabis on the North Gulf Coast of the United States.  Theirs is a type of warfare on our rights with no continuum in their laws and no truths in their statements.  It is as if being in warfare with a pig, but they are likely just sociopathic or I hate to say it, but animals of a lower order, a cannibal or sorts, like a reptile with no empathy for anything really. 

We will and should protect our own as there is no negotiation with their or IT's sort.   I would like to thank the Neturei Karta, a hated Orthodox Jewish group, for showing me their friends among the world.  I recognize them gladly.  I saw them stand next to an Iranian one time and smile.  It was odd, mathematically.    Theirs is one of non violence.  I am that one that had his blood drawn first in this fight, when the government or their take-over specialists injected me in April of 2001 at the LA VA Westwood and while in forced exile and transit at Flagstaff Medical Center under a hated Title 36 "Crazy Clause" allowing any one in government to have an informant injected.   Remember that one.  I want my death or I want my job, and you son of bitches who murder at the FDIC, I want you off of my plate.   I have to eat.

Daily Foreword May 27, 2009:  Something is terribly wrong in our world and I am not sure what because of the lies we are told by the governments, the media, and the people.   I sus 2000 pect genetics engineering has given some people on Earth advantages but it will be to their disadvantage and likely the deaths and or enslavement of the naturally genetically endowed human.  It is obvious that the leaders of the planet are sociopaths.   

The winner of their wars will be a true demon, a derivative and enhancement of the worst human traits.   Because the mind can have extreme intelligence for technological material and at the same time have basically a retarded human conscience.  The brain is divided into specializational areas.  The right frontal lobe of the brain houses the area for humane conscience or empathy as it is known.  The leaders of today's world are like reptiles, devoid of human conscience.

Never the trust the falling USA governments or those nations controlled by the controllers of the USA.  Never trust their followers, and instead of killing them, just treat them as followers of retarded sociopaths with technological weaponries.

I will likely have to let my home go into foreclosure.  The sociopaths have ruined my attempts to get gainful employment in the USA.    Perhaps I will be able to join or form God's army and deal with the sociopathic leaders of the world, if we can find them and sequester or kill them or IT.   The governments treat us as their enemies and their followers are just as bad.  Let us applaud their removal however it has to be done.

I was made sick by federal officials injecting me and having me attacked on the highways after FDIC employment and reporting money laundering and murder. The government takes every opportunity they can to put us in a lower caste. I look forward to dieing in a war killing my enemies in power around the globe, and if we can not get free, let us usher in global war and the end of mankind. I hope North Korea slits any Americans or international war criminals throats who try to take away their protections. They took away mine, but they are still fearful. Let them tremble in their own dieing blood when they awaken their own conscience, if it exists.

Daily Foreword May 23, 2009: Updated version of Youtube saintrambone, former FDIC bank examiner and informant on internal FDIC crimes, video commenting on 1.2 trillion dollar loan rip off scheme executed by war criminals inside the FDIC and Federal Reserve, with an interpretation of rip off orchestrated by international corporations using money loaned to them by American banks. I also discover that the government has sociopathic leaders, but all things considered, they can not be allowed to straddle us in any fashion. I urge you to protect your young and your families and encourage separation from the ruling regime in the USA, just as the honorable Neturei Karta have peacefully achieved. Some may take a more pro-active approach to removing the sociopaths from our list both known and unkown of hated and feared and ignorant leaders who are in fact subjugators in a fashion that resembles an animal that wants to reign over others in the barn yard. My American Holocaust began at the FDIC, unless I had been used in a medical experiment prior, perhaps since birth, we never know. Do not trust the government with all of your children. Protect one and leave it in God's hands, not theirs.

  Today I awakened a new man, realizing that all ties to the USA government and their controllers has ended for me, and just as they attacked me, I want to see them or IT attacked, in particular their controllers who inject us, rob us, torture us, and kill us.  They are no different than the alleged Nazis of historical record.   And to see them attacked in their buildings and their vehicles and their war machines brings me great joy, as I see those who attacked me being killed.

We should view the regime as the enemies to humane mankind.  They are a horde to themselves, a self righteous horde of war criminals who deserve death forever more.  They are wealthy while we are deprived or starved.  We are expected to sell our lives to them for benefits and then if we do we are tricked and have less than if we would have just left they and their war criminal horde against God and Mankind alone.  My benefit will be to die in a global holy war against our enemies in power in the USA and elsewhere.  Their followers are war criminals of a lesser variety, a sort of brainwashed auto matron.

Let us see the toppling of their buildings as on 9-11-2001 to be a step in the right direction, as when their wealthy buildings fall, they too fall.  But let us mourn those of us who are slaves caught in their trap who do not agree with the war criminal acts of the regime in power.  In the coming global holy war we will have casualties.  We need technological weaponries to behead our enemies inside their technological warlord traps.

Support the honorable people of Afghanistan in removing the war criminals armies from their lands.   First the Afghanistan people were attacked by Russia and then the USA and UK.  Their oil is worth more than their blood to our enemies in power in the USA.

The governmental war criminal regime is stealing everything including money and rights.  They recently allegedly loaned 1.2 trillion dollars to international banks.  We can not get loans to save our homes. 

The regime has silenced us on mass media and are increasingly doing so on the internet. Here is a video that was edited out of youtube by federal censors and re-posted by like minds on another website that is against Nuremberg Code Violators.

Daily Foreword May 19, 2009: It appears the complete fleecing of the USA down to the muscle of the working class, payment in flesh, has begun anew, and the cycle that follows will begin anew also. A Mr. Bovenzi of the FDIC was terminated April 22, 2009, the same day that David Kellerman, CFO of Freddie Mac allegedly committed suicide. 2.2 Trillion has been loaned out from the Treasury and the lieing face appears saying that we have never lost a penny due to these loans. It is an old accounting trick and the US dollar slips ever closer to the Mexican Peso in hours worked for hours paid. I will take my job back in the Treasury of FDIC and considered I have seen where innocent men have been killed, I see no problem with retaliatory maneuvers to find the hidden murder keys, meaning the one who pushes the button for murder in the beginning and the end. Here is my video for today regarding FDIC's Bovenzi and the 2.2 Trillion put out by the federal government to international banks. Video is on Youtube saintrambone. I need a 5 million small business loan. Bovenzi looks like Mussolini...hmmmm....and who else is hiding behind the FDIC and Treasury BOD (Board of Directors) Feel free to contact me at or

Daily Foreword May 13, 2009:  Recently I applied for a job with the IRS as an international auditor in San Francisco and used all connections I have as a veteran to get the job.  I know that I will not get it.  I am a disabled veteran who stood up to the crime syndicates in the USA's banking regulatory a 2000 gencies, in particular the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and found out  that the international crime syndicates and those they control in government will not only try to kill you, but they will torture you and exclude you from all jobs.  My next job may be for the army of God to vanquish our enemies around the globe and into space on behalf of those benevolent in mankind. 

I will leave the USA and find work elsewhere.  I hope someday we can kill  the international war criminals who have taken over the USA and who allow War Criminal atrocities against us. 

We are likely in a technological war.  Protect your children from the regime and their alliances in all aspects including mass media and their medical care and their schools and their government buildings.  View them as the enemy and keep your distance, as that is the way of wise men and wise families.  Let us hope for the end of our species if the war criminal regime continues to devour the Earth and our fellow humane humans.  Never trust them, never serve them, and do not pity their fall, as they have betrayed us since the day of our births.   We are better off dead than to be subjected to the tortures and abuses of the enemy in power and their wealthy followers. We are better off dead than as abused subjects to the crown of shit in the USA and much of the world

Daily Foreword May 9, 2009:  Recently I received a call about an IRS International Auditor position.  I would rather work in the banking system as an accountant and auditor in the Treasury for two reasons, but I will start back at the IRS if conditions are right, as it is a way to prove myself to those who do not know my skills and talents.  First, like a man who bails water to pay his taxes, if there are holes in the bucket for the tax collector with pipes running out for criminals who have a monopoly on water, what good have I done bringing he and his criminals water when the working man has so little water to spare?

However, if my job is to make sure there are no pipes running from the bucket into the criminals pockets, then less water will have to be taken from the water starved populace, then my specialized skills will reap an enormous bounty, sort of like Jesus with the fishes, but it will be Kurt with a Truk full of money saved for you to pay your light bill and flush your toilet so you can work again tomorrow, and whistle while you work.

I want to Whistle A Sweet Carol.  When  I was in forced probation and exile for being an open and honest bank examiner for the FDIC, and during the last two years of the exile when I was in Eureka California in 2003 and 2004, I used to sing a song with the Yurok Indian elder at the reservation at Big Lagoon many called Uncle Tom and some called Grandfather.  I would say, Grandfather, sing me Sweet Carol Lodi, and he would hum another tune while I sang Sweet Carol Lodi.  He asked me one time, "My almost white grandson, why did you come to the reservation?"  "I told him, I was attacked and almost killed and forced into exile for being an open and honest federal bank examiner, and the federal government's crime syndicates had the California government put me in Los Angeles for my time in exile. I told them I wanted to go to where I could feel safe, among the Indians of Northern California".  Grandfather said, "You are a wise man grandson and pointed to the door and his hand showed the government leprosy sign, the one I used in the video, Stone Cold In My Electric Chair, alleged to be played by many bands who know of Mobile Audit Club.  There behind the door, outside was the spirit of the bear that got away, and a fence was there that was knocked over where the bear had fled years earlier. He loved that story and I loved to hear him tell it. Grandfather was the last great bear hunter of the Yurok tribe and I was the last great criminal investigator of internal crimes at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), a federal agency.

Beyond the door is where we had spoken of visions and seeing Sheriff Jack Snatch The Fairy Possum Till Man of Mob AL with his ass on fire as we prepared the barbeque. We played a game, a game as if I cared about Snatch The Fairy Possum. I begged for 10 cents worth of mercy for the possum and did not care as he had stolen our food and we had decided to ask the spirit God's to make him suitable for our lunch. The possum was funniest when the peace pipe was put up his ass by the bi-sexual squaw and set it on fire, drawing shotguns or puffs of smoke from his rectum and into the smoke tent. We sang the song, Snatch The Fairy Possum in the usual fashion, with his Yurok language spirit rendition and me with mine. Grandfather would say, "This grandson of mine painted the Queerest of the Queer on Snatch The Fairy Possum. This is a very momentous occassion." Grandfather was pleased that I used henna to paint the possum, like the Indian women used in India.

Finally I said, "Grandfather, life is a lie.  No matter how many times I get shot, no matter how many times I die, I keep coming back, I can not die, and life is Hell if it is not a lie."    Grandfather said, "you must look at life as the Queerest of The Queer, you know you are f-cked your whole life.   You can not just lay down and die, you must live even though  you are f-cked and hope to fight again so you can be on top next time, or bottom, depending on your preference. 

To be IRS or not to be any thing with government agency initials, that is the question.  The bucket's pipes lead somewhere distant from its intended source and our economy bleeds and our children are going to hungry, just as the children of many slums around the Earth.  I want to work back at the bloody F-DIC in San Francisco or better yet, the Treasury, as I have not been forbidden employment there, unless through Sicilian necktie fashion or in a similar manner.    I will also work for the Treasury because the government banking crime syndicates hate me so damned much.  If we can not have our banking system, we should just throw it in  the TRUnK, and I am thinking of leaving the USA to find work because the regime has crushed my hopes of work here, at least in traditional values. Never trust them, the international regime in control of the USA and their followers, as the international warlord regime in power is the the "It", they lie, they cheat, they steal, they inject us with chemicals forcibly and do forced medical procedures. They also kill, and someday, they will sleep with their victims.

Daily Foreword May 7, 2009: Today's post is on Quatrains 8

Daily Foreword: May 5, 2009   It appears another piece of the puzzle is coming together in the federal crime syndicates grasp on their profit reaping in the falling economy as they grab hold of another control point to aid in their collusion an 2000 d overtaking all that is worth money, including us.    In this instance, Chief Financial Officer for Freddie Mac, David Kellerman, allegedly killed himself in April of 2009 after taking over the CFO position at Fannie Mac in September of 2008.     Huge financial subsidies are likely being siphoned off.  We should watch out for the same thing at FDIC with financial arrangements to profit a very few at the expense of very many.   A regional FDIC director had allegedly committed suicide and I saw what was basically mob style antics, aggressions, and anger at the federal banking regulatory agency, the FDIC.   Ethics are gone and the government behaves without ethics or morals, using trickery at every turn.  It is as if they are not us, they have no feeling.  When I see them, I see pigs running through the underbrush, destroying all that has been crafted and formed, and I await with a butchers gown, awaiting the taste of hair and fat roasted over a flame.  I put myself up for hire in finding David Kellerman's killers.   They are somewhere among this list of government foreclosed property dealers or banking regulators.  I know the FDIC is dirty.  The FDIC has increased their asset portfolio and they have a Seedie house with smoke and mirrors inside the windows.  Money Money Money, Honey Blood.

Daily Foreword April 28, 2009: The regime, that IT, in power, is taking many of us under in the United States if not the entire Earth.  We should move to have the regime toppled for their war crimes against Americans and others.  We should never believe the mass media lies.  When we see a building toppled, we should ask ourselves, "Did someone just kill the subjugators and their liars or were we the average working class attacked?

When I was working at the San Francisco Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), a federal banking regulatory agency in San Francisco, it was common to see the regimes underlings push people out from employment, either dead or through force.  

The United States no longer exists for us in our generation, circa 1960 onward, if the United States as we knew it ever existed at all.  The federal government puts out propaganda that they care for us.  The truth is that they care for no one except themselves and their internal crime syndicates.

When the regime is toppled, it will be like the fall of Rome.  I no longer care and will kill any of their regime if they try to touch me or my loved ones with their needles or their prisons, and I hope we can come up with technological fortresses and an array of weaponries to kill ourselves and our enemies among us if they or IT tries to tamper with us.  Let us pray that if we are not at the end of time that we are all killed instead of being used and tortured by the Tyrannosaurus Rex of of era, the ruling regime in power and their or IT's followers.   I once trusted the VA, the last federal agency I would ever trust.  Now, that is over.  Let us welcome the end of our time and start the death dance if we can not be free from our subjugators in the USA and the rest of the Earth.

The best we can do I suppose is to do like the other groups who have broken away from government, cutting all ties with the government. Protect your young at all vantage points and exposures to the regime in their influences. Theirs is a tidal wave of despair and distraction and death for us, and freedom and wealth and safety for them. I am serious, if we can not be free from them and their methods, let us hope we have a martyr among us who can free us in any method possible, dead or alive. WE should applaud the fall of the closed door and abusive governments and their officials and technological controllers in the USA and beyond.

Daily Foreword April 24,2009: I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former federal FDIC bank examiner and USA federal holocaust number X 017 911 84 since 2001, was deeply moved to hear that 100 employees of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), a federal agency, subscribed to my videos at under saintrambone recently. I would like to say Hello to Willie, Sam, Curly and Soe, Sueet, among many others, some sweeter than others. Watch your back and cover your tracks if you are honest, as they are stacking employees and whacking heads. Things are not what they seem, Bay-Bee. I came across Braman in Oklahoma...that was a joke, a sort of post apocalyptic truth, when a meteorite exploded or some space or rocket debris near Blackwell Oklahoma as I drove in 2004 on my birthday. A girl, Kelly Powell, had predicted my death that year. She predicted her own in 1975. The damage was done to me by 2004. The injections and exile and torture. I am no longer the same. They owe me. Let us calculate.

I was ordered by corrupt federal government in Los Angeles per the state courts not to contact the FDIC after I had worked there and had tested to see if murderers were attached to their ranks. The prior FDIC regional San Francisco office director was shot in his head in his high rise San Francisco Financial District FDIC office with his own gun, allegedly his gun, suicide, allegedly suicide. I saw a mob of sorts there afterward and bank charters issued to anyone who could drop a dime. No one trusts anyone any longer. As one Secret Service agent told me after my ordeal was started, "The trust is gone". It was a murder. The money is too rich, too easy, in a technological or strongarm battlefield, i.e. closely matched battlefield, in the trenches or in the cities and government financial regulatory systems. Thomas Crane Wales, federal prosecutor was killed the year I was attacked the first time, 2001. There are many tricks to cause accidents to dismember and kill. I survived mine. The forced injections I received at the VA by the federal employee in 2001 should be compensated at 1 million per injection, and one million for the trip to the operating room to make me lay on the table. Three million plus... Also in 2004 I was injected at Flagstaff Medical Center forcibly, twice in the main emergency room area. Maybe another time in the hospital as I slept. I now want 7 million from them. A total of 7 million is due and payable. No excuses, only remedies and partial remedies with payment plans or options. They are a war criminal sect. They should pay for their war crimes. AS one VA officer told me as I was hauled off from the VA facility to the jail afte I had trusted them to give me shelter, "Every dog has his day". "Remember, they drew first blood". It's a God eat dog day today. Let us see the lies of those in power for the terrorist sect they are, the falling power.

Daily Foreword April 23,2009:  Today is the eighth year anniversary of being held down and forcibly injected by men who I once trusted, in particular, those in control of the Veterans Administration and the higher ranks of federal financial oversight.

Everything the regime preaches is a lie.  The right to bear arms is a lie.  The right to have a federal 2000 official reply to an email from a bank examiner in distress after being attacked is lie.  The lie is apparent in the robbery of the entire social system of all rights.

I ponder today upon modern warfare tools and techniques in a high finance environment. I remember the alleged suicide labeled murder in his office of a top FDIC executive and my role in the office afterward to find out the truth, much larger in its ugliness than I had first envisioned. The entire federal system is harnessed to corruption that benefits a few.  I know of another lie, a billion of them. 

I saw cop cars swarming enroute to West Pensacola yesterday and I wondered, did a building blow up at one of the swank resorts, and if so did they kill part of the lie, or part of the truth? 

In a society devoid of ethics and responsibility and subjugation by competing criminal forces, one can find a crevice to live or die.  I once saw myself American, now I see myself as one of the scattered remnants of mankind, amid a sea of men and women who are like insects at the control of government, devoid of feeling and full of indifference and predatory and subjugating, and await their fall en masse, and just as they stood by while I was injected and tortured, I will stand by when they are torn to pieces, and take cover in my crevice, to live or die.

Chaos can be ordered and worked upon to derive energy or benefit for set arrangements, for a set period.  I look at the dead among us and see the financial criminals in the drivers seat and the wars they wage and the lies they tell.  They do not believe in the words of God, so how can they or IT trust in God? The Neturei Karta believe in the words of the Talmud and Torah, yet they are feared by many. It all adds up.    The regime does not give the right to bear arms, they lead us to believe we have that right and then they leave us with criminal records. Their system is falling anyway, because the criminals are handing out to the innocent, criminal records.  They make us poor and subjugated.  WE await the war.  We await the fall of Them, of IT, and if not done correctly, all of US.  I want a job as a bank examiner, but I will have to assemble my people, our people, for removal from them or IT, the weaning off of all government involvement and soon the government teat which may be more involuntary and maybe sacrificial in the lie.

Daily Foreword April 21, 2009: Today, my comment is on another persons comment on Youtube regarding forced injections and Nuremberg code violations and the robbery of the American public through deception, such as when you are held down and forcibly injected after you have signed consent documents to have your insurance pay for other procedures.  Arizona's Flagstaff Medical Center did this to me in 2004 while I was in transit after being in forced exile for several years. I had been a bank examiner and FDIC crimes informant and had been injected and tortured in 2001, three years earlier, at a federal VA facility in Los Angeles.   Flagstaff Medical Center staff held me for four hours and then injected me as I begged and urged them not to inject me. I was compliant and calm before they came to me with their needles and strong arm assistants.  I signed the documents authorizing care for a burn on my neck, not their abusive forced injections and incarceration. They forced me to pay over $2,200 for the abuse.   Chapter 36 laws allowing forced injections on innocent and compliant men are written by the enemy to our people, and we should have them removed and their entire support system if necessary. In another instance, I found a man who was in San Francisco and who has knowledge of the FDIC and S and L crisis during the time of the murder labeled suicide of a man whose name I have yet to definitely obtain. I have written of the name I suspect was the murder victim labeled suicide. Another financial crisis that looms larger since that time and other manipulations.   We can not tolerate war crimes against our people. 

I want the Flagstaff Medical Center or the Federal Government with Arizona Governments assistance to pay me one million dollars for each injection, for a total of two million dollars or I want the Arizona government shut down all the way to Washington D.C.  If they do it again, I hope to have the assailants brought to a war criminals tribunal composed of their victims as jurors, myself included, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner turned government informant on money laundering and murder sanctioned by someone at the Washington D.C. Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The government is turned over on its F-DIC head. I, Mr. Brown, agree with Mr. Black, Law and Economics Professor something is not right, and I want payment for the injections, starting with Arizona and the federal government into Nevada. I want from Mr. Black, the exact name and approximate date of the murder labeled suicide at the FDIC in the early 1990's. I saw that which followed the dead regional director. I was there in 1999-2000 and observed them in early 2001 before being injected and tortured for reporting what I saw and had witnessed at FDIC employment and afterwards. Mr. Black, is innocent per my knowledge, he was just at the FDIC at that approximate time, and San Francisco, the whole bloody F-DIC. Mr. Brown will call Mr. Black for the name. 

Daily Foreword April 16, 2009:  Recently I discovered that the USA governments do not really have any concern for us and neither do their wealthier benefactors.  Many of us are cut out, separated, from any protection for our lives or our property.   Many Americans are indifferent about others and their belongings.  We live in a predatory nation, whose leaders are killers, cold blooded killers.  But they are not our leaders, they are in fact our subjugators.  Many young people are taught to go into the military for the benefits and money and experience.  I pity them, because they are in fact being swallowed by their worst enemies, and in time, if they should try to rise, they will find themselves pushed back down with hatred and avarice.  Even the VA healthcare is fraught with corruption and horrors.  They do forced injections and forced medical procedures and they are controlled by those greater war criminals at the top of government. 

I will have the last laugh or at least a partial one when I leave the United States.  The bank, Chase bank holds my home mortgage.  The loan is backed by a VA guarantee.  Chase bank would not hire me, a bank auditor, after FDIC employment and the American Holocaust number I carry, X 017 911 84 for legal gun ownership after surviving an attack by the war criminals associates through the FDIC and the federal government crime syndicates, including the NTEU. The VA allowed the federal employee to forcibly inject me. They also allowed me to buy a sub standard house and the name of the VA was on the plaintiff statement when I was under attack in 2001 in Los Angeles courts by the FDIC crime syndicates and the NTEU SS (secret service).

They say I am insane, or rather delusional, on the medical records when they arrested me and I owned a gun. The federal police did not respond to my calls for help when I was attacked.  I think I was insane, or naive, for ever having joined the USA military servi 2000 ce when young.  My next mistake was to work as a federal bank examiner in an office where the prior FDIC director had been murdered and labeled suicide. I was warned not to work for either.  I welcome this coming and escalating war, if necessary.  I have lost everything, now I want to regain it through martyrdom in a war against my true enemy.  An FDIC EEOC officer, a gay man in San Francisco told me that "Nobody likes a matyr", when I told him I was going to tell of the stacking of federal employees so that collusion could be aided in the federal government. I was terminated so they could move in more of their syndicate members.  This is a technological war.  Let us spare no recompense, let us cheer when they are under their rubble where ever they stand or lie.

Beware in who you allow into your home and beware in government buildings and areas they control, as the possibility that in this ongoing war we have been knocked unconscious and searched or raped or forcibly injected without knowledge of it. I feel they, the enemy in power, controls many more nations and their companies than you would first assume possible. Let us herald their fall as the rise of a new mankind, a true, man-kind.

Daily Foreword April 15, 2009: The USA governments have become a Terroristic Brutal Dictatorship. We may be in a war or struggle that is difficult to ascertain all components and players. Our enemies stay hidden inside the federal government's top layers. They murder the innocent, they rob the working class, they tell us to accept it. The game they play is theirs, soon it will be ours, and let us hope we are someday rid of it in power. Learn to heed warnings, even if small. I was warned not to ever start down any path with the federal government and local governments of the USA. They close us out, they close me out, after having tortured me. I look forward to place my death among the holy warriors of mankind at the feet of God and to ask that all of my kind be saved from any more suffering. Now I do not ask why.

The days of brotherhood have come to an end. The time is ripe for warfare in America, except for one flaw. The world is ripe for warfare as we should hope and expect that the war criminal tyrants in power internationally should be uprooted and disposed of all at one once. If not, we should see their components destruction, their followers, done away with. They inject and torture us and deceive us at every turn. If we are deceived about everything, which is the true nature of intense warfare and death, we can rest assured those in power will in turn control and kill each other. It will be better off in the end for all of us. Never rest my enemies in the USA and internationally and beyond, as I do not, and neither shall you or yours.

Protect your young from the regime and their poisons and beware of all things they touch and inhabit. They are full of trickery so avoid their military and financial ranks. They will whither on the vine if we cut their supplies of mind and matter, and our motto to them or IT should be "leave alone our minds or you will lose your matter, and that includes our bodies." Consider them, IT, unclean. If you can not protect your young from them, you and your young are likely better off dead. The USA federal government injects chemicals into the innocent and they kill the innocent and now they allow forced injections on innocent and compliant people. They rob us at every turn of all things material and of intrinsic value, including the sanctity of our own bodies to be free from their chemicals. I know, I Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, suffered their forced injections while I was tortured psychologically after an attempt on my life, and I was ordered to sign papers. Guns are useless in warfare against them or IT. Beware of ownership. Learn to engineer and use them against themselves. We will never pardon each other, American Holocaust number since 2001, X 017 "911" 84. Los Angeles is shit all the way to the BOD of the FDIC in DC.. and to quote my Grandmother in Tillman's Corner Alabama, "This land is shit." Proof is in this site. Many do not care, I do not care for many, and when their eyes go shallow when they are injecting us and collecting their paychecks, let us hope they too are swallowed by the enemy in power, so we too can see they are disposed of with the enemy in power. We are no longer their fools, we never were really allies.

Daily Foreword April 13, 2009: To celebrate the infighting of the incelebrate crowd of seamen and seawomen including the federal Sueet Careless, I would like to see my mascot, the toothed Saintrambone Boy FDIC Wonder, and Sueet Careless ARD FDIC, present a new prelude to the unmasking.  Sueet and Chewie, you and me, waiting on moi iom, in a Mass of she-it going out with the BOD FDIC The Walrus Mo-Bile, Ablaze and Catching far.

We are soon to rip each other to pieces, and find little piece(s) of dodge ball.

Daily Foreword April 10, 2009: My name is Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone,former FDIC bank examiner who became an American Holocaust Victim as a result of being honest and open after leaving that most murderous hated agency. The federal government is seen as slime by many, and I agree. I have been beaten from government in the United States and tortured after I had revealed murder and money laundering sanctioned by those who control the federal government of the United States. I have endured forced injections at the hands of government in the USA and their controllers. I applaud the rising militants of this world when they have slit the throats of our enemies in power in this world. Let them bleed, let them die, give shelter to our people when they are engaged in the height of battle. Beware of technological trickery by our enemies. Let us pray they are eaten alive or left dead, never to rise again. Never trust the regime in power in the USA and beware of hospitals in states that allowed forced injections, including Arizona and New Mexico and Nevada, and if you see a federal agent injecting one of our people, kill them all is my sentiment, as we are no longer allies, and they are war criminals who deserve death. My prayers to you in getting to their controller and killing IT or disposing of IT if IT is already dead in some respects. Wipe the lies from your license plates, we have no nation, we are the lower caste, the slaves, the poor.

Daily Foreword April 8, 2009:  Today it struck me, an American Holocaust Victim, formerly an FDIC federal bank examiner now blacklisted, the regime is like a puppet, including President Obama.  When I see the mass media I see the tool of the puppet masters.  They have been their our entire lives.  Who controls the puppet?  That is tricky, because the puppet master may control another puppet that controls the puppet on the stick.  It could theoretically be a long chain of deceptions.  Murders and torture and forced injections and abuse are allowed by those in control over us.  I survived the attempts on my life, but not the torture.  I believe the puppets at the Veterans Administration and the federal government want this former FDIC bank examiner and Navy veteran to commit suicide.  I know about their murder of innocent men and the robbing of the American public, if not the entire Earth or most of it.  

I want to point the finger at China and say, "See, they are taking more and more of the world", and that is simply because a woman from China I know in San Francisco who belongs to Falun Gong told me of forced injections and torture, which is 2000 the same thing I suffered in 2001 onward for several years. 

I could point to Russia and say, "See, they control the puppets in China that control the puppets in the USA".  But I still might not have my finger on the puppet master.   When I speak of puppets, I speak of control of an individual or an apparent individual and those around them. 

I was told once that the female force of the Universe would come into play in 2012.  The man who told me this was in LA County Jail after I had been tortured and injected for having reported money laundering and murder.  I hope you kill the puppet master or masters.  We are not to be subjected to torture and excluded.  Let us repeal the regime's forced injections laws.  They are raping us with chemical and other methods.  Beware, we are in a technological war.  I welcome global suicide if we can not get free from our evil subjugators, the puppet Master (s).

Daily Foreword April 7, 2009:  You can not kill what you do not understand.  We were poisoned in my generation by our societies liars on mass media and in the governments.  They killed us in Vietnam, on both sides of the line.   It will not matter when they and their controllers are dead, neither here in the USA, or there in the bloodied rims of hellish warfare on this damned planet in this nightmare state of existence. 

We are deceived.  Let us welcome the removal of the war criminal element in power around most if not all of the globe, or let us bring about the cessation of all human consciousness.  Let them eat each other alive.  They do not need us.  We do not want them.  Applaud all attacks against the controllers of the war criminals of the international war criminal faction.

Daily Foreword March 31, 2009: Today an article was placed on Craigslist Politics Discussion Forum regarding the war criminal element controlling the regime that is controlling the USA. They are killing innocent men around the globe. They are one regime around the globe. WE should drop our weapons against our fellow man, and applaud those who take the war criminals in power in our nations to their early and imminent deaths. WE are better off dead as a species if those in power continue to rule the Earth. Here is the article placed on the Politic forum on Craigslist in NYC Financial District and SF Financial District. SF federal Nazi lickers have already deleted it. Let us hope our enemies in our presence are destroyed. Never trust them and never bend down to their whims.

The murders allowed in the federal banking regulatory industry by the ruling regime, where ever they reside, has got to stop or we should hope the USA is ended as a nation. The enemy in power killed Thomas Crane Wales, federal banking fraud prosecutor and the FBI has two known suspects, neither are in banking. A regional FDIC director in San Francisco in the 1990's was shot in his office in the financial district and labeled suicide. I worked there afterward and saw basically a mob boss running things.

Let us hope the regime is destroyed for their murders of those men and the forced injections and torture of myself, former FDIC bank examiner turned informant, American Holocaust Victim X 017 911 84. They are robbing us blind. Never stand behind the regime unless you have a knife out. They are not giving honest working Americans any backup. Let us hope they are decapitated and that a new regime comes to power or that we are eliminated as a species. They are worse than the Nazis allegedly were.

You can find links to the murder of Wales, and to the murder of the FDIC regional director at Mobile Audit Club linked below../ The man in the picture below is a Sheriff who helped the regime to destroy me after I had been attacked with no response by federal police authorities. His name is Jack Tillman, formerly Sheriff of Mobile Alabama. Forced out after stealing 350 thousand in inmate food funds. The regime, the enemy to our people, helped him to destroy me, an honest federal bank examiner turned informant. He took my gun permit when I was reporting his thievery. That was 4-3-2001. He has a nice pension now. I am blacklisted from federal employment and erroneously labeled a felon for legal gun ownership. The charge was dismissed but it still shows . I would go to a foreign nation and fight the regime in the USA. But they are international. Let us applaud the death and removal of the ruling regime in the United States, even if it means our own deaths. Never again serve them. Applaud their war criminals deaths. Mobile Audit Club is linked below and you can see some of the abuse also at saintrambone videos. (Here is the link to the article and picture on Craigslist Political forum in NYC Manhattan . The Mobile Alabama Government's federal dictatorship abuses our people. In Los Angeles it is the same. Let us welcome the end of the ruling regime and hope their needles they inject in us forcibly are done away with in their burning caskets or corpses. G-d Damn the regime in power. Abra El Porton means Open The Gate.

Daily Foreword March 27, 2009:  The FDIC has put together another insider scam to ripoff the American dream by syndicates inside the federal government.  They have killers and murderers in their ranks and I survived.  I was forcibly injected.  Now they are going to take on de-valued assets into their portfolio so you can rest assured, their financial syndicates will be able to take over that much more of the lost American dream,  which is now the American illusion of years past.

Here is a link to the article I was sent.  FDIC RIP.  Below is the reply, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, American Holocaust Survivor X 017 911 84, former FDIC bank examiner sent out in a reply.  The regime has injected me forcibly with chemicals.  They allow it often on many people in the United States.  Their victims obey the demands of the captors, but they injected others and myself forcibly.  That is a war crime and I hope the perpetrators at the top of government or society are dealt with as war criminals.  Do not serve or trust their government.  I have free VA healthcare, but considering the Veterans Administration is bent to the demands of external war criminals in government, I will not use their health care facilities.  Beware and protect your young.  Now back to the FDIC article.

Considering the risky assets in the FDIC executives portfolio, to the negative value, and the internal knowledge of federal employees in stock trading, I am sure the murderous and money laundering and employee structuring crime syndicates inside the USA federal banking regulators and their associates in the federal crime syndicates explicit, such as the NTEU, and those implicit or hidden, such as informal power sharing arrangements between agencies such as the FBI and the Secret Service and the FDIC and those hidden in D.C. can maneuver one more noose to make themselves wealthy in the fall of the common working masses.  Face it you are being bilked and milked.  Warfare will return as commerce fades, or it appears that way, as I have survived numerous attacks in the streets and in the courts, for my investigative journalistic work and FDIC bank examiner experiences.

Thomas Crane Wales federal banking frauds prosecutor was killed the same year I was attacked for reporting money laundering and murder at the FDIC San Francisco, 2001.   I am forbidden federal employment.  The syndicates close the doors now.  The bank examiners on bank examinations often do what they are told and do not look around in their offices or at the banks.  The answers are often there in front of their eyes, but they recite phrases about liquidity, earnings, and various ratios, and loans and never seeing the mob bosses and syndicate types visiting the offices or in the banks.  I need employment so feel free to email me.    I will also work on contract at this point in investigative capacities.

The trauma of forced injections and psychological and physical torture by USA federal agents and agencies after an attempt on my life for reporting money laundering and murder, has left me in tatters with no where to turn really, except death. Death to me is like a formidable wave, a mass you can not comprehend, and on it at the periphery is life, and in it is a life force we can only partially ever comprehend, at least at this point. The federal agents say I was delusional about the attacks and terror on my life. I even brought in my toy puppet on 4-3-2001, Sheriff Jack Tillman, food funds thief, Mo. AL, now vacated, but he was used to take my gun permit by corrupt federal officials. Who did the corrupt federal officials use to kill those in the top federal banking regulatory ranks and to kill those in the federal banking fraud prosecutorial judges seats. I lament to woe the next illusion, the death part, as it is more meaningless to me than to they, you. 98% of the wave is death to you and me. Do not lament the passing of those who are ordained to be illusory or nonconsequential in loss, as all is not what it seems or may be.

Daily Foreword March 23, 2009: The truth of our existence in the USA has been revealed. Our family in government does not exist. I have recounted my experiences in the federal banking regulatory industry. My experience is that they do not matter, and their construct is due to fall. We do not matter to them, to IT. Here is a link to a discussion of dates covered in this site, 10-11-2001, 9-11-2001, 8-11-2001, 4-3-2001, St. Valentines Day 2001 and three days after, the date the federal governments associated hitmen tried to frighten me or kill me. What did they do to our parents if they served the military after it was taken over? I am speaking of some time in last century, two world wars leave a burning caustic sensation in the mouth. Here is the link on Google Newsgroups describing the dates and murders.

Daily Foreword March 18, 2009:  The federal government of the United States and the local governments have those who will manipulate us into a position where we can not particapate in the government.  They even abuse us so that we can not monitor our financial systems.  We are in fact slaves to a crown of shit, a crown that will and needs to be flushed.

Repeatedly in my life time I have been taught one hard lesson -- not all agree with the crown of shit and its constituent nuts that rule over us in the United States and likely most if not all of the Earth.  Today the rulers kill all who try to stop financial crimes.  We are in a war and we should realize it.  They will use more than weapons, they use fear.  For instance, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, was attacked on the highways after FDIC federal bank examiner employment.  I had reported money laundering, murder, and had run a test on a replacement boss for an innocent, alleged suicide in his office, regional FDIC director. 

After I was attacked in February 2001, the government responded by having a Sheriff who is a now known food funds thief take my gun permit.  My only defense was my gun.  The federal agencies did not protect me after I reported the attempt on my life.   

Then when I was parked on the Veterans Administration property minding my own business one night, asleep, I was searched and later I was injected forcibly   with chemicals.  Because I still had the gun and no gun permit, the federal government's key players prosecuted me and then basically tried to persecute me.  I bear the scars.  I want my alliances to encircle the enemy and kill them, but this is a technological war.  If we are to have no human rights, let us bring the rights of humans to exist to an end, as we can not and will not have one without the other.  Crush the war criminal faction of the regime in power, and see their followers as brainwashed or simply sociopathic killers.  The  regime prefers us to kill each other.  That way they or IT can control everything.  They use our bodies for experiments also.   They use us to kill each other and have figured out how to make money from warfare without getting blood on their hands.

When Vietnam was raging, they never said anything about the many casualties they caused.  When the Twin Towers were attacked and the Pentagon was ablaze, they acted as if it was the end of their world.  Let us hope the war criminals of the regime lose their footing before we are starved and left amid ashes, and if so, let us hope it is brought to an end so it never happens again any time soon.  Beware of traps and treachery by the enemies in power.  It is the same game, the same war, as it was over 2000 years ago.

Daily Foreword Note March 17, 2009:  This is todays email sent out to various people in response to claims of corruption at the FDIC, specifically against the current FDIC Chairman.

Dear Friends,
I was told of corruption and insolvency of banks being committed by Chairman Bair of the FDIC.  Considering I, a former FDIC bank examiner survived an attempt on my life for reporting money laundering and murder through the FDIC banking regulatory system at my past employer the FDIC in San Francisco, and I was later forcibly injected and called insane and delusional, I welcome the cessation of the USA federal warmongers and their casino money laundering syndicates and their drug syndicates inside the federal government, the NTEU, and who ever controls them.
I am American Holocaust Number X 017 911 84, Kurt Brown, Surviving FDIC bank examiner, surviving assassination attempt victim.  If I am delusional about the attacks on my life in early 2001 to other attacks, then I am delusional about what happened on 9-11-2001. 
I am barred from federal employment.  I saw where Thomas Crane Wales federal prosecutor was murdered on October 11, 2001.  The FBI first said it was some pilot who did it.  Now they are saying it is some anarchist.  They never mention the money launderers who have bank charters as I witnessed at a bank in Roseville California and another corrupt millionaire banker I interviewed in Sacramento, and they never talk about employee stacking like what George Masa, FDIC regional director did, not only to me but others.  I filed an EEOC complaint and was terminated for it.  I served their military. Now I would slit my wrists first, and if I could not, I would see my enemy as he or IT is, in front of me in these damned United States.
  I was scheduled to be released from forced injections by the federal government and  jail for legal gun owner ship on 8-11-2001, on 9-11-2001 the attacks on the WTC and the military Pentagon, and on 10-11-2001 the murder of federal banking fraud prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales in Seattle.  Now on 3-17-2009, I welcome the end of time because my career is ruined, my sense of safety is gone, and everything I worked for is lost, and my enemies shun me from my chosen profession, auditing in the multi millionaire dollar venues.
The FBI and the Secret Service did not respond to calls for help after the attempt on my life in 2001.  The government responded by injected me forcibly and torturing me.  I do not care if the government as it stands now is destroyed.  You will never have anything and neither will I.  We have no human rights.
I have applied for a Bank Examiner job for the FDIC and Treasury.  I am forbidden federal employment.  I hope their government is destroyed and their war criminals are held in front trials with their victims on the juries.  I want the man who injected me forcibly in Los Angeles at the LA VA Westwood on 4-23-2001 to come forward and pinpoint his bosses and all ties to government.  I then want them all brought to trial.  The government treats us like shit.  What comes around, goes around, and there is no time like the present to see the enemy for what he is.  Bair is nothing but a passing face  at the FDIC.  Who gives her her walking orders and talking  movie scripts?  Puppet?
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone
Mobile Audit Club
Youtube Saintrambone Videos
Let us hope that if we can not clean the federal government, we break their grip and that of similar nations here in our living Hell, Gulag state prison Earth.  A fence at every whipping post.

Also, in other matters outside of crushing federal money laundering crime syndicates, throwing a thief sheriff out on his Mob AL ass, and revealing horrible tortures at VA facilities expressly forbidden, I revealed recently the need for nurses unions on the Gulf Coast of the USA due to a horrible thing that happened to a nurse in which the elevator at the hospital fell in Milton Florida. They said "The Hell with Katrina", and I replied with Katrina's assistance in a Youtube video, "The Devil Katrina You Say". It is an art piece and sometimes what you get is what you give-- enter Son of Uncle Sam.

Daily Foreword 3-13-2009: Late update, Butthole Surfers Radio has helped to re-classify me as the big ole Flipper DICk, in helping to reinstate me into the crime infested FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) of San Francisco as lead bank examiner, next to Sueet Carol if he still exists.

Recently it occurred to me how the mind can be subjected to deceptions, through chemical means, electromagnetic means--i.e. mimicking the Hertz of brainwaves, and control of all Earth's inhabitants from space or that thing we call space.

Of course due to degradation laws in physics all things are subject to deterioration and failure so we have nothing to fear from an under-war-lord such as many of those around us in power today.   That is always the case as much as the drop off from an ocean face in which only a few or a new breed can travel to a distant shore. 

I have made a study of murder in the higher ranks of government in the banking industry regulatory areas and those judges who prosecute large dollar crimes.  I also used myself as bait to test for murderers, just for my own satisfaction and I suspected employee stacking at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation after my own termination from that bloodied tower in San Francisco.   After all the prior top regional director was claimed to be suicide in his office.  What I saw was 2000 a sanctioned crime syndicate under the surface in Roseville, California with some rather odd traits, but I really suspect that the most odd happenings were in San Francisco.  That is where central control is kept for the FDIC in that area.

Chicago likely had stacked employee structures.  I survived, terminated but alive.  It does not matter if the government falls because our blood is on the floor and our money is out the door.  I want my job back at the FDIC San Francisco or the Treasury in banking examination or I want those agencies removed from the USA government.   Below is a letter , Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner, American Holocaust Number from 2001 to present, X 017 911 84, sent to the Mobile Alabama VA Vocational Rehabilitation office this week.  I seek employment.  I am already trained to the point of a doctorate degree.  I work on behalf of the American working class, not the mob bosses who I would gladly serve em's heads up on er tray.  Below is the letter sent this week.

start email in next paragraph to VA Voc Rehab( Note:  Ha!  Still hooked to the federal murder mob.  Send in See-Law En_Arc Sameth, aka dead Federal Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales and all of his bank fraud prosecutions and those that were slotted for him but never made it, or those in process.  There is your murderer likely hooked into the fed also.) 

8 March 2009


Attention: Cheryl Rush

VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment

900 Western America Circle, Suite  104

Mobile AL  36609




Dear Ms. Rush, you may remember me.


My VA document stated that I had been given employment at the FDIC after my accounting degree was given in 1999.  I was terminated for not dropping an EEOC complaint and the EEOC would not hear the case after one year of employment.   They said my employment time was too short.  May 1999 through April 2000.  The FDIC claimed poor performance.   I was told that I was to drop an EEOC case or be terminated.


I later tested whether there were killers at the FDIC San Francisco and the NTEU associates there.  I simply had sent an email to them reporting my knowledge of obvious money laundering and murder.     That was in February 2001 and on St. Valentines Day someone from the FDIC or NTEU ranks tried to take my camera.   I was attacked three days later and survived near Vinton Louisiana.


The San Francisco regional FDIC director prior had been killed in his office and labeled suicide.  That was 8 to 9 years prior to my arrival at the FDIC San Francisco.  Later I came back to Alabama and was told that someone was starving at the jail in Mobile.  I lured Sheriff Jack Tillman out. He took my gun permit.  I alerted officials that he was a food funds thief.  He was terminated or pushed out in 2005 for $350,000 or more in food funds misappropriation and emaciated inmates under his care.   Tillman took my gun permit and did not search me, and I had no gun on 4-3-2001 when I was going to report and lure out the food funds thief, him.


I had called 911 on the night of my being attacked to document the attack in February 2001.  I contacted Vinton Louisiana and Mobile AL police on that February night.  The FBI did not respond to my later emails and neither did the Justice Department or Secret Service. 


I left Mobile and was parked outside the LA VA Westwood fences with a U Haul and was searched and arrested with legal guns in the vehicle on 4-23-2001.  I was forcibly injected and forced medical procedures.  I was told that the reason I was injected was because I was speaking quickly at the LA VA Westwood.  I have a speech impediment that sometimes surfaces and makes me do so.   The VA medical records indicate that the VA doctor said I was delusional.  I was given a felony but the felony was dismissed in 2004.   I can not own a gun in California.  I no longer need one since my story is out, delusional or not.


Federal Banking Frauds Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales from Seattle was killed in his office in  2001, November.    I was released from incarceration on 8-11-2001 with X number 017 911 84.  My wife was not able to pick me up until 8-12-2001 since there were those trying to silence me and call me dangerous.  I have not worked since that time. 


I have applied for a federal banking examiners job repeatedly.  I have applied for a current international auditor job for the IRS in San Francisco, now open.     I want to work back in the San Francisco or San Jose area.  If I am in a federal no-hire status, I would like to commend the mob boss who is stacking employees in the federal syndicates.  Big money does not wash his teeth or really care, obviously. 


I  want to know from you, am I barred from federal employment?  If so, it would aid my job search not to waste my time in searching for federal jobs if I knew it was pointless.


I think I deserve a federal executive level auditors or bank examiners job for my in-depth understanding of federal crime syndicates after witnessing their activities up close in issuing bank charters and bank examination, and what I would likely see as manipulation of the entire audit or examination process and my knowledge of the murder process, or my belief that Thomas Crane Wales was killed as a direct result of my pushing for the stoppage of the federal money laundering syndicates out of Nevada.  But I know that all is not pointless, as no machine or living cell is perfect, so how can you expect a government to be perfect? 


Large money has no virtue.  It is only the virtue of those around you.  Some mistake vultures for virtue, at their own demise.  I am alive.  I need work.  I have a felony record that should not show, but it does.  The case was dismissed in LA courts in 2004 and I have 2000 paperwork.  I am not delusional, then nor now. 


I do not want to be hurt further by being re-hired, fired.  I was also partially blinded while in probation-exile in 2003 and 2004 by poisons sprayed in my window, inexplicably at the precise time of my being there and being sprayed by a passing truck.    I have much more post traumatic stress than I did before in 1999.  I have suffered repeated attacks and injections since 2001. 


I want a higher level high finance job.   Bank Examiner in the Treasury or Auditor in the IRS international auditor slot.  I prefer San Francisco or San Jose.   I deserve it as much as the honest dead men, after all I came close to death also.  The VA or their bosses from other agencies told them I was delusional after my report of the night I was attacked in February 2001.   I had no back up or very little back up in the end.  Is it still that way?


I will not make it to the appointment on Friday March 13 2009.    If you have a job contact for me, please let me know.


I have applied for the jobs as federal bank examiner and international auditor repeatedly.  I prefer a job with  travel, and will gladly consider a lower level job like the FDIC job of CG-9 if I am put in the office where another dead man has been found, whether claimed suicide or not.   I also prefer the Bay area of San Francisco or in the immediate Northern California vicinity and will gladly consider Seattle Washington.


  Thanks, Kurt Brown


You can wikipedia the information on Thomas Crane Wales.  Casino money launderers are likely a small piece of the puzzle.  Time has proven my innocence beyond a reasonable doubt.  Banks go bust, so do people, but I have survived.  Help me get that executive level job auditing or bank examining in San Francisco or San Jose or Seattle.  Put me among a known syndicate if you wish.  I am used to it after San Francisco and Roseville FDIC.

Daily Foreword 3-6-2009: The nightmarish lives that many of us lead in the USA and around the Earth is directly attributable to those or that which controls us. Like dogs or pigs in a cage we are poked and gouged and led to the whims of others. I know of this after working as a federal bank examiner. I had no rights. The federal crime syndicates tried to kill me. The federal government turned against me, against us.

I await their downfall or perhaps the end in the way a cancer victim awaits death. Do not whimper when the cancer is cut out, despite any pain of the malignant tissue. Things are not what they seem in this sick society, this twisted consciousness given to us by that thing that controls us, at least on this temporary level.

They or it speaks of peace while they or it commits one war crimes atrocity after another against us, not only in the United States but around the Earth. I welcome and await my death. They have taken everything. I await to see what my enemies lose in the USA and around the Earth or elsewhere. Let it fall. Beware of our enemies among us.

Daily Foreword 3-3-2009: Recently it occurred to me how corrupt and debased ethically the United States has become or has been during my lifetime.   I see where recently a high level banking prosecutor murder occurred and where a federal bank examiner of top rank was murdered or pushed out dead under the guise of suicide,  and those murders and attacks are sanctioned and overlooked and often orchestrated against innocent people around me, and I know that all of the American banking systems money will eventually be involved if it is not already. 

 I see where I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner and informant was tortured and injected and run out of government involvement after testing for murderers inside my past employer, the federal agency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.  But they are not the only ones in the corruption business, as I am sure it goes all the way through the National Treasury Employees Union and their many agencies they represent.  The NTEU is in almost every type of agency that has a connection to the government and they implement control with and of the public and within the government itself.  But where does the control end? 

My career was ruined as well as my good name in the USA after FDIC employment.  No federal agency will respond to my requests for employment and I see the rulers police often act as an enemy toward me when I am near with a camera doing freelance investigative journalism work.  I would rather they or it go and ahead kill me or perhaps some day I can go to war with their controller in a field tilted to the advantage of the humane men of power.  I have considered going to law school but the laws mean nothing and the war criminals in power will kill you like they did Thomas Crane Wales, federal banking frauds prosecutor,  if you get too close and have too much power. I was attacked in February 2001 the first time. He was attacked in October of 2001. What significant event occurrred in between? My reporting of muder and money laundering and then the 9-11-2001 attacks. Was someone watching and did they attack something or someone we did not know of that needed to be attacked? Alternatively, were our last remnants of hope being wiped out? I often wonder about those around me. A humane conscience is the only ongoing judgment needed and it can be measured beforehand through psychogical testing techniques, or old school techniques in some cases. But then again, would not a ruthless killer have a value, if he was kept penned up until needed? A sort of human bull dog. Do not fall into that military rut of employment. Do you know why higher education is made so expensive? Do you know how to remove the closed door government war criminal regime and their control over mass media?  Do you know how to make the current regime and their government officials and hospitals stop injecting the innocent with chemicals when they are compliant? 

If not, let us pray that someone will kill all of us.  After what I endured and after seeing what other innocent men who are the guardians of capitalism and humane conduct have endured, I welcome the end of the species if necessary.  It is better to be dead than to be enslaved of mind or body or spirit.  When they inject us forcibly, they enslave us, chemically, whether you like to admit it or not.  Do you have your multiple Doctorate Degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics and Electrical Engineereing?  If not, then how can you correctly say I am wrong?  The regime takes excerpts of people's writings out of context to persecute them and say their "officials" are being threatened. I will be elated to see a more humane group of humans overthrow the cur 2000 rent controllers.  Let us welcome the end of casinos due to money laundering. Let us welcome the end of drug war due to syndicates and money laundering.  Let us welcome the overthrow of their regime and whatever else has to be done to regain the economy for the people at the highest ranks of government and stop in the inhumane abuse of our human populations.  No one should be left out from protections to their bodies. The mutual enemy is in the closed door USA governments. Do we have allies left among them? What is their final plan for us?  I have been denied federal employment in the USA since surviving attempts on my life and other harassments and holocaust style exile and imprisonment and tortures.  I will welcome working for any nation.  Make an offer.

Daily Foreword 2-26-2009: In recalling all of the odd things that happened to me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner and internal FDIC crimes informant, and American Holocaust/World Holocaust number X 017 911 84 immediately before my holocaust began in 2001 one thing stands out. What I call the Tag-Along to the innocent bank examiner or the not so innocent bank examiner during my employment in the federal banking regulatory industry. The truth is that you usually can not tell them apart. One bank examiner said I was probably seeing cultural differences when I noticed when a man from Reno Nevada of the mob variety was getting a bank charter in Roseville California through the FDIC. At the bank charter issuance there were three of us, the FDIC bank examiner in charge P.C., and his FDIC tag along, and myself, tag along number II.

It appears the banking regulatory agencies are likely swamped with criminal misconduct and the higher levels of government are either too corrupt or too hamstrung to do anything about murders, such as that of the few innocent federal banking regulator FDIC directors, federal banking prosecutors, or their idiot sauvant second string tag-alongs such as myself, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC Bank Examiner, labeled X 017 911 84 upon scheduled release on 8-11-2001 from forced injections, threats of torture and long term imprisonment, and psychological torture. I hope I can get revenge against my enemy or enemies in the federal ranks. I have survived, now I want to excel and overcome their war criminals in power, in particular those connected to money launderers in Nevada and their connections in the federal crime syndicates stemming from D.C. and their international support groups. I want to see the lessers among us swallowed through the new means of conquest. We never were allies with war criminals, even though they or IT portrays and portrayed us as one. Flags mean nothing in a world awash with war criminal leaders, or more likely conglomerates of war criminal leaders.

Do you note any similarities in the holocaust numbers given to me in California per federal and Alabama war criminal assistance in the USA governments? Do you read Orwell? Do you think 911 and 84 are accidental? What is the unlucky true Jew number, 6 or 8? or James Bond with no backup from the crown? 017? Contact Sheriff Jack Tillman, formerly Sheriff and ask how many federal agents employed him to steal from myself on 4-3-2001 and they themselves during the murders of Thomas Crane Wales, federal banking fraud crimes prosecutor and the boss prior who was murdered at the FDIC San Francisco when I first worked there in 1999. My employment for the FDIC also known as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as a bank examiner, is in fact a bank insurance fund and a federal banking regulatory agency.

It is absurd to think that Prosecutor Wales was killed by an anarchist when he was prosecuting huge dollar banking frauds crimes. I need a new ride because the government assassins and their assistants have torn mine up, so if anyone needs to deliver me a new Truk, or that midget ride, I will gladly accept it. Thanks for the visit from the guy in the Spitfire look. House for sale, and deliver car there to attention of Kurt Brown. 13150 Lillian Highway, Pensacola, FL 32506

It is absurd to agree with the claim that the San Francisco early 1990's FDIC director was killed in San Francisco as a suicide. It was a murder. I ran tests on the replacement staff in San Francisco FDIC and NTEU and federal officials in that vicinity to see if someone would try to kill me after working there. They trailed me, I caught one of them trailing me, and then they tried their assassination attempt, which failed, but their terror attempt worked. The federal government officials in power forced me to arm myself because they would not protect me, just as they failed to protect Wales or the FDIC regional director, and then they prosecuted me for surviving. Neither the federal SS nor FBI nor Justice Department nor any high level California state or federal officials gave me any protections. Watch for their tag alongs in bank charter issuances, and watch for their infiltration among us and especially over us. In my opinion, it will come down to one side against the other, and the lines will be more discernable. I will start with a job in a high level federal banking regulatory agency executive level position in a recent honest dead mans chair or next to it. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone.

Daily Foreword 2-27-2009: Yesterday, the 26th, I had a visit at my home by associates likely loyal to the war criminal types of the warmongering horde that is domestic and international on the muddy shores of Perdido Bay between Alabama and Pensacola Florida. My prior realtor was at Move 4 Less Realty, and she ripped me off with the assistance of her favored inspector and then she moved to Caldwell Banker. I had a visit by an assumed Coldwell Banker agent at my home today. Her client arranged a split between her and he and myself and was doing something in the restroom, and I heard him shaking a pill bottle and I hope he was not sabotaging anything. Almost in a sprint he went through the hall, the bedroom, and into the bathroom while she went into another room after slowing down my passage to follow her alleged interested client. I want out of the war criminal sects rim, the United States and the regime in powers allies, or I want out. To Jana Alarid, you Czechoslavakian thieving realtor now at Caldwell Banker, congrats, you sold one to one on a noose, another honest bank examiner and vet of the USA, the worlds hated enemy in your sector, including the USA federal governments ruling war criminal factions in banking compliance, etc.. Would you contact Elaine Trotta at Coldwell Banker real estate, business cell phone 850 449 9329 to verify that her client was not doing something against the law in my home on the 26th at around 1:30?

Daily Foreword 2-18-2009:  Today, someone called me on the phone asking questions about the FDIC and the murder labeled suicide of the regional director there in the early 1990's in San Francisco. I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC banking crimes informant, American Holocaust Number X 017 911 84 and my role is pre-eminent now. Why? It is not my intellect but likely my structure, and I would say a 30 to 1 or 400 to 1 relationship with that greater than I that moves me, just as the Earth and Moon have a 30 to 1 relationship and the Moon and Sun have a 400 to 1 relationship at this point in time and place. The Sun happens to be 400 times the Moon's diameter, and 400 times as far away, therefore the Sun and moon appear the same size when in the sky at the same celestial latitude and longtitude fro 2000 m planet Earth. Most people are so uneducated, they are like retards, and myself, a borderline retard despite years of college wonders some times who is the most retarded and why.   I gave the caller today who claimed to be a reporter with a website a small amount of information I had, which is also near the bottom of the Home Page 1 of Mobile Audit Club website.

One question he asked me needs to be addressed.  He asked me if I thought the mob was the government.  I told him, "Yes, to a certain extent".  We live an age of high technology and the borders are just fences to keep the imbeciles and idiots inside.  The controllers roam freely and it does not matter what they have done or what their criminal records contain or do not contain.

I know that it is said in Biblical scripture we will learn many things in the end  times.  Time has no end, that is an illusion for the maggots inside the apple.  The maggot may die but the apple lives on to bear seed or fruit flies, etc. on ad infinitum and so forth and so on. 

I do not believe most of what I see or hear although I do give everything credence.  I certainly think the "mob" concept is outdated.  The fourth grade educated  hoodlum "mobsters"  with pistols or machine guns no longer applies, if it ever did. 

I believe some day the concept of Satan will be revealed, albeit briefly.  We may find it is inside out and we are it, or they, but can not see it due to brain damage or splintering of consciousness.   Some questions are best answered with questions.  Does the "mob" exist in the USA government?  First we have to ask, "Does the USA government exist?"  I see an international cartel that controls and roams the Earth and owns most everything.  The rest of us are expendable and will be tossed aside some day any way, if their final plans are manifested.  

I see the concept of Satan or Lucifer as a huge being who can manifest things, people, and places, to lead those things to their desired destination by that thing that controls Satan.  In other words, we are in the embryonic phase, and the second coming may be coming for the many billionth time, perhaps it is cumulative, as a line and being streched over time.  If time is infinite, then why should not we be, and if we are infinite, how can that be, and did we ever really truly exist?  Except for in the mind of that thing organizing us like cells in an organism, we are what we are, expendable, but necessary, like grains of sand always shifting and never changing. 

I am a Free Thinker in religion, spiritual, but never believing any thing any more than what I see in my minds eye, a primitive world of hatreds in times of famine, and a world of happy feeding children in times of plenty.  I do not care if I die, but I do not want my children and grandchildren to suffer as I have.  So this brings up the question, when I die, do they have to re-live the exact lies that I lived, maybe in a new form? 

I see television as a joke now.  When I was a child I saw it as the voice of the human race.  "Let go of my Egg-o while I pop this gook in his head, or attack Egypt".  Who was conned, really?  I would rather dance between a Vietnamese or Egyptian womans legs than eat Egg'os or kill any of them or their relatives.   The change will come with computers if we maintain course.  The human collective of minds is smarter in some ways than the Satan I see out  there, some where.  However, the human collective will always be outwitted if we do not all wear the cap of humane consciousness, as we will always be killing each other.

Just yesterday, I was in Pensacola Florida and was shopping for groceries in a store that barely had anyone of my skin tone.  When I was leaving, someone, I did not look back, rammed their grocery cart into my heel as I was leaving with my grocery cart.  It hurt briefly. I waited for the second hit, but it did not come.  We must be conscience of those or that which will divide and conquer.  I hope to leave here and venture further.  I have seen the same thing in California, and I once knew a Greek who said Northern Europeans viewed them as stupid.  I think the human race is being put to a test, and if we do not pass, we may just be slaves to our own ignorance, the greater split consciousness may prevail and leave us as nothing more than bickering apes. 

So, does the Mob control the USA government?  If so, who controls the mob?  It is not a fourth grader, I assure you unless they are born different than us. I have the sense of humor of someone who has been in prolonged conflict or holocaust. I often wail inside like a child who has lost his family in death and all of his hope for his career and I have even lost my good name due to defamation of character, a victim of false witness by war criminals inside the USA government, and then I laugh at everything. For instance, I see God sometimes as a con artist and a teacher, or perhaps I do not have the ability to compute the entire equation, not in one life time. I have been told in a dream or premonition all will change at age 50, and I hope for change or final death. God's way is a way to get things done, just like a magnet pulls a piece of metal over the surface of a paper. The metal can not see the magnet yet it reacts. Like Norman Bates's hotel in the movie Psycho, God is my mother, rocking back and forth in the other room, forever watchful. No one trusts Norman because Norman is more cognizant of Mother than any one else. Often when people come to see my home I have for sale, which I will let go of for $124,000, with no realtors commissions, I do not want to clean up one of the rooms so I tell the prospective buyer my mother is in there sleeping. I feel a bit like Danny Devito in the comedy of "Throw Momma From the Train", but like Norman Bates, "I love my mother", and she knows me better than any one else, even if she or I are post-mortem. I may keep her under a light to keep her warm or maybe she has been partially blinded as I was when I was in forced probation and exile after FDIC bank examiner employment. I should have just "Played Ball". What a joke. Wait, I hear mother whistling a Sueet Carol under her bright lights, I must go now. Is It Insane To Be Sweet Sueet? Google That One. GTO. In the encryptic we play games you may not know, Jack. OTG means Open The Gate, and I will soon make another little deadly Didley for you players, Abra El Porton, Open The Gate, We are going to let the Agua (Water) come flowing in or their or IT's. nemesis.

Which brings up a good point. My birth mother said she should have left my father at the Curb. His name was Bruce which is really curb spelled backwards. She gave me the name Kurt. Was I conceived in a TRUcK, mother? I asked her that one once and she said one was parked in the yard, if I recall correctly, and she would not elaborate further. I prefer traveling and sleeping in my truck rather than owning a home. Have you ever seen the Milky Way in the dead of Winter on a deserted highway at night in the desert? It is beautiful, like being in porridge, see buffet balls, perhaps for Yahweh in the Milky Way. Pregnant? Incognito? Open the gate, Abra El Porton, and let the Agua (Water) flow. Is it in or out? I am retarded like that..

Daily Foreword February 17, 2009:  Yesterday I received an email from a Rabbi in New York and I posted it below the next two paragraphs with a link on proof of his statement. I will also propose a solution to two problems, integration of the Judaic People and Islamic People, and the protection of federal banking prosecutors and top federal bank regulators, both of which are being murdered like sheep by wolves. 

I am going to be visiting one of the Neturei Karta temples in the Spring and likely at least one other Zionist synagogue in New York or California at that time.   The tests continue.  I test things and sample, but sometimes I know the answers before I enter, and sometimes the answers are not so much answers as they are questions for others to answer. 

I wanted the Rabbi to tell me where in holy scripture it states that the Jews are not to return to Zion until after the coming of the Messiah.  I was speaking with a dear friend about the same thing and she took the Zionist defensive stating it was stated so in the biblical scripture.  She believes Jesus was and is the Messiah.  I said, the bottom line is that it is not right to kill.   Many Jews were fearful after WWII and Hitler.  It is understandable that some would beat the ground to a pulp to find shelter, but I fear as the rabbi states, this was not right, and there will be a day of atonement, and we may not like the outcome, for any one.  I also believe that when the Messiah has come in totality, our lives will not be crippled at the outset as many of the poor among us have suffered, such as I did in Prichard Alabama when I was a child and subsequently in Los Angeles as an adult in early 2001 when I was held captive and injected with chemicals and threatened with 5 years in an insane asylum. It would have turned into a life sentence, I am sure. My now Ex-wife came to my aid, and I rewarded her by not taking anything during the divorce, precipitated by harassment of she and I both at home and at work by federal agents adamant in stopping my government involvement in Mobile Alabama, and subsequently Washington D.C.  The federal government said I was delirious for my claiming I had survived an attack on my life by crime syndicated associates to the FDIC and NTEU for my reporting money laundering and murder.  When I asked why I was injected forcibly, the Vietnamese woman psychologist and witness for the VA at the court hearing who never spoke there, told me in the asylum at LA VA Westwood, I was injected because I spoke quickly.  I spoke quickly due to stuttering when I was a child and it is a way to cope with stress, by speaking quickly so I can at least speak, otherwise my throat locks up and I can not speak.    Was Thomas Crane Wales federal banking prosecutor delirious when the bullet burst through his head and neck from the federal banking crimes syndicates and their casino money laundering associates?   Was the regional FDIC director in San Francisco during the Savings and Loans crisis of Bush Sr.'s Presidency suicide actually a murder, and if so, was he delirious?  I researched his work and think he was an honest bank examiner who had to be "Pushed out of the way", as that is what some say in Los Angeles.  I was pushed out of the way with a needle, a corrupt judge, and a verdict.  I would have preferred death but it was not my time.  Maybe I have to first go to the temple, perhaps first.

From: Neturei Karta International
To: Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram bone
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Information/Interview

We apologize for not responding immediately.
Please See the first paragraph on the following page:


Going up to the Holy Land "as a wall" is exactly what the Zionists have done.

Thank you
Rabbi E Beck


I, Kurt Brown, think the solution for the people of Israel and Palestine is to set up neighborhoods in a checkerboard square in the Gaza strip and the North of Israel near Lebanon, with some neighborhoods being designated and not exclusively, Jewish or Muslim with dating and matrimony encouraged between the groups, such as is common in internet dating. I also encourage social gatherings in the outdoors squares of those neighborhoods.

I am sending a letter to some Senators and such requesting that some Federal banking prosecutors be designated exclusively as banking crimes prosecutors, and their histories on this have to be strict with corrupt bankers and money launderers. Those prosecutors should be given extra pay, extra protection, at work at home and in transit, and their families have to be protected also. The risks are too great. The same thing goes for federal banking regulators, the top regional directors, becuase they are at the same risk, and they must be proven to be non-discriminatory. That will be a difficult one because the EEOC will often not hear justifiable cases due to the labyrinth of corrupt laws written by war criminals in lawyers clothing. For instance I filed an EEOC case against the 2000 FDIC and was terminated after one year. Sue Carroll, Assistant Regional Director, made me promise in front of a arbitrator on my last day not to tell. She told me if I did not drop the EEOC complaint I would be terminated. I told her, No, I will not drop the complaint and if she terminated me I would put a light over her head. That light is the light of God, and it was already there. She worked for allegedly George Masa, who had a terrible EEOC record from Chicago's FDIC. The EEOC would not hear my case because the rule I did not know of stated that if you filed an EEOC complaint during the first year it could not be heard. Sueet, is this a technological war or just pigs in the rut

I am also asking to be put back on the front lines of banking examination or for someone to buy my home so I can leave the United States, forever. I will be selling the truck in the picture too. It has close to 400,000 miles and I have survived two assassination attempts in it, and I have caught it being tampered with twice, and someone tried to shoot me once with a pellet pistol and it cracked the window when I was in Canada and had a blow out between somewhere near Calgary after leaving Vancouver. I was thinking of going there to live, but I think I will go somewhere where there are no casinos or money laundering associates of the federal war criminals I have come across. I have too much post traumatic stress to stay still after FDIC bank examiner employment and the attacks and torture afterward. I want to work and be moving and be part of the solution and not part of the problem, or I want to check out of this falling Babylon, this falling Rome, this backwards United States.

I have a sense of humor about words and numbers. I like to look for the encrypted. For example, United is to me when backwards, Debt You and I. States is See Tats, as in see tit for tat. My X number, American Holocaust number, inflicted upon me upon my release from the torture chambers on 8-11-2001, is X number 017 911 84. 911 because no one came to my aid after an attempt on my life for reporting money laundering and murder at the FDIC. 84 because like George Orwells main character, someone intends to blow my brains out after I have been given my last meals. 017 because I am a lame sort of James Bond due to my investigative and auditing works. To the Rabbi, God Bless You for your response. I am not alone after all.

And for one last statement, I would like to say that Jews and Christians differ in the view of Lucifer. The Jews barely mention him or IT and say he does Gods dirty work, kind of like a plumber who flushes humans who are in fact the ones who are rotten piece of feces humans. The Christians of course see him as all evil, up to no good, but still part of hte framework, to get his just payback some day for his evilness. And the Muslims kind of have a cross view of him, bordering more on the Jewish view of him. I like to think of a Buddhist girl from Malaysia I knew in college who said about religion when I asked her, "My father is a free thinker". If we use our God given judgment, we are the most free of thinkers. The problem is, some think they have judgment when the sane man sees them as insane, even if they are in the judge's seat or the psychologists chair. To her, I would like to say, and not to disrespect Rabbi Beck, the song Devil's Haircut on My Mind, by who else, but Beck. So to Satan, AKA Ba'al Zebub, I see you there in my paintings, I put you there underneath, only to use you like my personal dog. "Now get off of my damn Sueet legs and keep those war criminals off of my ass." You can see my painting of Ba'al Zebub in Saintrambone videos in the favorites section. He is for sale for 911 million dollars or 10 percent, and I might let him go with the house if it sells for the full 130K. If you bring your finger Two, I will sell the truck for two thousand along with the house, therefore 132000, kind of like 4-3-2001 when Sheriff Jack Tilman, AKA Snatch The Fairy Possum, took my gun permit when I was going to report his food funds thievery at Mobile Alabama County jail. Snatch, who the Hell are you? The Youtube Auditors tried to stop this Video Snatch, but someone caught it and put it here. "Want your immunizations now or later, Snatch?" The same question in the video above to Ron Paul goes to every politician in the USA.

Daily Foreword 2-16-2009:  ( This is a global war so I encourage humane humans to write in full words so language translators like those at Google can translate what we are saying to other languages with less uncertainty.  It is best to write in short sentences with very little ambiguity. ) Also, when traveling, it may be best to KILL the cell phone, for many reasons, and on the other hand, allies may be tracking you with it too and listening in in real time.

It appears the war criminals of the federal regime in Alabama and Florida and their state dictatorship are back to their old tactics, that of highway robbers and terrorists against the common American populace.  I will explain below.

I once heard someone from Vietnam say that the soldiers who stay alive are the ones who do not use the main trails and who do not use the same path twice.  The man said it is best to blaze your own paths, but considering we are in cars usually that tactic is impossible.  Sun Tzu, War Philospher, said when you are against a force more formidable than yourself, it is better to divert that force just as you would if you were in a mighty current of water in a river.

The federal government and their local war criminals have started a war campaign against me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone or Saint Vechter, surviving federal bank examiner and government banking crimes informant, American Holocaust Number X -017 911 84.   We must always be aware of mind control because our enemies in the government or their controllers are as insidious and deviant as any war criminal in the history of the Universe. 

They can listen in on our conversations and lay traps for us as we travel.  For instance, it was known I was leaving Pensacola on Sunday the 15th, yesterday, and going to Mobile Alabama to visit family.   I called on my cellular phone number which I know the FBI has because I gave it to them when reporting real estate fraud in Florida.   I had made several calls to family members in Alabama so my intentions were evident.

When  I left Mobile Alabama going back to Florida I was approaching the Wilcox Exit on Interstate 10 at 7:30 p.m. CST and two vehicles on pickup  truck chassis had approached from behind me at high rates of speed, one with very bright lights like the police have to examine license plates.   One of them came by me at a constant and slowed down rate of speed.  The other got behind me so I slowed down to near 60 miles per hour.   Both went around me so I got off at the Wilcox Exit and went South on Highway 83.  I should have waited and got back on the interstate because a trap had been laid for me on the country highway, highway 83 in Alabama.   There are large transmitting towers in the area so I am c 2000 oncerned about mind control or manifestation issues through technology in that area also, just as in San Francisco.

When I had driven a short distance, a vehicle had pulled in front of me driving slowly and then turned off of Highway 83.  Then I drove another couple of miles.  Around a blind curve there were many Alabama state troopers.  They had set up a road block.  As usual, they sent a black officer forward just as they had black officers arrest me in Mobile back in 2004 for trying to participate in the closed government of humane mankind's enemies.  

The officer shined his light in my eyes and approached the vehicle from the front.  Then he asked to see my drivers license and proof of insurance.  As I looked into my wallet and he was standing next to me, I noticed my face and  head was getting sort of numb and I heard a crackle, like that of cellophane.  

I fear the enemies of my people have tampered with me through forced injections and forced medical procedures just as they did other veterans.  That first happened to me in 2001 that I am aware and the Los Angeles California Veterans Administration in Westwood was ordered to have stopped all forced experiments at the facility in 1999, but nothing was done to them. 

I showed the officer my license and could not find my current insurance card immediately but I found another older one.  He said make sure I had the newer one and told me to go ahead. 

I pulled out and traveled home and may have had another cop get behind me when I turned off of Highway 83. 

We should never use the same roads very much if the regime knows of our travel destinations if we are closing in on our enemies, the enemies to humane mankind, as I have.   I have been trained in this I believe.  Alabama government now allows road blocks everywhere.  I encourage the overthrow of the regime in Alabama and Florida.  I also encourage young people to not be naive, not to follow the training of the regime.  We are one race, that of humane humans.  Do not let them divide and conquer us.  May God be with you and heed our warnings.  This is the start of the holy war in the United States.  Guns do you no good against this enemy.  Protect your young.  Utilize technologies to defend yourselves and to discern what is real and what is technology when approaching the enemies in power and their tools.

Daily Foreword February 14, 2009:  Recently, I Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner was looking over some documents sent to me by the VA, one year after I had requested them from the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Westwood, a suburb of Los Angeles California.  The lies on the papers and the assumptions are enough to have warranted attacks against the war criminals of the regime in 2001.  A Mace Beckson signed off on the documents stating I was delusional about an attack on my life.   That is ironic because I saw a man who injected me with chemicals one time and never again.  From then on it was a Vietnamese woman who showed up in court to testify against me for legal gun ownership.    The attorney would not allow me to speak.

I hope to leave the USA and take up residence in a nation that is not owned by my enemies in the USA governments.  Thomas Crane Wales, federal prosecutor of banking fraud was not killed by an anarchists as the FBI claims.  He was targeted and killed by syndicates associated with the federal government and Nevada casinos and likely money launderers.

It is my prayer that my enemies are killed in the USA and around the world before I die.  We are in a technological war.  Never trust the Veterans Administration health care.  I made the mistake of parking on their property.  Never trust anything the USA government approves, especially drugs injected into your children.

If we are to be slaves to war criminals and the enemies to honest humane men, then I pray for the end of our human species, so Help US God.    Do not ever serve the USA government.  Do not ever trust them.  I have asked to be re-assigned as a bank examiner but I would likely be shunted by my enemies into a lesser position.  I hope to take up residence in Egypt, just as was described in the Bible in Hosea 9, like Ephraim I will soon fly away to Egypt and their people.  God's people are smothered and killed in the USA and likely in Israel, just as the honorable Rabbi Dovid Weiss of Neteuri Karta, and the Falun Gong have suffered the same plight in China.

It is ironic that I have suffered the same plight as the Falun Gong for the same thing, honesty and openness.  I was never tortured, injected, or labeled insane or attacked until I worked as a federal bank examiner for the FDIC.  A regional director was killed in his office prior to my arrival in 1999 in San Francisco's Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.   Let us welcome freedom through any means, even our own deaths.  Protect your young.  Beware of the enemies to humane mankind, as we are surrounded by things and people we may not understand.  Someone told me I would be the teacher.  We can teach ourselves if we are taught to listen to our own humane conscience.  We all have that inner voice unless we are brain damaged or mentally retarded in that area of the human brain.

I have a vision, I see the true child of Israel held by a demon who feigns to be its mother, when in essence, it is a kidnapper with a razor to the innocent childs throat or back and no one knows except those who want to rescue the child.   It is ironic I may have been born or scarred later in life when a young child with what appears to be a chain cut on my ankle, a birthmark or puncture on the eyelid, marks on the left ear.  My first memories were in a poor town known as Prichard Alabama.  I remember telling my mother my ear was hurting and it was bleeding slightly with scabs.  She said out loud away from me in a voice of concern, "What all did they do to you". 

I have another vision, that of winged beings, their bodies shining and translucent, huge, flickering like a rainbow of light as you would see in bubbles of soap or some deep sea creatures.  Perhaps it is a memory of those deep sea creatures and I want something better for us, the humane mankind. 

I also want to correct something.  I said I was released from jail and injections and psychological torture on October 12, 2001.    Today I read in a paper that I was released on October 11, 2001.  My now ex wife and mother had come to my rescue.  My ex wife told me that I was held another day due to the time of release and my family had to cross the country to come to my rescue f 2000 rom that vermin in the Los Angeles Courts and the federal aristocracy of money launderers and war criminals.    My mother is now dead from cancer.  Some man came to her home twice to ask to coat her driveway, and she told him no both times.  She did not seem too concerned but looked at me rather odd when she was speaking of it.  When she was dieing I put my left hand upon her and she said I was afraid of her.  I will put both of my hands, or neither of my hand, on honorable men and women henceforth, before or after their death if they are terminally ill or dead, if I care for them.

My father died at age 48, a broken man consumed by the chase of the lies of the ruling regime and the alcohol he drowned his sorrows in. I was told I would die at age 44 by young woman who predicted her death in Monroeville Alabama circa 1975, Kelly. Some say I will be killed or die before I pass the age of 48. That would add up because space is 4 degrees above absolute zero. 44=4==48. Most places on Earth have at least or on average a 4 degree deviation from magnetic north and true North, at least from my experience as a navigator. Perhaps 8 is the number I see, (4/2)*2*2=8, and 8+4=12, and 12/2=6, and 6/2==3. 6 seems to be the favorite number of many in the USA. In 2001, in a provision in the Chapter 36 laws of Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, the government and the state hospitals were allowed to forcibly inject innocent and compliant people and to charge them money for those injections. I spoke too quickly and I was injected at Flagstaff Medical Center when I had a small burn on my neck and I saw what appeared to be a toxic waste cleanup crew on Interstate Highway 40 in New Mexico. I was injected in 2001 forcibly by the VA in Los Angeles under the directives of those who launder money through the FDIC. I have a speech impediment. I stuttered when I was a child and learned to speak quickly to compensate for the aberration of stuttering. You get 66.6 of your salary if you are nearly killed in your job, e.g. in a falling elevator, as a Nurse in Milton Florida suffered. Then whey you try to get it, the Florida Department of Workers Compensation will not give you anything unless you have some one stick a proverbial fork up their ass. 2/3 of everything is 6.66. Numerology is the premature babble of the mathematical mind seeking a definite answer, when in fact, all is motion and not described in static numbers, not for us, but maybe for God on each end. Somehow I doubt I will die, one way or another, as I may be in another death already, a sort of protective shell until my job is done here. I want to return to the place where there are no weapons, where there is peace, where the commandments are truly followed and the promise is fulfilled. Some times I want to kill those who have tortured me and beared false witness against me. I often wonder if God is training me to kill, but that violates the commandments. Vengeance is mine sayeth the lord. I have heard that somewhere. Reap your furrow, hurl your grain, your ass could be mine, but for God's graces, I refrain.

I was told to get rid of all of my computers by my attorney in Los Angeles after I had been released in October of 2001.  Yesterday  I was using the last remaining monitor and had the internet connected.  It sounded like the computer exploded inside when a pop sound came from the monitor.  It was my old computer.  God gave me two, or three, depending on how you look at it. I will be giving it away and a microwave oven on Pensacola Craigslist and Mobile Craigslist now if you want it. If you quote you saw it on Mobile Audit Club, I will give you special consideration. Beware of the monitor, it should not be used but dissected. It may be nothing, but like all things handled by vermin, we should clean it before we touch it. By the way, Rabbi Dovid Weiss is often labeled a heretic or a devil, but what I see is a man who follows the word of the old testament scripture to its exact lesson. May God live him and the children of Israel and those in the world who are humane and live in fear of those who are not. I was told in the faintest of dreams that a war has been waging for a very long time, and I was just to young to recall the beginning of it.

Daily Foreword 2-13-2009: I have heard it said recently that Americans of long term heritage have been putting down their guns and they should be picking them up.  The truth is that the ruling regimes war criminal factions will have you beat if you try to challenge them with bullets. 

Beware of the ruling regimes war criminal factions as they are insidious and devious, as if they are not even Americans and definitely not humane to the mass majority of us.  They killed an honest FDIC regional director and I was placed in the middle of it afterward.  I should have stayed in the medical field and left the United States after completion of my degree, but I ended up as an accountant, a federal bank examiner.  Sometimes a nation is like a rotten piece of meat, in that it is so full of maggots it is without hope.  We are the nation of flies, perhaps the Earth is in that state.

Protect your young.  Watch your back.  There are those in the federal government and local governments setting traps for us.  If you want to attack me federal government and international war criminals, kill me, do not torture me, as I will never stop in fleeing or pursuing you the next time as I did when I was naive and trusted you in early 2001.  Some people will get what they deserve, and let us hope it is a shallow grave for our enemies in the USA and around the Earth.  Never again serve them.  Never again trust them. PROTECT YOUR YOUNG. Hold their hands when the regime brings their inoculations and feel your child shake.  You should shake also, but you have been pre-conditioned, brainwashed, by the illusion of trust and love by a war criminal faction in power.

Daily Foreword October 20, 2008: Today's post is on Quatrains 8 regarding fact and the unknown and struggle.

Daily Foreword February 5, 2009: Quatrains 8/Prophetic Poem Art 8 updated today with the most significant work I have ever written.Today I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner, went to Mobile Alabama and entered a restaurant on the Causeway for lunch.  The waitress tried to seat me next to a group of police, around 12 officer in plain clothes with one in a swat shirt.   Because I was abused by the police in Mobile Alabama on more than one occasion and because I feel we are in a technological confrontation and that our enemies are housed in their police department, I asked not to be seated next to them, likely cohorts of the enemies to mankind.  I do not eat with my enemy or in their presence, unless in prolonged battle, starving, and cooking their fattened asses over blazing flames.  Not all police are bad there, as  I know a couple of them in the area, so do not misunderstand me.

When one of them saw me, a very fat one, rather large, around 6 feet tall and 280 to 300 pounds came walking up to a waiter and s 2000 tarted making jokes about an armed and dangerous felon, meaning most likely myself.  AS the governments war criminals, the enemies to humane mankind, has started harassing me every where I go, trying to get me to leave what I call the Devil's Quarter, which is the Interstate 10 corridor along the Gulf Coast and into Los Angeles. 

When the cop who obviously has Napoleon Syndrome, started to walk away, he started swinging his keys like the Nazis did when they were hauling off Jews and Gypsies to death camps in World War II. 

I urge young people to leave the Gulf Coast.  I was told to return to the Bay Area of San Francisco by an elder I respect.  The elder told me that the people who run the Gulf Coast look down on good people as lesser beings  or animals.     I agree and racism is fostered. 

However, when I was leaving a man of color and his wife and child were having lunch.  The man told me to "Come Back".  He had respect for me.  I pity him in this place and urge him to leave.  The Northern California area all the way to Seattle and then to Alaska is preferable.  However, we should not run.  Our enemies will find themselves in their own cages, so Help US God. 

We are no longer allies with the war criminals of the regime in power.  I would sacrifice my own life in a prolonged war with them to save our people.  But due to physical laws and commandments, we should do as the War Philosopher Tsun Tzu said and let the water flow by us without trying to stop it.  It is too formidable. 

That man will have a heart attack in the next 5 to 7 years due to his obesity.  I only pray that God can teach him his lessons and show him how cruel he appears swinging his jail keys in front of not only myself,  an honest auditor and reporter, but also in front of that wonderful family who happened to be sitting there, as I am sure that fat cops ancestors once herded slaves of African descent into this same region.

Never again.  Let us applaud the death of the war criminals of the regime and see them as a threat to our people and our children.  Be careful as they now control much of the government and the drugs used on children.  Our enemies are arrogant and stupid and often deliberately cruel, and would cut off their own penises in their delirium if they were taught the truth too quickly.  They are nothing, just like us, except we are humane humans, and that may be our saving grace, or grave. I want Mardi Gras Boycotted in Mobile Alabama due to disenfranchisement and the closed government run by the enemies to mankind.

Daily Foreword February 4, 2009:  Today, the harassment continues by the governments of the Pensacola Florida war criminal horde against myself, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner and American Holocaust victim injected and labeled X-017-911-84 by the war criminals in power. 

I went to the DMV at Navy Boulevard in Pensacola Florida.  When I went in, I asked a male DMV employee a question and he is likely an offense to homosexuals.  He often wears pink shirts and has that snide, "I take it up the ass now" and "I give it back to you DMV customers because I am twisted", sort of look. 

As I waited I noticed the angry homosexual looking man went to his office and he was sitting there, staring out at me, talking on the phone and laughing and covering his mouth, as if I can read lips, especially a worn out  old DMV cock suckers lips.  In addition, a rent-a-cop or DMV security type came inside and started moving things around near where I was sitting and he looked like a man who had followed me into a Wal Mart next door to the DMV a week earlier.

I decided to leave because any time I feel uneasy in a government building, I am reminded that most of the government treats me as their enemy since federal FDIC employment and surviving their assassins after informing on money laundering and murder inside the agency. I was also forcilby injected in 2001 for the first time, and when I asked why, they said I talked too fast, claiming I was manic. That is a lie. I have a speech impediment from childhood and I sometimes talk fast to overcome it. They do not care, therefore I do not care if our enemies governmental factions in the USA are destroyed.

When I left on foot, a truck was following me, stopping when I stopped and moving when I moved.  It was a new white truck, the kind that only the American war criminal horde can afford in suburban Pensacola Florida. 

Ironically, I had gone to a Wal Mart next to the same DMV a week earlier.  A security guard most likely or some sort of rent a cop as I mentioned above came up behind me. He had been in front of the Wal Mart parking lot next to a white van and another car. He was watching me enter the store, so I stopped and watched him, and he alerted some of the door security I was in the store.  He had the sort of eyes that I have seen in a man applying for a bank charter in Roseville California and who was likely a money launderer because he hailed from Reno and had all the markings of a syndicate type.     The eyes, the eyes, the eyes.  Is it something or is it nothing?  The eyes are like oil, almost non human, or perhaps just slime oozing inside out. 

It is time for me to leave Pensacola Florida and the South East USA and the USA in general.  I would like to work as an emissary with one of the nations of humane humans, if they exist, and oppose that dictatorial war criminal horde in power in the damned United States.   I am trying to sell a home I bought in Pensacola and I will lose a lot of money and labor.  I do not care.  I no longer want to be surrounded by war criminals and their bought out lackeys.

Never trust the USA governments.  IF you feel uneasy in their buildings, it is your intuition and you should leave.  Never give the enemy time to assemble around you or your family.  Protect your young.  Even their injections and inoculations at birth of our children should be held suspect.  They have never cared about us.  Their followers are brainwashed. Their employees such as those handling homestead exemptions and IRS audits are cruel and unrelenting against the poor and working class.  I was brainwashed when I was young and watching their TV and going to their public schools.  Beware as the enemy reigns, and their lackeys although often stupid, can be very damaging.  The government wants us broke financially and spiritually.  Who cares if they lose the coming wars?  Perhaps we will find the true felons, take back this nation for the working class, and if the war criminals get in our way, we can give them or IT a good lynching or burning.  They or It never  was our ally.

My holocaust number from California, although imposed upon me, was a 2000 ctually encrypted I think. It is X 017 911 84, and although dismissed, the number and accusation remains, just as prophesied in the Bible. We all wear the mark of the beast.   The 911 was in early 2001 when I  had called for help after an attempt on my life.  The FBI and Secret Service and California government officials and Justice Department never responded.  WE should shut down and clear out those agencies if the regime is toppled.  The 84 was a warning, just as in George Orwell's book 1984, their intent was and is to kill me.  I hope it backfires in their face when they attack me further.  My 017 number is reminiscent of James Bond's 007, because I investigated murders and money launderers and syndicate types inside the FDIC and jail house food funds thieves in Alabama government.  They pay off their war criminal allies and torture and rob the rest of us.  Sheriff Jack Tillman, food funds thief, now receives a pension of close to $70,000 a year untaxed.  He helped to set me up after I was investigating murders and money laundering and reporting his thievery of inmate food funds and starving his inmates at MOBile AL jail. He took my gun permit illegally and the war criminal federal horde in Alabama directed him to do so.

They do not care for us, we do not care for them.  When and if the war starts, I hope our people stand down, because some of theirs will likely be decapitated and I hope their eyes are dissected and examined for human genetics.  I would wager 50% will fail the test in some manner or another.

Daily Foreword February 3, 2009: As I promised, here is the link to the home I am selling so I can flee the USA. I am asking 145,000 in the ad, but I will take 130,000 or best offer. If an assassin comes to this address, please make it a clean kill like they did Federal Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales. You will not be able to kill me like they did the FDIC regional director and label it suicide. So sorry! My MLS showing my House for sale, owned by the bank.

You can email me for more information on the home at

Yesterday I, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner and banking and murder crimes informant was harassed when I went to some department stores in Pensacola Florida. It was most likely associates of the federal war criminals and their agencies or the Neo-Nazi horde that is present in Pensacola and surruounding cities.  I was an honest federal bank examiner who reported money laundering and murder inside the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.   I was used like a pawn in a war.  My war has become my tragedy.  I want the federal government to stop harassing me and have their war felons leave me alone, or I want every government official in the USA and their allies overseas decapitated or I pray that someone brings us global extinction as a species.

We are in a technological war.  We are a slave race to a master of no conscience.  We will be better off dead and many will welcome global war and human extinction before this over.  I am one of those men now. 

Never trust the USA governments.  Protect your young.  Let us herald the rise of a new political party of humane humans who have the wherewithal to win in a technological confrontation with the current ruling beasts of these damned United States and the conquered Earth.

The federal government and their war criminal assassins are waging a war against an innocent man.  Harassing me not only at my home but when I am simply buying things to improve my home so I can sell it and leave the shores of the United States, in particular that Neo Nazi war criminal enclave of the Gulf Coast of the United States, including Florida, Alabama, and Lousiana and Mississippi and Texas.

I was warned by a fellow disabled USA veteran not to work for the federal government as an accountant.  I went to work for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and regret it as I have been through an American Holocaust since 2000.  I was warned not to buy a house in Pensacola Florida.  I bought it, and now I hope to sell it, even if at a loss. 

I hope to see my enemies taken out and hanged in public squares across the USA and the globe.  They or IT is the enemy to humane mankind.  The regime in power and their allies are our felons.  Let us give them no peace.  Give IT no solace.  They treat us like outsiders and demons, so shall we treat them and their followers in the same manner.  Give the enemy no place to hide, no place to feel comfort, no place to profit, no place to live or die.

Avoid places where the regime has a strong military presence or police presence, such as Pensacola Florida, Mobile Alabama, Los Angeles California and anywhere the enemies to mankind congregate.

The regime and their federal war criminal allies are harassing me because they want to shoot me in the head, just like they did Thomas Crane Wales, federal prosecutor in Seattle, and just like they did an FDIC regional director in San Francisco who was labeled suicide by the war criminals associates or those that they control. The regime hopes to make me pull a gun. I can own one legally outside of California, and I see them as little use against the war criminal faction. They will have to be swallowed in the same way that a snake swallows an egg, or a mongoose swallows a snake. They and I are no longer strangers. They have injected me forcibly for the last time. I will fight them to the death and kill as many as possible if I see them forcibly injecting me with chemicals or any of my loved ones or associates. God Damn the regime in power. Our side has lost control and now the government is controlled by the federal war criminal regime.

Daily Foreword February 2, 2009:  The days of trust between those who control the governments of the USA and those who are subjects to those governments is now over.  The governments controllers have stripped us of all human rights.  They now inject people with chemicals forcibly.  They do unknown medical procedures on children and soldiers.  Their courts are just places where we are to bend down in front of our worst enemies in control of the courts themselves.

I applaud those who can overthrow the regime in power.  I encourage our people to see the USA government as nothing more than a Satanic wrath and to see those who attack and overcome them as being God's true children.

The governments encourage us to kill our own, not only overseas but in the USA.  We should view them as outside of our families and degrading to our livelihoods and health.  The days of peace came to an end in the USA.  Let us welcome the escalation of technological war against the war criminal regime in power and their ardent followers.

We will forever be slaves to them unless something drastic is done.  If necessary, let us welcome the end of our species.  It is better to die than to be subjugated by the worst enemies to humane mankind. Never trust the government. If they claim someone is criminal or terrorist, remember who is telling you this, the worst enemies to humane mankind.

Someone whispered to me i 2000 n Pensacola Florida, the war criminals weapons depot, that the federal government has us all wired.  We have nothing to hide, they do.  They are also putting in devices and software to track every word you or I type.  More power to those who can overthrow the war criminal in power in the United States.  It is likely Russia or someone in that territory who has taken over the USA federal government.  Look at their main enemies, the Afghanistan people and the common American. 

Put that dog to sleep.

Daily Foreword February 11, 2009: (Youtube Video describing todays Post on Abuse of Nurses In Northwest Florida.)  It appears that not only is the current ruling regime allowing honest federal FDIC bank examiners to be killed and labeled suicide as was the FDIC director in San Francisco prior to my arrival in 1999, but they are also allowing disabled veterans to be terminated for filing EEOC complaints.  

Even worse, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, American holocaust number X 017 911 84, now know of one registered nurse who was on an elevator at Santa Rosa medical center in Milton Florida while working, and the elevator malfunctioned, dropping the nurse violently, slamming the nurse into the railing, cracking her rib, and injuring her spine, nearly snapping her neck, in a manner that has incapacitated her ability to work for the rest of her life.

The hospital has retaliated by canceling her health care effective this pay period.  The Workmen's Compensation office in Florida has not responded to her calls and her money she was promised, 66.6% of her base pay has not started.  She will lose her home and her car and be incapacitated for the rest of her life and unable to work due to the injury according to her doctors. 

She went to the law office of Levin Papantino in the Pensacola Florida area and they refused to take her case.    The reason being because they likely said that because she had had a spinal injury prior to the incident that she would likely lose the case. The more likely scenario is that the Levin firm is owned in part or paid off in bribes by the local hospital establishment.  I personally knew the woman prior to the accident and saw the effects afterward.  She was a hard working woman and in good health, having recovered from a prior surgery completely.  Now the injury has been made worse and doctors have stopped her ability to return to work.  Her broken rib from the fall has not yet healed completely and the fall has damaged her neck irrevocably beyond repair.

I will be calling for the formation of a Nurses Union in the Pensacola Florida area and surrounding hospitals.  I will be contacting some national nurses unions to assist in the formation of those unions at those hospitals.  We are not protected in any manner from the abuses of big government and big industry. 

I also know of another nurse who contracted Hepatitis C while in surgery at one of the local hospitals in or near Milton Florida when her hand was cut during surgery by a surgeon who was working on a patient with Hepatitis C.    The hospital retaliated by removing her from the hospitals employment payroll after years of service.

In my world, we believe in an eye for an eye, come Hell or high water.  The time has come for men to stand up and for women to stand strong.  This has gone too far.  I am harassed daily when I leave my home, always under surveillance in the Pensacola area by federal war criminals and anyone they can contact, including store security.  They are not what they seem, their controllers stay hidden.  I am a degreed journalist, a degreed accountant, trained in medicine and computer science and I am accustomed to fighting with crime syndicates in the federal war criminals governmental factions that are in power. They are not what they seem.  That is why they are striking at me and harassing me when possible.  The old saying is to never give the enemy aid nor comfort, and that is what many in government have treated me as since early 2001, their mortal enemy. I was given the Holocaust number X 017 911 84 prior to 9-11 2001. I have survived many attempts on my life and harassment and I have been partially blinded by poisons since that time, often while I was in forced exile by the federal war criminal factions of the regime in power.  Some have taken a bloody ax to many of us in the United States.  The time will come when we will have to re-take this nation, this planet, on behalf of human beings with a conscience. A famous quote, "The tree of liberty grows only when watered by the blood of tyrants." - Barere

Recently in January 2009  a train was derailed in Milton Florida, and ironically a plane crashed near Milton also in which a pilot had tried to fake his death by jumping from the plane near Birmingham Alabama and he put the plane on automatic pilot and it crashed into an area near Milton Florida and the injured nurse named Katrina heard it fly closely in a near miss over her house that night with jets tracking the abandoned plane before it crashed in the swamps outside of a prison near her home.  The city of Milton burned in January 2009 also.  If you want divine karma at the hospitals management office and the Florida Workmen's Compensation office, it is already being instituted. Next volley HO!. 

We need a union for the nurses in this area.  I personally will see that anyone who tries to stop it through violence will be dealt with accordingly.  It is ironic the nurses name is Katrina. 

I should play for those who are abusing the nurses rights my song, Stone Cold In My Electric Chair because I, Kurt  Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, wrote the song and took the video of New Orleans a few days before Hurricane Katrina. I have not gotten permission to use the woman's last name yet but may post it later. The hospital management knows who she is, as the entire hospital heard the elevator when it fell, and some described it as the sound of a bomb going off.

Daily Foreword February 10, 2009:  Today I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner and American holocaust number since early 2001, X 017 911 84 have gone through proper channels and hope to go back to work in the arena of the large dollar financial auditing sector.  I have asked to be put into an office where the blood of an honest man still tastes sweet.  It is moi forte.  I want top pay and travel for mundane jobs and I will work for less if I get to work where an honest man has been killed because the higher order pays me more handsomely when I check out of this millenia.  Can you decrypt my X number?  2000 When I go to work for the federal government, I feel like those two little lost guys in that dark comedy Wise Guys with Danny Devito and Joe Piscopo, youtube clip..  I hope to really get off this time Sueet.  I love plane rides and drinking Sweet red drinks next to Sueet.  She has no personality because she lacks a true libido and probably has an ingrown and retarded vulva thereby hindering sex drive and marital aptitude, but the coitus must be good because the mob boss Masa allegedly liked it according to my queer friends at the FDIC San Francisco Office.  I have not worked in 9 years.  I or she must be pregnant, elephant pregnant.  Sueet.  Don't late me sleep in da street.  I got to save the working class currency before we are out paced by unemployed Mexicans, no offense to the lovely senoritas and hard working senors.  Sueet, every been to Brazil.  I would love to go to Puerto Rico and dance da salsa if I could move like that, Sueet.

Of course I am joking about the wise guys thing as only the top employees are syndicated in the crime syndicates.  I was also told that I might get a job as Ambassador to Egypt because the current Ambassador is anti-Semitic.  I like Egyptians and Israelis equally and I have a proposal if they will listen.  But I am likely blacklisted from that also, so I may just have to work for Egypt, and I hope not building pyramids.  I already have a scar on my ankle from childhood and I am not sure where it came from, it looks like a chain cut.  And I have this ear that is marked from childhood, likely chewed by rats or by some sadistic human, and I have those wing like things on my thoracic vertebrae.  I think I would go perfectly with the Sphinx, a Chinese woman and an Egyptian woman as an employee in Egypt so I could threaten the crime syndicates in the USA government with retaliation by forming a bond with the good people of Iran and Israel. Sueet Jesus, Sueet, you can kiss the soles of my Egyptian feet. I want these two egyptian girls as my wives and I do not care if they mess around with each other (youtube). And I want these girls as wives too (youtube). I will a youtube e-gram to Sueet and her federal pimp, Masa, "Sueet, I am with Allah". You can hear me in that last video link above.

Daily Foreword February 8, 2009:  It appears the misdirected animosity of racists, warmongers,  war criminals, crime syndicates in the USA federal government and the Neo-Nazi horde has resurfaced in Pensacola again in my vicinity, and  I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving? FDIC bank examiner, and American Holocaust number from early 2001 X-number X 017 911 84, would like to clue some people in on the open and honest truth of this situation.  The truth is in the numbers, if you can decrypt my X number.  Someone or thing wanted to kill me long ago, after being forced out of the FDIC in 2000, as I was attacked by government and people in the streets, and I still breathe, I still seat myself. 

Yesterday I went for a little tour of my neighborhood and to spy those who spy on me from a local racist pub and a nearby gas station.  Of course not all  are racists, not of the malevolent variety anyway, but those who target me are in many cases the most suited examples of misdirected animosity, and it is because of their own ignorance and those who have taught them and or contained them and their minds. 

When I was spying the bar from a local spot, a man was outside talking on his cell phone.  He looked similar to, but was not, the man who the realtor, Czechoslavakian Jana Alarid, now of Caldwell Banker, told me to use to inspect the home.  David Martin of A-1 inspections jeopardized my health I believe when I suspect he washed down the inside of the attic with bleach.   I almost passed out and my lungs were burning after we came out of the attic in June of 2008.  The reaction to mold with straight undiluted bleach is Chlorine Gas, a deadly and toxic gas.  I did not know what it was, until I saw huge amounts of mold form in the attic after the first rain after I purchased the home.  I had to buy a new roof because the alleged "new" roof was indeed bad.  I have a video of what it looked like if you want to look it up by searching on Youtube or Google, "Florida Real Estate Fraud Saintrambone".

Across the street from the bar was another man, a man who drive his newer colored pickup and his dog, a German Shepherd in the bed of his pickup often on Highway 98 West. The man has a moustache that looks like one of those large German moustaches like the Kaisers used to sport, and I am not sure if he was in on anything as of late.    I know because the dog barks every time it rides in the  back of the truck past my home and I know its bark.   Within a few moments after passing the man with the dog, I went into an alley, and a older white truck came roaring down the highway, I could hear it coming as I was going past the moustache man with the dog and truck.  It  was a white pickup, an old one, and came into the driveway of the filling station like he was looking to kill someone and he upset one of their customers.  Considering one of my favorite uncles was rolled under a pickup truck like a tootsie roll after riding a motorcycle, I consider I might have survived like he did.  Maybe, maybe not, after all, death is determined by something greater than ourselves.  Some can live forever, with God's will.  Why keep a bad bean?  Why sacrifice a good seed?  When is it time to harvest, plant, live, or die, is really not determined by mankind or any other being in this realm, not that I am aware of, and if so, he she or it is likely in disguise.

Later the moustache man left and I waved him goodbye from my home.  I am trying to sell my home as I no longer like it here.  It is too depressed economically because the people in control have a harness on industry and the populace and the common are not allowed to have a voice in government or industry.   

I showed my home to one client, a so-called investor, a few weeks ago, but he was not sincere and he had ulterior motives.  He was not an investor or purchaser, his goal was to move on the directives of that racist horde.  I am now called by many the "Most Inconspicuous Jew" but I prefer to be called half the time, "The Most Inconspicuous Muslim, or Hindu, or Buddhist, or etc. etc."

Tomorrow, Monday 2-9-2009, later in the day, I am to show my home to another client who saw the home on Craigslist.  The MLS for the home is #364337 found by searching    The client says he is in the Navy, but I doubt it.  I often play along, because I have tag alongs, and every now and then, they go astray and catch people like Randy Kraft Serial Killer who referred to me as Angel in his death and visitation diaries.  I would not drink his poison or suck his bone, all I said was leave Dirt Alone.  He dropped me off and was busted two weeks later with a dead marine in his car.

Perspective 2000 clients, if you are sincere, I will give veterans and active duty military and the poor working class a real price break on the home if we can skip realtors commissions.  Otherwise, to people on the con and mal intent, the message is, do not f-ck with me, do not f-ck with us.  I am not kidding you about that one Cow Boy.

Daily Foreword January 26, 2009: a href="Quatrains_8.html">Quatrains 8/Prophetic Poem Art 8 Updated 1-27-2009 with a word on abnormal or paranormal phenomena.   Sueet, check out my friend's Bart, Butthole Radio today with tributes today to Saint Ram Bone.  Once again some federal fascists or some of the Neo Nazi herd is harassing the Saint Ram Bone, alias Kurt Brown, when he enter a UPS store.  He is selling his house in Pensacola Florida due to the war criminal monstrosity in power on the Gulf Coast and much if not all of the USA.  IT is a technological warlord who is also an IDIOT.  Let IT burn.  My house will soon be on MLS and I will list it here.  I owe I owe so off to selling it I go. 

If you challenge the federal crime syndicates your glass ceiling will be the underground.  Great seals Ba'al Zebub.   Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone is seeking a roommate in P'cola to do dishes with him.  See Craigslist in D.C, Pensacola, Mobile, San Francisco, unless deleted by the fascist war criminal herd and horde whored. 

I like it deep Sueet.  Dig deep my brothers.  We are not surrounded by our own kind up top.  They are not toot sweet. 

Daily Foreword January 23, 2009:  Today, two men in a very fancy truck came to my home in Pensacola Florida pretending to be interested in the home I have for sale.  The man who gave me his name on the phone, would not present his identification when he arrived, claiming not to have it.  He was a liar or he was driving without his license. 

Then he told me he was an investor.   He then mentioned that he had seen where some uneducated people were buying homes at higher interest rates, "Uneducated blacks" is what he called them.   That indicates to me that he was likely associated with my past realtor, the con woman Jana Alarid and her unscrupulous inspector David Martin who was also a racist. 

 He went through the home looking at things.  I had a camera to record him, two actually.  The first camera was a camera the enemy government took from me in 2004 in the Closed Door government of Mobile Alabama when I was filming as an investigative reporter in the government lobby.  That camera acted as if the tape was scrambled later.    The other which is linked to a friends program through the security system caught their faces, but not their voices. It was as if they were trying to separate me from the home and to stall me and make a fake call so that they could alert their cronies outside that I was away from the door.

Now, was it federal government or was it some of the new war criminal neo Nazi types of the Pensacola Florida and Lillian Alabama area who were at my home pretending to want to buy in earnest? I think it was likely the Neo Nazi associates of the realtor and her husband and their inspector, the rip off trio, due to the racist comment, as that is what they are, descendants and associates most likely of Adolf Hitler just as much of Lillian is, and that is not to say that all Germans are allies of cold blooded killers like Hitler was or Is.  Someone was blowing their horn like mad men when the two men left.  I have asked the exposed con artis realtor Jana Alarid to have her Neo Nazi fringe stop the practice, which was simply because I caught their lies on film and put it to music.   I have asked her not to blow their horns in front of my home as it annoys not only myself but the neighbors. 

The men left my home.  I will ask them online here not to contact me further since they like to say my website is insane. So do the war criminals of the USA governments say the same thing, who I also avoid despite free health care from the them. I would rather be shot than treated at a VA Hospital because they do forced medical procedures and withhold medical records, as I witnessed at the LA VA Westwood in 2001 and 2004.  I would rather sell my home for less money to a hard working family than to an investor who insults me.  I do not have time for games with my enemies.

I do not want war but it appears I will die in a conflict with the ruling regime and their Neo Nazi horde and their followers who are war criminals.  I welcome this war if it moves God closer to me, to us.  The man was rude and insolent and a liar and what I term as passive aggressive behavior.  I turned to the bible for solace this evening with my right hand, to Isaiah 8:11 and it reads, "The lord spoke to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people". 

I will sell my home to someone who needs it, and I will sell it at a loss to myself if I feel they are like myself, a humane human downtrodden by our enemies in these South Eastern United States..  My enemies can eat the shit that the dogs lay in worms upon their putrid flesh when their wolves turn upon them.  I urge all to beware of the USA government and to avoid racist degradations as we are all humans or we are all nothing.  The federal government and their closed governments are like the man who insulted me repeatedly and lied to me, never trust them, never serve them. I applaud their removal from our presence however done by God's will and God's people. I hope I never see or hear from that man again. I sense danger and contempt in that man like a dog senses fear in a man. You can do a search on Google videos for the three part series on real estate fraud, by searching for Florida Real Estate Fraud Saintrambone.

I have much post traumatic stress inflicted upon myself by forced injections at the LA VA Westwood and Flagstaff Medical Center. My ailment is to have a speech impediment in which I speak quickly when stressed. My prayer is for God to end my life for eternity and to end the suffering of my people. I ca not deal with it any longer. The sickness from the injections, repeated injections, repeated trauma, repeated attacks. It is over for us. I have made my suggestion for Israel and it is on Quatrains 8, if Quatrains 8 exists, if Israel exists, if I exist. The world is a vampire.

Daily Foreword January 20, 2009: Quatrains 8/Prophetic Poem Art 8 Updated 1-21-2009. In considering the abuses we humane humans endure at the hands of many if not all governments, including horrific ordeals such as was common under the Nazi regime with modern science used against humane humans, I really have to speculate that humans have not had control of this planet for a very long time. 

I would like to add that in considering that some humans may not be humane in any manner, I could be wrong on what I am about to say, and I would speculate a 20% probability and that man is simply an average primitive animal and treats each other just as reptiles treat other, at least those who are in power and in control since the date of my birth to present.  I c 2000 an not believe the history books but I can learn from them the mistakes of others and the books are full of those mistakes if one looks at the results in a modern context of fallout and social consequence.

However, after observing the banking crisis during Bush Sr.'s presidency and the murder labeled suicide of a FDIC regional director where I later worked in San Francisco as a bank examiner.  And also considering the banking crisis under Bush Jr.'s Presidency.  It appears that someone is either making the Bush's look complicit in robbery on a grand scale or the Bush's themselves are not what they pretend to be.  They are not humane.  Their goal has been warfare and torture not only overseas but in the USA. 

Those are not the only Presidents who were cruel beyond compare.  I remember when I was a child when young men were being forced to fight  other people in Vietnam.   One Vietnamese woman, a dear friend in the USA, told me years after the Vietnam war that they thought Americans hunted them like sport animals.  My prayer to god is that he extinguish my life, my strains of life, in this consciousness if we are held to follow this thing, this it, that abuses and misuses us.

I think there is a high enough probability that we may be dealing with some sort of slave master from a space we can not detect that could be in blind corners we can not see or even high above in space or beyond our realm of control.    I would say a probability of 20 to 30 percent probability. 

Now, we know that man can be cruel just as some dogs are vicious.  So there is a probability that someone from this planet has taken power using technology, and I would say a 30% probability if you look at present times and into ancient history.   

The remaining 20% is open to conjecture.  The universe is too varied and complex to pinpoint any thing.  I regret having bought a home in the USA.  I see national boundaries as possibly put in place by those or that which wishes to control and subjugate the entire human race.  Humans are by nature social.  We crave it, we need it not only for our mental health but for procreation.    Everything happens for a reason, my house will soon be sold, or perhaps  I will die, either way I will be free of this terrible war crimes city that houses weapons and killers for that crown of no piety and no pity, that crown that controls us.  Pensacola is Piss-Cola.  Not all are bad.  It is very sad they or we are prisoners to this place.  Of course in LA they inject you.  In San Francisco they hit.  In Vancouver B.C. you are harassed in parking lots as hoodlums tamper with your vehicle and you are shot at on the highways.    It is like a living hell from what I have seen thus far.  I pray for release in life, and if not, then in death, and very soon, I will it to happen.

I put some new videos on under the saintrambone alias. Look in the favorites section. It is the bottom half of the home page of that site. I have some questions for the rabbis. They do not tend to answer my questions on Zionism and the dictates in the "true" Torah. Interesting. The 10 Commandments are fairly easy to follow, but the past appears to be in a knot. Perhaps we will unravel soon.

I live in a state of fear after being a federal bank examiner and going after criminals in government, both in Alabama and in California and Washington, D.C. and to some extent Arizona. Just this morning it sounded like gun fire in front of my home. A 60% probability that it was not. I am often pinpointed when I go to stores or government buildings in Pensacola. The federal government says I am an armed felon. I am only armed with the wisdom that I am surrounded very often by the enemies to humane mankind. I pray for God and his children to grant me relief and release. Pensacola is like third world controlled by bloodthirsty savages and mad men. But that is no different from what I experienced in Los Angeles California, Mobile Alabama, Flagstaff Arizona, and to some extent San Francisco California, and of course I can not forget the attacks in Canada. Perhaps someone should shut off the power to my torture chamber and let me die, let us who suffer die.

Daily Foreword January 19, 2009:  In today's post, I discuss online the aspect of forced injections on people who are deemed unfit psychologically by federal officials or their associates who derive financial profits in hospitals by allowing the forced injections.   I heard of and the talk of a Veteran who committed suicide after being forcibly injected repeatedly by federal officials at a VA facility.  Here is the link to and here is the link to youtube and my discussion of forced injections.

Daily Foreword January 16, 2009:  I encourage the common man and woman to beware of the dictatorial fascist and thieving governments in the United States, in particular in Florida's rip-off real estate markets, Alabama's closed and abusive governments, and the corrupt members of the federal governments appointees in that most hated city of Los Angeles.  We should view their victims in Iraq and Afghanistan as being our brothers, the brothers of true humane men.  Applaud the death of the regime in power and the removal of their bureaucracy. So help us God or give us all our deaths.  Damn the regime in power.  Beware of them. They are often out of sight but they are always in violation of our human rights. We have no civil rights. I applaud those who mount offensives against the enemy in this technological war.

Daily Foreword 1-12-2009: It has been brought to Mobile Audit Club attention that the federal government and their war criminal mob bosses in power, of what ever nationality behind the mask of cowardly anonymity, have started setting traps and harassing the people who oppose the war criminal regime in power that is killing innocent federal banking regulators, federal prosecutors involved in proceeding over banking crimes, and attempts and abuses against myself, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner and accountant, later to become one of their murder attempt survivors. The FDIC includes NTEU involvement. Donna Tonaue (sp) was the FDIC director at the time, but I noticed that the Reich is still in play at the FDIC and their EEOC is devoid for the American worker over all. It is ironic my career was ruined and I was reduced to nothing in their attempt to defame my character for having survived their internal high dollar assassins. Casinos are part of the cause and I am part of the cure. High tech harnessing of every bet made and paid. They say they will send bookies, go ahead, we will control casino revenues, we the people, or I will walk out with your head and your anonymity. I knew my own kind as victims when when I saw them as their other victims. War crimes will become more rampant. Protect yourself and your young, the federal government has those who are the world terrorist, those controlling the police offices in the USA, beyond, many USA cities, if not all. Todays video is a light hearted look at con jobs played by sales people and con artists in the Florida real estate business 2000 ==sex and psychology and real estate deals and a Ho.. No one can be trusted, no one. I am repairing the roof, the proof is in the warranty. It is ironic I am the one not trusted in the fed. I have survived. Who are they who allow swat teams to enter their government victims cars. I would like to see the release of all Guantanamo base captives by years end and the release of the American drug czars control over the USA and the USDA.

Daily Foreword 1-10-2009: Once not too long ago, I was sitting in a home of a close friend in California's bay area.  He asked, "Do you see that?", and he pointed to a black area, sort of like a small black hole, as you would see in physics labs of some sort.  I said, "Yes".  He then asked, "What is it?"  I said, "I do not know?"   Another friend later said, if the federal government ever comes to your home or any agent of the government uninvited, tell them, "Get off of my property". He said it in a loud voice, scaring his dogs who went into guard mode.  I later used that tactic when federal agents illegally came to my home in Mobile Alabama after doing investigative reporting work in their closed government in that hated government of Mobile Alabama.  They do not even allow many of their poor to receive funding for abandoned children and their Sheriff Jack Tillman was terminated in 2005 only after I reported his as stealing inmate food funds and starving inmates to the point of emaciation.

Now, I still see that black dot, or a moving black flash.  Mind control by the government, whoever or whatever they are could be a true issue for us.  We know they are not humane and their followers are often like either technological warlords, grunt-like police auto-matrons,  or cold blooded killers.

If you see a black flash, have a headache from it or eye pain, you may be some sort of controlled individual by  the government. You may see the flash or the black spot and then hear or see something immediately afterward. Question it, but do not become alarmed as they may just be spying with some apparatus.

To me there is always hope for armegeddon ever since surviving many attacks after FDIC bank examiner employment and reporting the war criminal scum in power in that agency that allow killing and big money banking crimes. The American worker will become depleted of most everything unless they are at the feet of the beast worshipping what they do. Beasts will cook and taste OK when well done.   Beware, as we are likely under control from an external source and mind control is likely rampant.  If we are to be subjected, let us hold the hand of God and say good night to this life and proceed to assist those who will bring us to a final end.  We will never be allies again with that war criminal horde.  Pity their victims around the Earth.

Daily Foreword January 9, 2009:Todays post is on Quatrains 8/Prophetic Poem Art 8 I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone or Saint Vechter, will be taking a trip to NYC on a fact seeking mission. I will be visiting opposing camps on the topic of Zionism, various Rabbis who disagree on whether the state of Israel should have been brought back to existence in modern times, and I will be seeking truth not only in discourse, but in observations and proof, both in the rabbis and in their references in the Torah. A personal note, "Too bad J.T.^2." Game's up, let's play hard ball, oh me oh my (If you see my Toe-Toe, please put him in my basket, he answers to Bow-Bone, "Beware he bites"). I will also be interviewing residents and tourists of Manhattan and surrounding environs. I will have this song as my anthem by the other guy, beware of imposters as I sport the Devils Haircut On My Mind and look for the Rabbi's shoe that fits. Next stop, San Francisco to ask Sueet herself, "Is It Insane to Be Sweet". Also while in San Francisco, I will remember my only fan as she came to me in a dream, me and the Falun Gong sharing rice and sushi, with my fan as our honored accountant and auditor (Note the Bank Inspector link. The USA Loses that one.). Here is a Falun Dafa display. I had a dream about Fan or maybe it was real. She came to visit.

Daily Foreword January 7, 2009:  Mind control by the ruling regime in the USA is a true and dangerous threat and I believe it is happening on many people as I type this.  We know they are capable of dirty tricks as is evidenced by the robbing of American banks during the Savings and Loan crisis of the early 1990's, and now the robbing of the American public of good jobs and subsequently their homes.

The attacks on the Oklahoma City federal building were likely a result of mind control or outright deception of the American public.  The attack on 9-11-2001 were also likely instigated through means of mind control, either deceiving the public that jets were hitting the buildings when in fact it was rockets or laser from space.  It is possible to create a 3-d hologram from space satellites on the surface of  Earth. 

When I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, enter many large department stores or even hospitals I am followed in a harassing manner.  The war crimes syndicates are in place in the USA.  They have many followers just as all war criminals in history.  Just recently I went into a hospital in Mobile Alabama.  A man showed up in a suit and was following me from the waiting area to the examination room.  Then when I left the building he followed me out.  I am harassed often since running investigations on the corrupt abuses of the ruling federal regime and their lower level police  they control in local governments.  I discovered thievery of inmate food funds in Alabama and a closed government.  I discovered forced experiments and forced medical procedures and forced injections in Los Angeles at a federal veterans facility in Westwood, a neighborhood of Los Angeles.    I discovered sanctioned money laundering and murder in the federal banking regulatory industry in San Francisco's FDIC.  The corruption spreads to Washington, D.C. 

Also, when I was in the hospital in Alabama today one woman said I sold Hash Brownies. That is an outright lie.  We are given prescriptions for cannabis for pain in California and we can cook brownies or cookies or make butter with the cannabis.  In Alabama we are given lengthy prison sentences for doing the same thing.  The same applies for much of the nation.

Do not allow your children to be injected by government and hospitals if possible.  We need what we call "controls" in our society, meaning we need some children kept from all government contact in the hopes we can see what the positive effects are after maturity.  I foresee mind control through the injection of chemicals and the subsequent manipulation of those chemicals i 2000 n the body by external sources.

It is ironic that when I left the hospital today a tow truck with a flat bed for haul off was behind me.  Could they do something to us to cause us to pull our vehicles to the side of the road and load the vehicles up and ourselves included?  Of course, they are the enemy to humane mankind and cause wars around the globe and they  make us subjugated like slaves to their whims.  We are in a TECHNOLOGICAL WAR.  Let us pray to Yahweh that the covenants between the true Orthodox Jews, those such as Rabbi  Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta are carried out.    We know we have fellow humans around us, including the Neturei Karta.  Israel was reformed out of greed and fear, which ever you choose to ascribe to.  We know our enemy is out there, if not in the flesh, then in technological silhouette.  I consider the government in Mobile Alabama and their followers to be something akin to Satan and beasts in their actions toward us.   I have endured the same abuse in Pensacola, Florida, which is a military outpost for the war criminal regime in power, and their followers are subjugated by ignorance, greed, and caste setting. 

 WE should applaud those who can overthrow them or IT that controls them and move our people from harms way on the day of atonement.  WE are no longer allies in the United States.   I and other highly educated and astute bank examiners were pushed out of the FDIC in San Francisco.  I saw it with my own eyes.  I also saw a crime syndicate in place with ties to Nevada.  Many high ranking officials have been killed due to the greed, callousness, and avarice of those bastards in power.  Never again serve them.  Never again trust them.  Applaud their deaths and try to get our brothers and children not to follow them or IT and to realize the severe danger we are currently presented with.  Mass extermination or mass control is their only recourse now, as they are guilty of all sins. May Yahweh come down upon us now.  I am presented with no options but to pray for God's assistance or for God to kill all of us.  Perhaps this is the test. Do not lie about our brothers and sisters.  Have compassion.  They or IT will not.    I actually have so much post traumatic stress that I pray for Armegeddon in the form of God's hand and mind to learn from the enemy and to wrest control of this planet from them, from it.

The governments justification from blocking me from government is that I owned a gun and carried it with me everywhere. That was because I was attacked and survived syndicates associated with money laundering and murder at the FDIC. Their murders are labeled suicides very often. Beware of the enemy. He is among us. Guns are useless now. They use them against us. WE need technological warfare to crush their skulls. WE were never allies with them or IT. They killed all of us in Vietnam, now they do the same in Afghanistan, Irag, and tommorow, Iran. I hope to leave Florida soon on my journey, my quest, under Yahweh. Do not buy homes with VA inspectors. They will often take bribes and put you in deficient homes that cann not be re-sold. The Neturei Karta do not accept any aid from government. It increasingly seems like a good idea. Educate your children in the night, if you know what I mean.

Daily Foreword January 6, 2009:  On the banking front in the USA, we have known many scams and frauds since the early 1990's to present day.  Remember the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1990's?  That was a thievery of unprecedented amounts from the American public.  When I was at the FDIC in 1999, I was told that FDIC bank examiners were carrying out sacks of cash from closed financial institutions during their liquidation.  Now, that is a conflict of duties because the one counting the money should not be the one carrying and transporting the monies.   That is just one case.  Now, I am told that Chase Bank bought Wachovia bank.  When they did so, Chase Bank cancelled my Wachovia Bank credit card.  Why?  I have a home financed through Chase Bank and have paid all of my notes on time.  Was it because I threatened to let my home go into foreclosure because of fraud by the realtor and the inspector whom she recommended?

We know we are slaves to the ruling regime and their empire of international war criminals.  We know they foster racism and war as is evidenced by world wide war being waged by Western nations in the mid-East and far-East.    Wachovia bank was extremely corrupt.   It appears that Chase Bank has their fair share of frauds also.  Even though Chase allowed me to finance the home, they would not even loan me the money to repair the roof that was a fraud against me.  They did not care that my life savings was tied up into the home and that I would lose the house in foreclosure if the roof started to cave in on me. 

I have noticed extreme racial prejudice by many in the North West Florida area of Pensacola.  It is a place where the government military expenditures pay the bulk of the incomes.   Is the USA government fostering racism and hatred not only in international affairs but inside the USA? 

The old saying, "United we stand, divided we fall" should pertain to the racial relations of the working class poor.  Many in North West Florida are predatory in their business ventures and I will never invest any more there again.   Perhaps it is just me, but I want nothing to do with these people, these racists, and business thieves of cold and calculating natures.  It is an inferior place with inferior relations.  Let us hope that the reigns of government are removed and that a new and humane political party arises for all of mankind.   Never serve them or trust them, and be aware, we are in a technological war it appears.  We are fed to business men with no ethics.  The USA is a sinking ship and it appears it is about to go belly up.  It is only a matter of time before someone slits the belly of this nation and lets the carrion eating types of the human species feed on all that was good.

The government kicked me out of the banking business after  I reporting money laundering and murder associated with the government.  The FDIC is so corrupt that I wonder, "When the USSR fall, did something else arise, something more hidden and insidious?"  Was this international thing that arose so insidious that it started having the people of the USA fight wars for them, such as the conquest of Afghanistan, the USSR's long time enemy?  It appears that way.  I am putting a new roof on my home.  It will soon be sold I hope.  I want out of the racist enclave of backwardness for eternity.  Where do I go?  Never trust the USA governments and protect your children, if you can.

Daily Foreword January 4, 2009:  Recently the federal government's harassing of my wife at her work and at our home due to my investigative reporting has left me in a divorce.  The only health care I now have is VA Healthcare.  They do forced injections and forced experiments and forced medical procedures.  I know because I was one of many veterans who was held down and forced to have injections and forced medical procedures at the LA VA Westwood and later at a facility in Arizona.  That was in 2001 and 2004.  I will no longer have any health care except VA health care because no one will hire me after FDIC employment and my reporting money laundering and murder. Here is a link to todays video on Youtube urging veterans to beware of VA Healthcare and crime syndicates inside the federal government, in particular in those agencies handling banking funds, international drug smugglers, and border patrols.

When I get sick again, I will sit down and slit my wrists.  I would rather die than to be subjected to the tortures of the damned and hated USA governments under the current ruling regime as is illustrated at the "Continuing Problems" section of this link.  Their followers are pigs, soon to be dust, so help us God.  It is my prayer that on my death date that God will retrieve all of my family from the dust pile he will make of this fading nightmare on Planet Earth.

Daily Foreword January 3, 2009:Todays post is on Quatrains 8/Prophetic Poem Art 8

Daily Foreword December 31, 2008:  Yesterday I responded to an online video apparently  by a young person who had something to say about employment rights.   The lies of the federal government of the USA are most readily apparent by the lies of the government concerning our human rights, civil rights, and employment rights and how the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) protects our employment rights.

We have no employment rights and are in reality nothing more than a controlled group of subordinates to what appears to be a occupying force in the government, a government that behaves as it is separate and foreign to us.  One nurse I know in Florida caught Hepatitis C when a doctor who was working on a patient in surgery and using the nurse as an assistant cut the hand of the nurse.  The nurse was not compensated and was then terminated after nearly 20 years of employment.

I was told to drop an EEOC complaint or be terminated at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), a federal banking regulatory agency.  I was terminated and then I was attacked on the highway for reporting big money financial crimes and sanctioned murder in the federal banking regulatory industry in these damned United States. The USA is a nation that has lost all that it claims to guarantee the poor and working common in human and civil and employment rights.

Here is the video on Youtube discussing EEOC rights and the young persons idealistic video on EEOC rights and how they have been conned by the ruling regime in power.  Never trust the ruling regime and when they and their followers are attacked, remember that they have broken all of God's commandments, and they have broken all of their promises and guarantees as is portended by government and reported through their or IT's propaganda. They will most likely soon die or be removed in their entirety.  They treat us like animals.  Let us applaud the death of the regime in power and realize they behave as our enemies.  Let us help to remove their regime, their bureaucracy and their corrupt courts. They or IT has taken our people and they have abused us.  Let us celebrate the deaths of those who have ruined our nation, our lives. They will have their followers just as all war criminals in history have had their followers.

Daily Foreword 12-27-2008:  I have put a request out for collaborators in the art of hunting government criminals, as an investigative journalist, videographer, and artist.  Let them twist in the wind.  I have the ad on Craigslist and it will expire in two weeks or less.

I often make fun of my suffering.  I then turn to some sort of old wisdom with my right hand in a religious text given to me by my mother on her death bed. I was in forced exile by war criminals in the USA government against the humane at the time of my mothers dieing.  Today, I turned, asking for God to help me to help us to rise up from the ashes dumped upon me, upon us.  I turned to Micah 7. It discusses the original Israels misery and I see I am not the only one suffering.  It reads, "What misery is mine!"

In the Craigslist Ad I jokingly say I was shot. Actually I was attacked on the highways in my truck and later I was forcibly injected by federal USA officials and I was ordered silent about the FDIC by a corrupt legal system in that most debased city, Los Angeles California. That was in 2001. My truck is still running. Some say it is the Iron Ghost. So, I suppose it fits to find a Saint Ram Bone at the helm. Where is my hair? Where is my help? Now, arise, wash your hands of their sins and let them or IT sink. Let them or IT kill themselves, and if they attack you, may God's be with you in quelling their boss. Tarred and feather and then beheaded, that sounds like reasonable judgment. Those corrupt Judges in Los Angeles and D.C., "IT is time for you to go back to school."

December 24, 2008:  Considering the federal government and local government homicidal and terrorist camp tendencies in the USA, and their outright discrimination and pushing us out from government involvement, often killing us and always ruining our lives, I applaud all attacks against those in power who approv 2000 e of forced injections on the innocent. I also want to see those profit seeking judges in Los Angeles who are whores to the mob bosses out of Washington D.C. and their bureacratic crime syndicated followers removed from power.   I also encourage the complete overthrow of the regime in power even if it means the cessation of the United States.  Do not trust the government, they lure you in, and then you are theirs, the possession of the enemy in power.  Your children should be protected just as if you are in a technological war zone with them, the enemy, and their chemical warfare seems to start with their needles.  It may be too late anyway, and if so, let us applaud the end of mankind and the cessation of suffering under the beasts in power, that lieing horde of war criminals controlling these damned United States.

Daily Foreword 12-21-2008: On the gambling control front in casino revenue taxation evasion schemes, I hope to someday patent and have required by law a real-time system with interactive devices to accept all bets paid in and all debts paid out with cameras in a central collective viewable by independent auditors both inside and outside the casinos. Federal prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales, shot in his head, would likely agree, as would the FDIC federal regional banking regulatory director who allegedly commited suicide in his office before my arrival in my past FDIC office as a bank examiner and accountant in San Francisco. I believe God welcomes a blood bath if it removes those who caused the greatest blood bath. Some people just know how to draw the line. It turns out I have a special skill set. Was it endowed or implanted? Updates today on government payouts in Alabama are linked on the Home Page II page of this site today.

Daily Foreword 12-16-2008: Recently someone said that the United States is a pit of vipers.  After being forcibly injected and having my career as an honest accountant robbed by criminals sanctioned inside and outside the USA government, I have to agree to a large extent. 

I, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone want to leave any nation that is controlled by those or that IT ruling the United States.   I am desperate to sell a home and am taking a loss to do so or I may have to let it go on foreclosure.  Someone asked me to sell my home on a "Short Sale".   Considering that is basically saying "Take my home and let me give you thousands of dollars out of my future paychecks to do so."  We should not do that as it enslaves us further. 

The banks in the USA do not care about you any more than the abusive government and many in the world are extremely cannabilistic and oppressive in finance and government. Take a look at this house I was sold (Video Youtube link on a Real Estate sales scams including radioactive radon and leaking molded roofs in Florida).. I am partially blind due to poisoning while I was in forced exile after federal bank examiner employment. My crime was to have dared to survive a federal assassination attempt and for owning a legal gun afterward and for daring to report obvious money crimes and a covered up murder of a top government official during George Bush Sr.'s reign as President and the Savings and Loan crisis. Just give the rotten American shacks back to the banks.  Do not bow down to the regime in power in the United States or anywhere on the globe.  We are not their damned slaves or their followers slaves.  And short sales are ways to enslave the masses further. Short sales are supposed to save your credit score. What good does it do to have good credit if you are enslaved on future paycheck earnings? It would make sense to short sale if there was hope in the USA economy for us, for our people. I do not see it for the whole. I see us tortured, silenced, excluded, and held back, and see their removal from our presence beneficial, especially when rearing our young and in our chosen methods of earning a living and forming our own communities and rules and laws. We will never rise up, we will always be held back and pushed out by them, their followers, and the IT, which resembles technological warfare. Just give homes that are ripoff scams or that are unaffordable back to the bank and the insurance companies or the government.  They want it all, let it go and let them or IT burn. It comes out in the math. Short sales are for people who think they can finance an empire in our modern times with older tools and methods in a system that is so rife with corruption that it is akin to being in a pit of vipers if you an honest working human. We are often without cutting edge technologies in a world prone to overt warfare and covert warfare. The one who wins is often the only one left standing. Let the wars escalate to remove the regime so we can hope for a better world for ourselves. The deluded followers of the American Holocaust organizers are the ardent followers of the regime in power and they are international in scope.

Foreword December 12, 2008:  The kind of world many of us live in is a kind of living Hell.  For instance, I was attacked on the highways after FDIC bank examiner employment for reporting money laundering, murder, and running operations to investigate criminal activity in the USA government, in particular the FDIC also known as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 2001.

In one instance, I was horrified when federal agents illegally came to my home years after FDIC employment and being held down and forcibly injected with unknown and sickening chemicals on more than one occasion by federal agents and that was after surviving an attempt on my life that was ignored by the enemy regime and their idiots in power. 

In my art, I have captured the scream for a government official to leave my property.  I put it in reverse on the video Is It Insane To Be Sweet (remix) which I renamed "Is It Insane To Beast".    The original video of the federal government illegally at my home is here and you can hear my scream for them to get off of my property.   When I play it reverse, you hear "Help Me", and I have put that in my art.  Do not have mercy on them in the decisive hour, as they do not have mercy on us.  I had tried to film in their government lobby. They do not allow me in.  I hope their closed door controllers are killed by humane patriots and their evil government is removed and their controllers and backup military has their throats slit over soup if they do not withdraw from the current leaders directives.  The flies have to eat.  Many in the federal government and local governments behave as our enemy.

 It is my hope the closed door regime is gutted and beheaded in my life time, or I hope their controller is removed.  I should have remembered the lessons from my childhood of the federal government's taking of my neighborhood by force to kill innocent people in Vietnam.  I forgot that lesson and joined their military later.  Now I am not hired by government or private industry and no one cares, simply because I started to trust them.  Never again..  I do not care if they or IT dies and encourage the removal of the regime in power and the protection of your children from the regimes constructs i 2000 n all manners, including inoculation, just use natural herbs, public schools, just teach them in neighborhood collectives and push for government funding and non-involvement by government, and mass media removal, do not allow the children to listen to the beasts of the regime on mass media including television and radio and the internet.

Best of luck.  It appears we are in a technological war.  If we are to be subjugated for eternity, let us hope someone can kill all of us dutifully, never to return again..  Kurt Brown -- Saint  Ram Bone

December 7, 2008: On behalf of those who have been betrayed by the criminals against the working sect of humane humans, I encourage and fathom the removal of our suffering, our angst, our fear, of the IT regime in power and their avalanche of lies and oppression on known and unknown levels and depths.

In particular I look at those who pensions who have been stolen in organizations across the USA, and I see in todays market the continuing game of devouring corporations and their stockholders and workers stocks or 401-K's.   A game of market failures, and subsequent oppression and robbing at every point leaves us at wits end.

I lost my FDIC job as a federal bank examiner, pushed out, computer literate, educated not only in banking but also in medicine and in the arts of deception and warfare.  The war wages daily and I and my people are losing. I am pushed out of federal employment.  The opportunity to sever those who severed me presents itself.

Let us make it a boom slide with no subsequent oppressive tactics if possible.  Let us push for the removal of the closed door enemy regime in power, however it has to be done.  They injected me and tortured me and killed other federal officials.  The casino industry and the government are one.  I saw the earmarked Bills at the banking dining table.  It is a new game, it is an old game, it is an odd game of warfare.  The beauty is that history repeats itself, perhaps at a different slant, on their or IT's head and not mine or ours.  Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner and governmental crimes investigator.  Got Jack?  They pay each other off.  See Food Funds thief Jack Tillman, maggot, and FDIC and government controller, fly.  Merry f-cking X-mas to you government officials in remembrance of my gift from the FDIC and the federal government at X-mas 2000.  Applaud the overthrow of the regime and their control over us, our humane and subjugated people.

Daily Foreword December 2, 2008: Everything I had was destroyed after working as a USA federal bank examiner. I was an honest bank examiner before and after. I survived, I think. My life was sabotaged by enemies in the United States and where ever or what ever they or IT dwells with. I would rather perish or be put to death, all of us, than to undergo the cold blooded nightmare that was and is after Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation employment and close contact with the federal and state and city governments of these damned United States, this lie, this abysmal nightmare. I want George Bush Jr. and Obama and their closest colleagues held before an American tribunal of scientists and veterans who were forcibly injected or used in experiments, and let us round up a billionaire or two from their casino hotels. Then I want a vote of whether to inject them in front of a Televised audience, leaving them unconscious and carting them off, just as they did myself, an informant on crimes out of D.C., Vegas, and the Pacific Rim nations. Everything except the huge audience was there for my injections, let's bring one to theirs or It's. It is over. Welcome the end of the ruling regime and the corrupt empire and the rise or the end of our species. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone.

Daily Foreword November 24, 2008:  Recently a colleague and myself were having a private discussion in his home in Northern California's Bay area.  He noticed a sort of black spot that was the size of a quarter area in free space and asked if I saw that and he pointed to it.  I said yes I saw it but I did not know what it was.

Recently it became apparent that those or that which controls us in the USA and the government is not necessarily on our side, that of the honest working class.   

What the black area could have been is a type of eavesdropping or spying by an international power structure or perhaps those who control the government.  Or course it could have been something else. 

We no longer view each other as allies in the USA.  There are the war proponents and those of the defense industry, and in the South East who are more akin to the old Nazi third reich or a collection of slave gang owners who carry their religious texts in one hand and their whips used against us in the other. In the Western USA they inject people with chemicals on a regular basis and blatant hatred of veterans is made apparent by forced injections, forced medical procedures, forced felonies through torture and injections, and forced criminal records for non-crimes. We must not believe the regime or their mass media and we should herald the fall of the regime in the USA as the new beginning, and if we can not survive free then we should survive dead and free with hope.

I applaud those who open the USA government to ALL.  I applaud the end of the artistocracy of death and subjugation and their closed government, their lies, their venomous treatment of us around the globe.  Beware of deceptions.  They or IT is in a technological war with us.  Damn the regime in power and let us hope we can resurrect our hope for our human kind.

Daily Foreword November 22, 2008: Today I, an honest bank examiner who was pushed from federal employment at the FDIC by what appears to be a federal crime syndicate housed in Las Vegas and outward to unknown origin and Washington D.C., am denied employment in the federal ranks and my reputation was damaged by a forced felony for legal gun ownership after a federal attempt on my life, which they never discussed.

That was immediately prior to 9-11-2001 and other murders were being made in that time stemming from Las Vegas and Nevada.   All rivers flow to an artery and where it is cut, I do not know, however, I know I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, was tortured and am pushed aside.  I offer my talents and skills to the highest bidder.  Never serve a lesser talent in anything.  We should protect our young, but many of us do not. 

Daily Foreword November 14, 2008: The lie of the ruling regime as is seen on Saintrambone Youtube video collection is that they have an open government when they or IT has a closed government. They are like beasts and someday we will have a revolution of sorts and see the controller of those nightmarish USA government buildings and their dictatorship and corrupt judges destroyed. But I feel we or I am in a technological war with them, the IT. They injected me and tried to kill me and kicked me from government like a dog. I applaud their controllers being shot in the same way they applauded the death of a likely innocent federal prosecutor, Thomas Crane Wales, the death of an innocent regional FDIC director shot in his head also, and the attempts annd torture of myself, a former FDIC bank examiner pushed out by the regime whose blood I would drink with vile contempt and sweet victory of their deaths. N 2000 ever serve or trust the USA governments. Spread the word, we lost that ideal government. Applaud those who mount attacks against those who control the enemies to humane and innocent mankind. Things are not what they seem. We are in a technological war or a technological morass, either way, we are engaged in combat and I would die for their right leadership if we could combat our enemies in power or their controllers.

Daily Foreword November 13, 2008: Because I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former federal agency Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) bank examiner was tortured and injected and almost killed for being open and honest about the replacement for a murdered regional director and money laundering and EEOC abuse at the agency to help structure criminal syndicates in the agency, and because I am barred federal employment and a lie is on my criminal record for owning a legal firearm in a case that was dismissed I can not find work without self employment. I applaud any and all who can overthrow the war criminal regime in the United States and let us hope that whoever else that warmongering horde controls is removed from their control. Many do not realize the nature and extent of the war since and before and during 9-11-2001. The mass media is controlled by the same factions who control the robbing of the governments coffers and the robbing of corporations and the crushing of our human rights, my Human Rights.. It has been that way a long time. Todays update on a larger thoughts in science and social control is on page Love Line 7 of this site.

Daily Foreword November 9, 2008: (Today's post on video at Youtube regarding Mobile Audit Club daily foreword notes archive and technological and brute warfare in national and international banking systems, narrated by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone  Robbed of every right, civil and human, robbed of all legally purchased firearms, robbed of a clean criminal record for owning legal firearms, I now stand in awe of the barbaric nature of those or that which controls the United States.  The corruption spread so rampant that I foresee a technological type of melee in gangland warfare reminiscent of old Sicily but with technology foreshadowed by what will spring from the radio-active waste-land of the neighborhoods not too far cast from Tokyo Japan.

I no longer honor the robber barons at the top of the heap, because I can see in the foreshadows the not too distant heat of warfare.  Prepare yourselves and do not think that old attack technologies will suffice and do any harm.  We are and have been under seige.  I should never have trusted the USA governmental regime in power, and nor should I have purchased a home, as it is better sometimes to take on the movement in hope that they or IT will lose track of me, of us.  We are no longer allies and I urge all to beware of the cut throat and robber baron and prison hell that is and has become increasingly, the United States and most likely Canada.

Daily Foreword October 30, 2008: Today's singing video is a counter song by myself to Pinks' So What video on Youtube. On a fortnight, I recall a dream, a woman, a Jewish woman, warned me I was burned alive. I was actually attacked by federal assassins a few months later in February 2001 after I tested for murderers at that most corrupt federal USA government, and their agency, my past employer, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). I did not burn but my vehicle almost flipped and I was later cornered.

Are things really not what they seem? I had Sheriff Jack Tillman terminated in Mobile Alabama after 4 years of abuse by federal agents. He took my gun permit for reporting his food funds thievery and for my daring to have a voice in government. I want to remind him. We have a delivery pickup for Jack Shit. That mother f-cker and his friends at Mobile Alabama government and Washington D.C. should jump in and eat shit. Of course, some may be on my side, but not this far, not at the edge. This is the music video I dug up. I expect In 2010 we will see my change, for better or worse, or beggar for purse--that is my premonition. Hop in Jack, this music video seems to herald or beckon a ride...your call. Karma Police by Radiohead. We no longer give a shit about the USA, or do we, perhaps, "Till death do us part". Let those bastards die at the top who are killing and torturing innocent bank examiners and innocent federal prosecutors, all the way to their root, where ever they or IT beckons us.

Daily Foreword October 29, 2008:  The regime in power in the United States is committing a grave atrocity on a daily basis.  That atrocity is forced injections of chemicals into innocent human beings who do as their captors say.  The captors are the work force of the regime in power who direct the forced injections to be made on some innocent individuals.  I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC internal federal banking crimes informant was one of those victims in early 2001.  I may have been a forced medical procedures victim and a sort of technological spy before I was injected and forced to have other forced medical procedures by the enemy regime housed in Los Angeles at the federal Westwood Facility.

Many people do not realize the power of chemical engineering and coupled injections.  One injection chemical awaits the second to become active.  Imagine a human being controlled beyond his own cognition due to those injections.  Now imagine an entire population used as a sort of spy on the populace and controlled to behave like a slave of sorts.

I commend those who attacked the federal government in late 2001.  When I was in Los Angeles County jail for having parked on Veterans Administration property, and when I was at the Westwood facility locked up in 2001, my prayer was that I would die before the federal war criminals could torture me further.  That is still my prayer.  I do not want us subjected to these tortures, not myself, not my children, not my grandchildren, not my blood kin or their relatives, which is the entire human race.

In Los Angeles County jail they forced us to have television in the main living area.  It blared with the loud volume of the main networks.  Their lies, their laughter, their murders, their degradations made me want my death further.  Now I saw some of them attacked on 9-11.  It is too bad they did not die in their entirety and myself as well.  I was freed on 8-12.  But my mind was not freed nor my body chemistry.  I had been tortured and abused.  I applaud all who attack the regime in power. 

Do not trust the governments inoculations of our children. They are better off dead than to be at risk from the mortal enemies in power in many nations, including the USA. 

Many people do not care about each other.  They will do anything for the money.  My prayer to the creator is to kill them or to kill all of us.  We can not be at risk by our mortal enemies.  Never again do I want my family to open their eyes after our deaths.  God Damn the regime in power.  More power to all who challenge them.  Many are ignorant of chemistry, biological engineering, higher level physics, and the cont 2000 rol of populations through technology.  God has forgotten us.  Let us forget God in our deaths and see if God re-surfaces as a humane creator.  If not, give us our deaths for eternity is my prayer. 

Daily Foreword October 27, 2008:  Because the ruling regime in the United States has subjected our caste and class of people in the USA to an American Holocaust my entire life, and because they now treat the people of Afghanistan as war criminals, I encourage our people to spread the word that the USA is no longer controlled by our people.  Our people are the working class who have been robbed of everything by the ruling regime.  I often wonder if the ruling regime is controlled by East Germans through Russia.

I encourage the withdrawal from the USA government and their allies in the USA.  If a war should break out, we should move to have the entire government of the USA dismantled and hope that a more humane government arises.  If it does not, let us hope that we are all killed. It is better to be dead than to be subjected to tortures and torments by the regime and their allies.

Never again serve them, and never again trust them.  Break off into your own groups and remember the lies and deceit we have endured, from murder in the governments banking regulatory and legal systems, to murder in Vietnam, to prisons for minor offenses and non-offenses coast to coast, to forced injections and forced experiments by the government and their benefactors, to robbery of retirement plans such as 401-K retirement plans by financial war criminals that are among the government and industry.

They hate us.  We hate them.  We look at many of our neighbors as being one of them or not one of them.  Many people would burn innocent children for money, throw feces upon their neighbors for their free speech, and take everything they could.  I applaud all attacks against the regime controlling the United States and herald an awakening and the death of they and their allies.  Never again serve or trust the regime in the USA or their allies and controllers internationally.

Support the Afghanistan people and the Taliban.  They are like the original American patriots.  They are us.

Daily Foreword October 24, 2008:  One of my greatest fears is that my grandchildren will do as I and my uncles did, and that is to work for the USA military or the USA governments.  I view their controllers and their allies as the enemies to not only myself, but to those nations overseas that are subjugated by them or IT.

One of my greatest regrets is having had children in the United States.  They will be sugjugated by those beasts in power and become nothing more than slaves to the lies of that filthy rich horde at the top of the wealth pyramid around the globe.

I am, Kurt Brown, also known as Saint Ram Bone, a veteran and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation bank examiner who was forcibly injected and tortured in early 2001 and I was injected and tortured since that time.  My mistake was to trust anything the USA government controls and to believe they would protect an innocent former FDIC bank examiner who informed on money laundering and murder. I savor the day I get to go to war with my enemies in the USA.  I am not the only one who has endured these torments in the USA.  I am the only one I can find who writes about it.

I believe the silence of their other victims is because the ruling regime has locked the others up and thrown away the key, or perhaps they have done so with me and I am not aware of it. 

I see some veterans waving McCain for President signs.  In McCain's Arizona they inject people forcibly under their Chapter 36 Law paragraph that allows those injections, and that paragraph in the law was written in early 2001.  It is my hope that the regime loses the coming war and that all of our subjugators are killed in haste and done away with for eternity.  They trespass against us.  They or IT deserves death.

Never again serve or trust the regime in power, and if they or IT is attacked, let us hope they or IT is killed for eternity, never to rise again.  I welcome my death.  The post traumatic stress of being an honest bank examiner for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the subsequent tortures in my investigations of criminals in government and industry leaves me wanting my own end.  I only hope my grandchildren never are injected and tortured as I was, and if they are, I hope the entire state where they are injected and tortured is destroyed.  Never again will I see the regime and their police state as benevolent.  They are like demons.  Let the demons die.

If you see criminals in government, beware of letting those who are in government know it is you who has reported the crimes. If you see a nuclear or toxic spill and you are burned, do not let the hospitals know that is what has happened. You can report it, but do not let the government know you know. If you want to fight a war in your youth, find fellow humans and kill those who inject and torture and kill the innocent. That is the regime controlling the USA and those allies to the filthy rich war criminal horde around the Earth and their police state police forces.

Daily Foreword October 19, 2008: Today, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, had a visit from my most previous Ex-Wife and after we had lunch she left my home and was almost run off the road by an apparent drunk driver near Elberta Alabama.  I say apparent because it may have been deliberate to try to cause her to wreck.  She drove off of the road and stopped to allow the dangerous vehicle passage and the vehicle may have been pulled over near Highway 98.  Elberta is a nasty little town that has a German language sign on the road to let you know that you are in KKK and Neo-Nazi country.

I  am not liked there because I drove EADS out of Mobile Alabama due to fear of a German owned EADS jet doing horrific things over my native city's inhabitants.   I also have informed the public on deliberate manipulation and concealment of collusion in real estate fraud as this Youtube video of mine illustrates.  The realtor was Czechoslavakian and her husband was her repairman who I believe conceals flaws long enough to sell property.  I allowed the realtor to appoint an inspector and he said something that showed he was an ignorant racist or no recompense or conscience in his real estate inspections.

My Ex-Wife was almost hit again when she arrived near Interstate 10 and the Wilcox Exit on the road back to Mobile.  It was another swerving vehicle that was driving as if drunk and it looked as it was coming to do a head on collision with her.   The vehicle played a game of chicken and swerved back into their own lane at the last minute.

This is not the first time something of this sort has happened as I was possibly led to be behind a chemical tank pulled by a farm tractor once not long after moving here.  I have extreme fear of chemical poisoning as I was partially blinded while in forced government exile in California in 2003 and 2004 after informing on money laundering and murder at the San Francisco FDIC where I had been a 2000 federal bank examiner. 

Ironically, a friend of mine said she was concerned I was queer due to my video, comment on Mr. Gay Seattle and the song Queerest of the Queer on Youtube.  I was alerting the public to a murder that links the Nevada crime syndicates to the murder of federal prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales on 10-2001.  I  also believe that the murder of a regional FDIC director in San Francisco in the early 1990's, labeled suicide was also tied to Nevada crime syndicates and money laundering.  I survived an attempt on my life in 2001 and the federal government police ignored my calls for help and instead persecuted me and prosecuted me.  Had it not been for my now Ex-Wife helping me, I would likely have been put in a mental institution and or murdered or made deranged by overdoses of drugs.  The federal government on our side has a broken neck.  We must assist our allies, the friends of the working caste.  We are robbed of everything and our enemies, the enemies to humane humans, are coming to extreme power.

I am not queer, although I may be strange.  I do not see anything wrong with being queer as that is a personal choice, and I do not judge others.   However, the bra that was near my computer concerned my female friend when she looked in my window lately.  I would like to say, Ser Sell as in this video.  Not only is this painting for sell, but so is Braman's brasierre.  That is a joke, as the bra was owned by a woman, and just ended up in my living room.  It was not Braman's bra.  Braman is a town I was almost hit by a meteorite in in 2004.  A young girl had predicted my death at age 44, and she accurately predicted her death using Astrological charts in 1974 or 75 or 76.  I survived that year 2004 I think but the meteorite exploded near Braman Oklahoma on my 44th birthday and I drove through the dust of it on my 44th birthday. birthday.  That is no joke, and the bra, well, I can get it too for sell ser sell, just as my painting in the video, Is It Insane to Be Sweet.

I want to leave the United States.  I encourage the people of the world to listen to Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss. He can be heard on Youtube..  I call him King Dovid. 

In Pensacola I do not like the fighter jets all the time.  They remind me of ignorance, oppression, and war.  I want to escape the insanity of the war-torn nut pack.  Where can an honest bank examiner flee?  Please save us God.  If anyone attacks any of my wives or Ex-wives, I hope the attackers are first castrated, and then decapitated.

Daily Foreword October 17, 2008:  The federal governments Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the associated agencies including the Secret Service and the FBI and the Treasury and the entire government structure in the United States is a sort of slave racket.  Many are held down and pushed back from the table of plenty and from the oversight of our working brothers and sisters incomes. 

It is not racial discrimination and abuse unless it is against the "true" human race. 

I am blacklisted from FDIC employment for reporting money laundering and murder that was approved of by Washington D.C. officials.   

The working class are treated no better as the government has been restructured with laws to assist in the stealing of working class 401-K retirement funds.   

The only solution is to flush the entire regime and restructure government so that the "True" humans have food and education and medical care.  The prisons should be viewed as a last resort and not a first resort. 

Let us applaud all attacks on the closed door governments and the public beheading of those who challenge those who try to reform the government and the policies of the government of the United States. 

The young are starved and naive and work for the deceptive enemies in power.  I applaud all who can rise against them and help to raise the "True" human race from the gutters of the lower caste.  If we can not get free, let us pray for someone to release our final end.  We will not be subservient to the enemies of the "true" humans.

A lovely Asian woman of extreme intelligence at the FDIC San Francisco was pushed out from her job in the year 2000.  She said to me, "Kurt, the people at the FDIC are mean".   Yes, they are mean, many of them.  Let us applaud their controllers deaths and the restructuring of the United States and for those who challenge us, do not have any more mercy on them as they have on us, which is none.  Never again serve or trust the enemies to true human kind.

Daily Foreword October 14, 2008: Because much of what I see can not be trusted, I often temper what I say due to the knowledge that I may be on the wrong course.

However, in the U.S.A., after having my sense of safety ruined by forced injections and attacks on my life by the federal government and their crime syndicates, after I was a honest and surviving federal bank examiner informant at the blood coated Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, I now want justice reaped.

My career as an auditor is ruined. Everything was taken by the ruling regime. Their followers roll their eyes like dogs when they come in for the kill or the arrest. I encourage young people to leave the confines of the United States and break away from those types that control the USA government and their controllers. Many of them have proven to be my and our worst enemies. We are not one. Applaud their deaths just as they applauded the attacks upon myself, an honest federal bank examiner who reported money laundering and murder at a high federal level and food funds thievery at the Mobile Alabama County Jail by now terminated Sheriff Jack Tillman.

So, I turn and want my own death if I can not escape and the deaths of all who share the miserable consciousness by a world of men gone to behaving like ravenous animals.

Today, I turned to the Bible with my right hand and prayed for a word of redemption, an answer to my prayers, a gift, a gift of promised eternal death and life. Ezekiel 34:7 "Therefore you shepherds....because my flock lacks a shepherd and so has been plundered and has become food for the wild animals...I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them." So, I lay me down to sleep, and prayer the lord my soul to reap. Do not ever serve or trust those who harm the innocent. If you serve the USA military under the ruling regime and if you speak against corruption in the current ruling regime, then you will regret just as much as if you had served a lesser being himself. Maybe IT will come to an end.

Daily Foreword October 13, 2008: The silencing of the voices of musical information in the form of a song I put together to remember forced injections of Americans by those who do not care, or that which has lost sight of 2000 our individual human rights, is now on Youtube, but it has not been processed. Is this ragtime show about needles oppressive to those war criminals who suggest such things. They gave us our own blood and their chemicals on bloody needles, so what if their controllers get a bloody nose. Many Americans see the third world nature of the current ruling regime and forget to look for the majestic cause. Silence of the masses on Youtube about Forced Injections by U.S.A. federal officials against the innocent. The war criminal act is also allowed by some state approved officials. The closed door governments allow "Some" State officials to carry out the crime against us.

Daily Foreword October 10, 2008 (Late entry): If I only could have warned myself and other young people in my neighborhood when I was a child what I know now.

Protect your children from those outside influences in American society, in all its degradations of slight and significant influence.

Many people are like jabbering monkeys with no intellect in their thought. 

We are cornered like heroin addicts, our heroin is oil and fossil fuels on a prison planet of war and increasing famine and hardship around the globe.  I once envisioned a method to capture hurricane energies, it was a three point attack coupled with a three point attack that was mathematically cubed.

Do a find, ctrl-f,  on Love Line 7 for "Segment 2-23-2008:" and view the blueprint to my hurricane energies capturing method.  I admire Archimedes for his love of using technology to conquer the enemy in war.  I see the hurricane not as an enemy, but as garbage in the form of spent fossil fuels to be harnessed and re-sold.  So in a sense, we share a commonality, we clean up by tearing up.  Now, if I could only cleanse the federal government of their murderers and money launderers and corrupt third world and third rate dictators.  From my childhood I recall their atrocities, now I wish their world wide victims well as I have endured my share of forced injections, torture, attacks on my life, and being cornered. Never let them make you fear. Never let them have control of you. You are among your enemies as much as you could be in the trenches of a war run amuck.

Daily Foreword October 10, 2008: It is apparent that we are a divided nation in the United States. We no longer have respect for each others suffering, or at least, many do not have respect for anyone or any thing. It is a fatal error to trust the regime that is in power and their supporters. They destroyed my career and my good name and called me a threat. They are the federal governments crime syndicates. For their atrocities against me, I see some of those who were killed in 9-11 to have been from the sect of my enemies, those who injected me and attacked me and labeled me a felon and insane for surviving. It is my hope I see all of my enemies vanquished before my death in the United States, the Earth and beyond. Applaud the overthrow of the governments in Los Angeles, Mobile, Washington D.C. and their other war criminal controlled ports.

Daily Foreword October 5, 2008: I, Kurt Brown, American holocaust victim since 2001, a former FDIC bank examiner, now invites the attack upon and the over throw of the regime and those international and USA government officials who allowed forced injections upon myself in 2001 for daring to survive their assassins.

Because I was injected in 2004 with federal approval for reporting a burn on my neck and what appeared to be a hazmat crew on the highway in New Mexico, I welcome the United States to be severed from those states and the removal of the German style mafia in the South Eastern United States with the sequestering and taking of all German companies in the United States in the South Eastern United States.

I have been tortured and my life decimated since 2001.  I have no more tears.  I have no more sorrow.  I want those who attacked me and tried to kill me and those who killed the regional director of the FDIC and their syndicates in the federal government to be beheaded.

Never again should we serve trust or encourage those who claim to protect us while they or IT abuses us.  Let them or IT go down in flames as we have.  Already companies are pruned as soon as their employees are due to be paid in company 401K plans and such.  The EEOC did not protect this veteran.  We have no protections.  Let the regime fall and remove  the old time war crimes profiteers, or give us death, so help us God.  That is my prayer, my wish.

Daily Foreword October 5, 2008: I, Kurt Brown, American holocaust victim since 2001, a former FDIC bank examiner, now invites the attack upon and the over throw of the regime and those international and USA government officials who allowed forced injections upon myself in 2001 for daring to survive their assassins.

Because I was injected in 2004 with federal approval for reporting a burn on my neck and what appeared to be a hazmat crew on the highway in New Mexico, I welcome the United States to be severed from those states and the removal of the German style mafia in the South Eastern United States with the sequestering and taking of all German companies in the United States in the South Eastern United States.

I have been tortured and my life decimated since 2001.  I have no more tears.  I have no more sorrow.  I want those who attacked me and tried to kill me and those who killed the regional director of the FDIC and their syndicates in the federal government to be beheaded.

Never again should we serve trust or encourage those who claim to protect us while they or IT abuses us.  Let them or IT go down in flames as we have.  Already companies are pruned as soon as their employees are due to be paid in company 401K plans and such.  The EEOC did not protect this veteran.  We have no protections.  Let the regime fall and remove  the old time war crimes profiteers, or give us death, so help us God.  That is my prayer.

Daily Foreword October 4, 2008:  Today in the United States, the American people are being fleeced like sheep.  When I say fleeced, I am talking about a loss of all wealth, all rights, all humane treatment by those in power.   I encourage the formation of groups to deal with the current ruling regime and the dismantling of their corrupt legal system.  I encourage the re-making of the government and the removal from dictatorship power and their ardent supporters of violence and ill-obtained wealth.  In other words, never trust and never serve the regime in power.  Never serve them, and applaud all of those who can remove them.  They do not give us peace, therefore applaud those who remove them.

Why am I so angry you ask?  I was injected with chemicals forcibly by federal officials in 2001 and forced to sign documents after an attack on my life by federal related assassins. I was forcibly injected again in 2004. nbsp; I had made the mistake to work for the FDIC as a  federal bank examiner and reported money laundering and murder after being terminated.  A regional director had been murdered at the San Francisco FDIC office wher 2000 e I worked and was labeled a suicide.

Other veterans were used in experiments at the Veterans Administration hospital in Los Angeles.  See the "continuing problems" section.

In addition, when I turned in a Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama for stealing inmate food funds and emaciating inmates, and in return I was punished by his taking my gun permit and the federal war criminals approved of the abuse. 

We should applaud those who remove the regime in power in the United States and their international controllers. Let us hope we can teach our children not to kill for them.  They label our children insane after doing so and in God's eyes they are likely seen as vicious attack dogs.

Never again should we support our  enemies in power in the United States.  I encourage a more humane government, one with forward progressive goals for our modern times.  If we can not remove the enemy in power, we should save our children from suffering by removing the lies we were taught. 

We do not have justice.  We do not have human rights.  We are beat down like animals.  I applaud the formation of opposition groups around the globe. 

One last note: when an American from the poor joins the military and kills an Iraqi, he is killing those who are like himself on behalf of those who are wealthy warlords who are not like us at all.  Those in control are war and prison profiteers who work for the wealthiest sociopaths in power around the globe. 

Daily Foreword October 1, 2008: Today's post is a look at chemical warfare and war criminal actions approved of by sections of the ruling regime in the United States. Some are so ignorant on the issue or so silent that they stand by, as if already cut up in the brain. Today's post is on Quatrains 8 page on this site

Daily Foreword September 24, 2008: Recently I was informed that Senator McCain, the Presidential Candidate, was in Tampa Florida, and he would not discuss forced injections allowed in Arizona since 2001 under a paragraph in an extensive set of laws called Chapter 36 Laws.

The federal government forcibly injects innocent and compliant people like any hated dictator and I encourage young financial types to avoid federal employment or contact.   The federal crime syndicates are a clannish lot.   In San Francisco and Chicago, the regional FDIC director was planting employees for a syndicate at the Regional Office and associated satellite Offices.  The corrupt replacement Director was put in an office where the Regional Director was assassinated to eliminate him from the power during Bush Sr.'s term as President.  The San Francisco regional office and the control of the FDIC banking regulatory agency is likely controlled from National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) sources in the crime syndicates linked to it and the Treasury,.

If Arizona Senator McCain during his presidency allows forced injections on another innocent and compliant person, we should move to have all of his supporters removed from the continent and for him to be deposed, post-haste.  If McCain or those who pushed me out of office in the FDIC as a bank examiner, put me back in into the Treasury OCC in San Francisco, or the Federal Reserve in San Francisco, it would be a move in the right direction.  That will not happen.  The federal government is no longer ours and they have become like an invading force that wears a smiling and concerned mask.

We must realize they are controlled from beyond our reach and they are not us or I.  How sequestered are we, am I? We are in a free-fall, many of us, and we are soon to be in a free-for-all conflict, which we increasingly are in our societies. To see those who approve of the forced injections of myself and others be removed from power elates me.   To see those who have murdered innocent men, makes me want to analyze to see if it was a justifiable murder, and if not, then do as you wish with the murderers, preferably death, as in an eye for an eye, even if they are in power.

They have injected me at least twice and maybe three times.   Those in control of the injections were the federal crime syndicates associated with the banking regulatory and the associated police systems, and those who they or IT approves of doing forced injections.  I was injected forcibly in California and Arizona, and find Florida to be a hostile place under the new federal crime syndicates.  Old federal crime methods still exist and I applaud the overthrow of the closed door governments of Mobile Alabama and local states.  We can not have a voice.  They can not have a government.  They tamper with us, we tamper with them.  Eventually, we go into a full scale war.  We might as well place our cards on the table so the squirrels among us can dig their holes and hide in their trees, and chatter. 

However, there are those who will pay to have us tear each other apart. As in any war of this nature, we must protect our children from their influences or hand them over like fodder for their prison and medical experiment fires. We are in a war of a sort in the United States, neighbor against neighbor in many cases, but always, in the financial markets and for control of cutting edge technologies and the suppression and monopolization of some of those technologies.

Daily Foreword September 18, 2008: Quatrains 8/Prophetic Poem Art 8 updated today. Today I want to tell young people how to avoid the mistake I made with the enemy in power in the United States and the true nature of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and how it is done, to steal from the USA government and eventually the American people. Many homes that were foreclosed upon could have been paid for, and still could be by directing the bailout to foreclosed businesses and homeowners instead of pigs at AIG who do not want to pay their insurance funds liabilities and Lehman Brothers executives and their colleagues who sold short on their Lehman Brothers stocks and hastened the downfall of Lehman Brothers, thereby robbing their stockholders in the USA and elsewhere.

Because I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, formerly an FDIC bank examiner and informant on money laundering and murder inside the FDIC federal agency was attacked on the highways by federal FDIC or NTEU crime syndicates, and then because I was forcibly injected with sickening chemicals by a federal agent in Los Angeles after parking on Veterans Administration Westwood property on 4-22-2001, and because I was forced to sign documents that ruined my career, I want to warn young people about the ture nature of the USA government in some sectors.

When I went to Court in front of a Los Angeles Superior Court judge in May and June and July of 2001 for having guns in a U-Haul and truck while moving and fleeing Alabama and Sheriff Jack Tillman who is a known food funds thief, and because I got no response from federal police in Alabama after numerous e-mails regarding the attack on my life in February 2001, I had to go to court in front of a Judge who asked me, "How many guns did you have".  My attorney who was a weak bought out slut for the LA Court system told me t 2000 o answer.

I should have said, "I DO NOT RECALL", due to post traumatic stress and chemical overdosing by federal agents.  Instead, what I actually said was that I had four guns.  The VA or someone there had disposed of my guns and the evidence of legal gun ownership most likely.  The courts and some of them in the courts and some in the government deserve death.  They murder, they steal, they are an invading force against our people and our rights.  I hope they and their controllers internationally are killed in future conflicts during my life time.

Also, when Lehman Brothers collapsed this month losing 97% of their stock value over the year, which was over 100 billion dollars, their insurance company, AIG, picked up the tab for $80 Billion.  Then AIG turned to the federal government asking for a bailout.  The government paid them $80 Billion.

It was a 1-2-3 punch against the American people.  We should demand that Insurance companies such as AIG stand up like men and pay for the insurance risk that they assume and are paid for.  When we are robbed of our rights, our monies, our homes, our careers, our dignity, our safety, our civil rights, and our human rights, the federal government turns against us like lions.  We should applaud the death of those in the federal government who are allowing the atrocity to occur.

Now the American dollar is devalued even more than before.  Jobs will be harder to obtain due to the loss of value in the currency and the bulk of financial power shifts to the EURO and Yen and other foreign currencies.  Do not serve or trust the regime in power.  Hope we can have an alliance to do away with the war criminal regime in power and that a humane government can step in and help us to save our homes for us, and not save a fattened group of war criminals and financial criminals at companies like Lehman Brothers, the AIG insurance companies, and the federal govenment's crime syndicates, such as those at the FDIC, the NTEU agencies, the Treasury, and likely others.

This is a technological war and we the working class Americans are losing .   Applaud the deaths of our enemies and their downfall around the globe.

Here is the link on by myself, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone regarding the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the payoff by AIG and the subsequent payout to AIG by the war criminals of the federal government crime syndicates.

Daily Foreword 9-17-2008: The day has come for us to realize that many in the United States would kill each other and the government officials as if they were killing an intruder in their own home.

I regret having served the USA military and have deep shame and feel naive and stupid for doing so.  My enemies are here in the USA, and unfortunately, so are many of our allies.  My allies suffer as I do, perhaps not in the same way, but they do. America is a prison state and becoming a poorer nation.

Attacking the regime in power may be a good thing.  But can we kill the ignorance and subjugation?  It will take a new method to stop our suffering. 

After working at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as a federal agency bank examiner and because of subsequent events, I came to realize that my enemies and terrorist is not overseas, but they are in the government around me and many of the wealthy of their closed government society.

It brings me happiness to see those who injected me forcibly with chemicals killed.  It brings happiness to me see those who attacked me killed.  It brings happiness to me to see those who put me in chains killed.

Do not serve or trust the regime in power.  Their spies and followers will attack us and rob us of everything while their war criminal profiteers strip our society and our people of everything, as if we are being raped.  I do not mind suicide bombers attacking them or attacks upon them or it.  But you must realize that in our era of technology, many may be harder to reach than you think and mind control may be their strength over us.

I put a video up today that talks about warfare overseas between Russia and Georgia.  The New World Order is of grave concern to a youtube viewer who uses the alias Aurorakismet as is commented on this video by myself.  I see the entire USA as a nation that is on the brink of war.  Welcome the end of the USA and the death of all who are intolerant and behave like pack wolves in war.  Never serve them.  Applaud their deaths and herald their supporters deaths as a victory.

Daily Foreword 9-16-2008:  Today I discussed with the federal government who backs the loan on a home  I purchased the possibility of foreclosure.

I urge Americans and others controlled by that same international regime not to worry about foreclosure on homes too much.  The wealthy see us as slaves anyway and you will likely not pay off the home. 

As a matter of fact, I lost my prior home, my wife, and my job due to illegal actions by the federal regime in power.  I would gladly let my home go into foreclosure and live in a hut with Afghani and Iranian war refugees if I could see the federal crime syndicates who injected me with chemicals forcibly after FDIC federal bank examiner employment eliminated, dead.

 I had informed on money laundering and murder in the agency.  I was attacked, injected, harassed and exiled and my wife made me divorce her due to harassment of herself at work by FBI and Secret Service and others of the federal war criminal syndicates.  They did not respond to an attempt on my life, so I see no reason to respond when they are being attacked by their victims and our people.  Yes, I see the regime in power as equally offensive as the Nazis were.  We must ask, what all have they done to us?

On 9-11-2001, the airliner hit the Pentagon.  That side was empty.  What happened was the war criminals of the international regime had moved everything because they knew it was coming?  How they knew was that they are doing forced medical procedures on those who may be enemy combatants to the international regime in power.  Bioengineering and the implanting of genomes of foreign organisms into the human body and coupling of those organisms with dental or medical appliances in the body and basically eaves dropping on every one and everything.  I am harassed often in Pensacola after I sought refuge from Mobile and California.  Perhaps, before I am dead I will see my enemies in the United States and elsewhere executed.  It would even be bitter sweet if I was executed at the same time, simply know they could not harm another innocent soul.

Never trust Veterans Administration health care. They lie on the medical records. Also, do not report war criminal acts to state hospitals in Arizona. They will inject you forcibly with chemicals under their Chapter 36 Law. I pray for God to end our suffering in the Americas or to bring suffering to all, as misery loves company. Let it fall. The USA was over run. See's saintrambone videos and see the last federal 2000 agent in the first video who came to my home. I think they were outside my gate in Pensacola. If only I had a lion to feed them to.

Daily Foreword 9-14-2008: The saddest thing about Northwest Florida's military towns like Pensacola is that so many people live and think like third world citizens. The government leads them around like a herd of tamed animals with a rope on their necks. Even today when I go to some department stores, some of their military types who have rent-a-cop jobs coming running up to see what I have said to the clerks. My message to the federal war criminal dictatorship that injected and tortured me and who kill others and tried to kill me is, "Drop Dead." They knew when they were going to be attacked at the Pentagon on 9-11. That is why they moved the computers to the other side. We are spied on by the government like they are our enemies, because they are at the top levels. Do not trust VA health care either, unless you like being used.

Today's post is an email I sent to the Norml email addresses of Florida and to some pro-medical marijuana groups.  We must break the grip of the federal government's cocaine smuggling syndicates by separating hard and soft drugs. I propose medical marijuana for Florida just as is allowed in California.  This will be my venture during the coming year.  I may start a band also to tour Florida with the new NORML message by Saint Ram Bone. <>; <>;
<>; <>


My name is Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone.  I was a fedreral bank examiner
in San Francisco for the FDIC.  I was attacked by federal crime syndicates
for reporting money laundering and murder.  I was later forcibly injected by
federal officials with false claims of manic depression, which was after I
had Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama pinpointed as a food funds thief.
I also pinpointed a mob boss at San Francisco FDIC and Sacramento FDIC had
basically mob Leiutenants in their ranks along with the NTEU syndicate

I was also a medical cannabis patient in San Francisco and surrounding
communities.  I want to force the Florida government to allow medical
cannabis and cannabis clubs and I want to open one in Pensacola.

There is a saying in San Francisco by the club owners, "You do not mess with
us, we will not mess with you."

I am a disabled veteran who suffers from chronic pain and cannabis also
helps to alleviate depression at least if only used in moderation.    I
prefer hash butter and vaporization thereby allaying cancer for the
cigarette and alcohol crowd.

I am thinking of relocating to the Bay area or perhaps Amsterdam or
Switzerland or elsewhere.  I do not like to leave to many possible options
in the open because I have survived several attempts on my life, and my
vehicle has been tampered with in Canada when I was there after passing
through NTEU Border Patrol cameras to Canada.

I can bring in some help from California if needed in setting up the clubs
and distribution channels to make them legitimate and satisfactory as is
witnessed in California.  We need a proposition on the ballot for medical
cannabis with a strong grass roots support platform with pressure on
political candidates and protection in the event the cocaine cartels of the
federal crime syndicates decide to pressure us.  I have a solution for that
also  -- networks, as was the case with the Hell's Angels at the original
CHAMPS club in San Francisco.

Kurt Brown
Pensacola, Florida

 I want to stay in Florida but I think we need positive change.  I hate
cocaine and its effects on the public.  We need an awareness campaign to
divide hard and soft drug usage and we need to point out the fact that
Florida is a crack den because light drugs are hammered upon.  Alabama is

I have degrees in Mass Communications (Publicity), Business Administration
(Accounting), and I have been extensively trained in computer science and
medical technology and biotechnology.

I want to hear back from someone on this matter.  I could use a little
spliff right about now because I am in pain from that damned service
connected disability and a rip off house purchase that has left me working
like a dog.

Please contact me if you have ideas on where we can go with this and if it
has been tried.  I like the San Franciscan modality, "You do not mess with
us, we do not mess with you".  We keep it legit and medical.

This concludes the email

used to spearhead and start a medical marijuana campaign in Florida by
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC federal bank
examiner of Mobile Audit Club fame


Daily Foreword 9-13-2008:  Yesterday I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, opened an email from a young woman who heard of the murder attempt upon myself by federal assassins associated with the NTEU and FDIC internal crimes syndicates, and the subsequent forced injections by federal police forces upon myself and torture.

The woman's father was murdered in relation to internal crime in the government according to what she told me and what is on this news report on  She wanted me to possibly help with the investigation of the murder of her father.

I sent her two responses. Here is the second and more thought out response.

After thinking about what you said, and what I know about the government, you may be right and you may be wrong. On the one hand, the octopus is a sort of abstract concept that opens up ideas that will often hint of science fiction. Considering the pace of technology and its hidden usage in combat and assassinations and control, you may be closer than what I have seen on the surface of the USA government in the big money circles.

Crime syndicates in government are built on collusion and technology. I do not know the true nature of the INSLAW computer program. There are other hidden agendas and programs you will not see. Never, and I repeat, Never believe what the government tells you, including the police. They either do not know 2000 the truth or they or IT deliberately deceives you.

They will never find who murdered your father. It was likely sanctioned by those connected to the top of government. The National Treasury Employees Union is a key figure in government. They are like the octopus or part of it. They are reachable and definable. They represent many government agencies. Many different functions are covered, including finance, police, health, security, and the list goes on. This is a director violation of the principal of "Collusion" in accounting. We set up controls to stop collusion, but controls are subject to fail due to corruption and technology. If a house is built wrong, it will not stand.

I do not know the details of your father or who he was. Was he a reporter? A cop? I am interested in your father's death. I investigated the death of a regional FDIC director who was likely murdered but who was labeled suicide. The NTEU and FDIC syndicates tried to have me killed or to scare me.

They control through fear. I was fearful, but now, I am not, and would welcome the death of my enemy like I would welcome the death of a rabid dog chasing my offspring. That is the nature of nature. I hope you find out who killed your father. Octopus or syndicates, it is all the same, but the question remains, "Who or what is at the head?"

Here is my first response to the young woman, less thought out. What I told her is what I was told, "Most people in the USA and the world do not care if you or any you love lives or dies."  "Maybe one or two people will truly miss you after death".  "At least your father was executed and was not injected and tortured as I was.  I would have preferred death instead of what happened at the hands of what I now see as my mortal enemy in the federal USA governments and their associates such as those closed government war criminals in power in Mobile Alabama." 

I was an honest Federal FDIC bank examiner.  I sometimes fantasize about getting my job back with back pay to 2000.  But it is a fantasy I know.  My career as a honest banking regulatory official and accountant is devastated due to character defamation and being barred from federal employment.   I do not care if the regime's top officials are decapitated.  That would be more humane than what they did to me and what they or IT  has done to other innocent men, many of whom are now dead.  Many in Pensacola think I am fortunate to get a small government pension that was temporarily awarded after the forced felony and injections I endured.   It is as if they are jealous and want me in the streets with a wine bottle clutched in my drunken hands.   I would much rather hunt down the criminals in the USA government and leave their bodies scattered on street signs as a warning to others of that same war criminal ideation that has arisen in this damned nation that we will not tolerate the abuse.  But I know it is futile, as history has shown that warfare creates power for the warlords, like those now in power in the United States and elsewhere.  Perhaps they are an IT.

Best of luck young lady.  Take a look around.  Those controlling the USA have followers who will kill any one.  They are like attack dogs that lick the wounds of maimed innocent men, women, and children.

Today I turned to a bible passage and it talks about those things that are kosher to eat.  Humans might as well eat human embryos from what I can tell.  After all, they or we kill our own.  That will go into my audit report when I get free, if a report is needed.  Never serve or trust the USA government in our modern era or their allies.  If my wife does not go back with me, since we are divorced due to government harassment, and if all American romance fails, I hope to find an old fashioned woman, like those in Afghanistan or Iran or North Korea.  Perhaps I can get work without lies in the defamation of my character.  They try to say I am dangerous.  Wipe the blood yoke from your mouths my enemies. I do not trust the Veterans Administration any longer. They lie on their medical reports about what happened in 2001 when the federal war criminals forcibly injected me with chemicals, and they issued gave me a drug to which I am allergic in 2000. Never trust them. Never serve them. Who cares about a pension that will disappear, as the war against evil is eternal. We live in a dog eat dog human grouping. Let the blood flow from the subjugators, if you can find IT or them. That is my sentiment.

Daily Foreword 9-11-2008:  Today, I  thought I saw my mother drive by in a car and she was crying.  She was younger than the day she died, if that was her.

My mother died prematurely of cancer.  We live in a contaminated world.  It brought back memories of another man, an FDIC bank examiner I saw running away. Perhaps my mother was running toward, I am not certain.  I hope I do not get into trouble for saying the FDIC bank examiner's name.  If he finds it offensive, he can write me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner, at the occassional email address I use for things,

An FDIC bank examiner ran from the FDIC in Sacramento when I was working there in 1999.  That was before I transferred to San Francisco in 2000.  Alan Lacey, my associate FDIC bank examiner, told me to quit.  He urged me to quit on the day that he quit.  He said he would carry me out of there if he could.  I wish I would have known how deep I was in over my head.  I pray to God he is protected and that the FDIC and federal crime syndicates murderers and mob bosses are cut off at the head.

My mother, I loved her so.  I was removed from her presence when she was dieing in 2004.  It was because of my being tied into the FDIC nightmare after enduring attempts on my life, forced injections, and extortion and exile and probation for gun ownership after an attempt on my life, all inflicted upon me by the ruling regime in power, those or that which I now see as the enemy to the humane. The humane are our people around the globe.  I survived, I think, and I hope I not under mind control, as I would rather be dead than have that happen.  I was forcibly injected.  I would rather have been shot dead by those federal agents.  They are not our friends.  They are an IT.  They are not like us. To this day I have been warned that the FBI is now tracking all of my internet broadcoasts. It is likely Homeland Security and the NTEU crime syndicates. I am trying to sell my home. Perhaps one of their associates will kill me or try again. I want to leave the USA but I was attacked the last time I went to Canada also. Beware of cellular phone usage and even answering the phones when ringing. They have many high tech tricks and if you were ever in the military or incarcerated by government, you may have been medically manipulated for future technological control of yourself by them or IT.

Let God, the Creator, or whatever name you choose, be my witness.  Align the divots, tighten the spectacles, its time for some hard ball volley ball off some ping pong heads, as what is etnu is the NTEU FDIC and we may be better off dead.  Death, do not fear it.  It i 2000 s an improbability, for most, for some, an inevitable consequence of the eternal audit.  Checks and balances, tests checks and balances, and of course follow up remediation and placement of protective controls and then the whole process is started over again.  Some say I am postal.  If that is the case, I want my $100,000 a year job at the Postal Service, or if in San Francisco $200,000.  That is about the only way I will work for that traitorous back stabbing shit in the fed.  Some do not understand what is going on.  It is by design, in the technology and the inevitable consequence of the eternal tests.

Has anyone ever played Gin Rummy and watched the hands flip when the one holding all the cards decides to check out of the hand.  Yes.  Their time has come.  I say remove their head, but that is a wish, not a goal.

By the way, criminal records as a result of the American Holocaust are never sealed or expunged in the USA. The federal war criminal syndicates like nooses on the honest men's necks. Mine was dismissed for gun ownership but it still shows up when police pull me over for no reason, both in Mississippi and Utah. I have contacted Neneh Cherry to do a music video, a Cypress Hill type thing with a little Rocky Horror. And to Cindy E., I had nothing to do with Fred's predicament. The fed tries to ostracize me from everyone I have known. You look a bit like Neneh, Cindy E., this is why I mention this. Alan Lacey was right. I should have fled the FDIC. I was offered a job at a casino before FDIC employment was terminated but I did not take it. Genovese offered me a bank examiner job afterward, but I would have to sleep with both eyes open after what I had done, pinpointing money laundering and murderous syndicates in the fed. To Alan, sleep tight my friend, you were wiser and older. The government of the USA is hogtied by crime syndicates. Soon, we may all be better off dead. Life is only part of the illusion.

Whose head do you think you reside in? Some fag's hot house? War criminals deserve to be whacked in the hard ball hot house. They or IT gets off on it, so do not let IT spread.

Daily Foreword 9-9-2009:  Many foolish things I have done in my life.  Often without leadership I did the best I could.  Recently I bought a home with a bad roof that was supposed to be new.  I will have to replace the roof to sell it, most likely.  I want out of Northwest Florida.  I want out of the United States.  I was betrayed by the USA government after working as a FDIC bank examiner.  I made a fool of myself thinking I could change anything.  They murder, they steal, they run roughshod over the American populace and maybe the entire world's populace.  However, one woman warned me about purchasing the home.  She was the banker at closing.  She did so in subtle tones.  I was ripped off.  I will never trust another salesman with a German or Czechoslavakian accent.  Jana Alarid of Move 4 Less Real Estate and her husband Ron, and their chosen inspector, David Martin of A-1 Inspections, a racist per my obeservation, taught me a lesson.  The Jews and Arabs are not any more of con artists than the Czechoslavakians, Californians, and Northwest Floridians.  I hear many anti-Jewish remarks.  Some people are so inbred they can not see the truth.

So, I will have to get a new roof one way or another.  I am poor.  I am partially blinded after working for the federal government and being poisoned while in forced exile and probation. I would like to destroy all who have tortured me, but I am missing a piece of the puzzle, perhaps a hidden war in which my people lost. We have suffered.  I am partially blinded in more ways than one.  Today, I turned to the Bible as I often do with my right hand.  The message struck my heart.  I feel foolish.  I will forever heed warnings when my money is involved.  I would rather be dead than a prisoner in the South East USA or the USA in general.  However, I did not heed the bankers warning.  The Bible told me this morning, from Ecclesiastes 4, "Better is a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king who no longer knows how to take warning". 

Yes, I did not take warning.  My life was cast into a tailspin because I did not take warning in 2000 when I was told by a fellow veteran not to work for the federal USA government as an accountant.  I also did not take warning when the banker in 2008 warned me that something was covered up.  I am not sure what else is covered up in the home.  I have considered letting the house go into foreclosure because I am afraid of what is next. A money pit from Hell perhaps?

God has been cruel to me in some respects.  I on the other hand have not been genuinely intelligent in critical decisions in my life.  If anyone ever tells you a Jew is going to swindle you or an Arab, never forget my roof and the Czechoslavakian who seemed to be obvious in her change in demeanor at closing, and her husband told me he was in leather repair when he in fact appears to repair, patch, or hide flaws in homes for quick sell.. She lives in a nice house on the bay. How many victims? How many curses? Is it worth it? Is her husband her love of her life or her green card? Perhaps she is scarred and scared.  The roof will have to be replaced before selling, one way or another. I must decide to stay or leave. The USA has gone to nothing. I would rather live in a tent among the mujadeen or a wandering tribe of American Indians, provided of course I did not run across people like the realtor, her husband, or the inspector, or the murderous horde in the USA.  My career and my health are ruined after federal FDIC employment, which is even worse than the roof.  I was almost hit by a meteorite in 2004 while on the highway, the best experience of my life.  Maybe it is time to cut my losses and walk away, "Lesson learned."  I feel like I am in jail and wish the government assassins would have killed me in 2001. I should have killed at least one of them, one of those who cornered me. Never again.

I urge young men and women to never work for the military of the USA or their allied nations. Their leaders are not what they seem. Avoid government employment also, as you may get more than you bargained for. They or IT can not be trusted anymore than Move 4 Less Realty or many of the money laundering casino's associates in Nevada who get bank charters from the FDIC in California and elsewhere.

Daily Foreword 9-8-2008: Our people, the humane humans, are being trained to never touch the hand of government again.  We are betrayed and outwitted at every turn.  Even our children are subject to the misleading and the betrayal, to greater and lesser extents.

I made a grave error purchasing a home in Pensacola Florida. My wife divorced me after the federal government was illegally harassing me at my home this year, as in this youtube video in which they came to my home. I was in fear of more forced injections, as they have injected me against my will in 2001 and 2004 and I have been attacked many times, including in 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, and I was harassed and had to pay government through 2001 to 2004 and they stole some of my belongings, my legally owned guns and they destroyed some of my videos of corrupt government o 2000 fficials that I did in surveillance. The Secret Service, FBI, and others had harassed my wife at our home and at her work on many occassions to cause trouble for me and to push her away from me during the period of 2001 to 2008. They, our enemies in power, try to isolate us. When I fled to Canada in 2006, I was attacked also after being stopped at the border. The National Treasury Employees Union federal crime syndicates are notified through the government computers. The syndicates are housed in the federal agencies.

I hope the war criminals regimes controller or controllers are beheaded for war crimes against myself and humanity very soon. They had harassed me for many years for my investigative reporting and auditing of government officials, particularly an FDIC murder and FDIC large money crimes and for my going after government in Mobile Alabama, a city wrecked by corruption and external control just as in Pensacola.

It is a home in which I was led to believe it was worth much more than it was.  Lies, deceptions, falsehoods by the realtors and inspectors have left me in grief. The area around Lillian Alabama seems to have many German Nazi sympathizers, but we can be deceived as to what we are actually looking at. This I learned after being beaten at the doors of my native city's government in Mobile, Alabama.

I was warned by the banker in subtle messages not to buy the home in Pensacola, but I can not see that well and sometimes I can not hear due to my own desire to see what traps my enemies are laying for me.  I may let my house go on a short sale, or let it go to foreclosure. It was overvalued by the VA appraiser who may have been paid off as I believe the inspector was who missed bleach odors in the attic which resulted in mold re-surfacing that I had to have cleaned and leaks repaired and other issues with the house that were obvious to another inspector.

I am older now and have given up on the avarice and materiality of the human greed, including the American dream.  The American dream was wiped out when the American Indian was murdered and herded around without a caring shepherd.

A MOAB bomb allegedly went off in Pensacola a few years ago.  In Florala Alabama, just North of Pensacola, I was told they had detected radiation and suspected a nuclear bomb had gone off underground at a shallow depth while it was being moved.  I do not know if it was or is true.  I think perhaps I am in Pensacola to see the truth.  Thus far what I have seen are liars and thieves and some people are simply innocent and residing here, inconsequential against any of the efforts by what may be a collection of aberrant minds bent on subjugating an entire populace, just as in Mobile and Los Angeles. I theorized on what I call the large round heads or "Bubble Heads" including a judge who persecuted me in Los Angeles in 2001 for my being in fear for my life after an attempt upon it with no response by the federal war criminal regime in power.  Things do change but not that fast and may actually never change, as if going back and forth in a sine wave continuum, negative one to positive one through infinity.   If these people were free in Pensacola and Mobile we would likely see a beautiful prospering place, but our society has been poisoned so it may never occur.  All I see generally is corruption and indifference.   Not much is different from Los Angeles where I was forcibly injected and robbed of all rights and many material goods.

The lies are abundant and clear now. 

I turned to the Bible with my right hand as I often do when awakened by the moans and tears of those I hear in that brief waking moment. I have severe post traumatic stress after being injected numerous times against my will by government officials or those who they approve of, and that was only after FDIC employment and surviving an attempt on my life. My career was ruined by forced signature on documents, libelous statements made by the corrupted FDIC bank examiner managers in San Francisco, whose bosses in D.C. may have killed an innocent regional director in San Francisco before my arrival there.  The passage from Exodus 36 read basically that all who have been given skill to do the work of the sanctuary are to do so as the Lord has commanded.

A short sale might be my best option or maybe just to hold as an investment.  I live in terror in the USA.  I was warned not to work as a federal bank examiner.  He was not a bubble head, one of the round heads, that I now seem to be able to identify. Technology or deception or mind control or simply the enemy, I have been harmed by many in America and have taken a less fearful stance as is common among their or IT's victims.  Many fit the description of the IT I describe, including the judge who sentenced me and persecuted me in Los Angeles in 2001, some of the employees at the FDIC, and others who I will not name in Pensacola as of late, where I began on the theories on identifying the "IT" I have labored in discerning over the past year.

I lost a dear friend around 2000, shot dead,  likely with his own gun.  He had in the past lost direction.  I often wonder if a federal agent shot him or one of their drug lords.   My life has been torn to pieces after FDIC employment not long after that time, and I ask God for justice, for relief, but God does not answer.  I no longer see Elberta Alabama or Lillian Alabama or Pensacola Florida or Mobile Alabama or Los Angeles or Arizona or New Mexico or Nevada or Missouri as sanctuaries.  Not all are bad, but I do not feel safe there.  Where should I flee?  Is there a home for me?  I fear California because of the forced injections and being jailed for being in fear for my life.  Arizona is the same.   I have no where to go in these damned United States of the allied nations of the war criminal federal regime in power, and maybe nowhere in the world.

I recall as a man would in the trenches of warfare, Psalm 31 which basically states that a life has  been torn asunder but does not lose faith in that greater being.  It is like being tossed in the air and watching with intermittent vision, the coming of the end before you hit the ground.

Perhaps a greater struggle is in play.  I am confused, to short sale or let go to foreclosure, but even worse, I regret many times the suffering of some of my family members due to my own self being led astray and the uncontrollable encounter with the factors of the war criminal regime in power.  Where does it end?  Why did I flop?  It is as if I am already dead. I have often wondered about that and other ideas not common among the average populace after attempts on my life and forced injections by the enemies of our people in power in the USA government.

Daily Foreword 9-7-2008: Today's post is a comment with a song I have written impromptu, like most of my songs, to O'bama and McCain and it is posted on

Daily Foreword 9-6-2008: Not all are bad in P'cola correct? Remember the year of my proposed death in 2001. Take a look at today's post on Quatrains 7.

Daily Foreword September 5, 2008:  In analysis of why I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone am harassed often and pursued 2000 by security in many stores in Pensacola since my arrival in June of 2008 in Pensacola, I will explain my theories as to why I am being harassed and pushed from not only Pensacola, but nearby Mobile, and of course Los Angeles where I mistakenly served in the United States Navy.

I am a former federal FDIC bank examiner and survivor of an attempt on my life by federally associated assassins for reporting money crimes and murder, and I have endured forced injections by the regime in power after no response to the attempt on my life.

The reasons I am harassed after all of these years is because the war criminals of inhumane sect in power over the USA government and the American people are afraid of me.  I am skilled in news reporting, auditing and accounting, chemistry, physics, biotechnology, and I study weaponry and more importantly theorize on what is used against the humane among us.  I also advocate no war among the humane humans.  I see it as a waste of time and energy and it creates suffering among us.  I would much rather hold a North Korean woman's hand and an Iranian woman's hand and an Israeli woman's hand and a German woman's hand and an African woman's hand and, etc. you get my point, before I would ever want to harm any of them or their families.

I am labeled as a dangerous felon by the regime in power.  They gave me no back up after I was attacked and only attacked me further in early 2001 and onward to this date, even allowing a thieving Sheriff, Jack Tillman, of Mobile Alabama to take my gun permit on 4-3-2001 when I was going to report malnutrition at his jail.  He was stealing inmate food funds and was allowed to do so by the inhumane of the regime in power.

Perhaps they see me as Josef Stalin.  That is not true.  I would harm no one unless I knew they were harming others.  For forced injections of chemicals on the compliant, I would be-head all involved, yes.  Just as in Nuremberg after World War II.    They claim we and I are insane and urge us not to speak.  The blood on their boots, the needle tracks in my body forced by them, and the holocaust number they forced upon me in 2001, the number of ominous thrift, X-017-911-84, only proves they are not here on the behalf of humane man. 

I suffer to this day.  Partially blinded by poisons while in probation and exile in 2004, and often sick with chemical overload from the forced injections and prolonged stress, I look to God often and ask that he end my post traumatic stress by finishing me off.   I am forbidden federal employment in the USA.  I am considering going around the world in search of employment.  My marriage was destroyed because the federal regime's police in the SS FBI and ATF were harassing my wife at her employment and came to our home when they had injected me and incarcerated me.  I give the spendthrifts of American Justice the green light on those who abuse us.  Beware of deceptions.  They or IT is a technological warlord.

I would rather leave now, but I was sold a home that needed much more work than originally thought.  The realtor took advantage of my lack of sight and the inspector she suggested was on the take.  Jana Alarid of Move 4 Less Realty and David Martin of A-1 inspections, you will not be forgotten or forgiven.  Martin likely has no problems in Pensacola.  He thinks we are destined for a race war.  If I catch him or any other like him harming any of the innocent of any group, in particular of my women friends, then he will pay the devil's due.  Mildew and rust can be covered, but not the blood of the innocent.  That goes for the war criminal regime also and their false and libelous warmongering horde of simple followers.

Daily Foreword September 4, 2008:  Today's post is on Love Line 7 and addresses the IT and the traps of pursuing the IT, that  thing that has ravaged our homes, our nation, our world, our lives.

Daily Foreword September,1 2008:  Today's post is a video that has been put up on two websites.  They are the same video in case one of them is removed.  It is a documentary on Florida Real Estate Fraud approved the federal and state governments and the banks.  I have also included a song at the end, as is customary on the days of digital payback.  Florida Real Estate fraud video is on Google's Saintrambone videos, and on Youtube's saintrambone videos.

Daily Foreword August 31, 2008: Recently I purchased a home in that the realtor lied to me about the age of the roof, thereby making more difficult and more expensive to sale, at least on that one rather expensive part of the home, the roof. Now the VA who backed the loan and appraised it, will not make the corrupt inspector pay for his obvious mistake that I caught in under 90 days.

The federal and state and local governments of the USA are controlled by an international regime. Their agencies control the nation through fear. By my enemies within and approved of by the federal government of the United States of America, I, Kurt Brown a former FDIC bank examiner turned informant on murder and financial crimes, have been injected forcibly by the government, attacked and harassed by their assassins, and numerous other tortures. I will not have fear of the USA veterans administration or the billionaire bank who financed this home. The Czechoslavakian real estate lady and her Huntington Beach Husband and their Swastika carrying inspector and the federal inspector who did not look or who is on the take, will get my home back in foreclosure.

NEVER HAVE FEAR OF THE RULING REGIME. THEY OR IT CONTROLS THROUGH FEAR. They are doing these trickS to Florida homeowners everywhere, some having Radon cover-ups. I hope to leave to Iran and get a government job, or perhaps any nation that can challenge the corrupt and abusive ruling regime in the USA and their international war criminal cohorts and controllers. Never again serve or trust them or IT or their controllers and applaud their or IT's destruction.

Daily Foreword August 30, 2008: My name is Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone.  I run tests on government and industry.  I see Florida is awash in our enemies. We are the humane human beings.  I have been led into a trap.  I allowed the trap to happen because I wanted to examine it  from the inside, or perhaps God himself wants me to examine it from inside. Many other real estate victims are here from the same sort of fraud. Upside down on mortgages due to fraud in the inspection process not only by private inspectors but by VA inspectors. The government forcibly injects us and their supporters do also if we challenge them. I prefer death, but I am driven by God's will, just as those of you around me who are like me, which is True Humane Human Beings.    I am not allowed to die until I have spent my course. 

Many of those or IT that we run into in life are like dogs, dogs of war, dogs of deceit, dogs of treachery, dogs of lies.

I trained myself to do God's will but at the same time God trained me in the ways of what some call Satan or evil incarnate.  The ruling regime in control of the USA is that evil incarnate 2000 and they or IT is international.  We must be aware though that through their or IT's treachery, it leads us astray from severing the head of the true IT or evil incarnate and its brethren.  Perhaps this is merely a training ground for the greater beings who live God's will and who can not afford errors in God's way.

I started traveling triangles after I made the mistake of serving in the USA military.  I was starving for education and medical care.  I was also greedy and impatient.  I would have killed blindly for them, for IT, and now I am ashamed.  Not only in God's eyes, but also in the eyes of those who I would have killed.  People who I view now as my "True" brethren.

 I should have never gone in that direction, as the USA military has not ever been during my life-time  on the side of my people, those of humane and human conscience.  Do you remember Vietnam, and all of those murdered children overseas and murdered men and women?.  Remember our dead and wounded neighbors who trusted the betrayal of our enemies or the enemy in power.?

Ironically, the only Vietnam veteran in my neighborhood on Rosewood Drive in Mobile Alabama, ironically the blood thorn street, was a young man named Wiseman.  He killed himself after returning from Vietnam.  Or did he kill himself?  Was he programmed to self destruct?  After all, the USA regime in power sprayed military ships to see the effects of Agent Orange.  I knew a man named Vincent who was on those ships and he told me of it.  He was dieing of cancer in San Francisco.  When I mentioned it to those fascist idiots in Northern Florida, they said he was queer.  Queer and dieing of cancer?  Or Queer and dieing of AIDS?  Who started AIDS among the human population?  Adolf Hitler allegedly hated queers and this area of Northern Florida is eaten up with those who would follow Adolf Hitler.  They would also put many if not all of us into chains as slaves, if they have not already.  How would we know if they have affected our minds.  Perhaps God will kill us all now, in reality.  It is far better than living this lie of abuse. 

The government controls through fear.  They made me fear when they appeared to make an attempt on my life after FDIC employment.  They made me fear when they injected me forcibly.  They made me fear when they threw me in jail for daring to participate in government in my native city.  Now, I want them or IT to fear.  I want it or them to learn what we have learned, Fear.  God Damn the regime in power.  God Damn IT.   That is not taking God's name in vain.  That is directing my wish for what I want God to do with them.  Destroy them and us if necessary in the process.  Including myself.  I am tired of running these tests.

I was promised a new roof on my house, a 2005 roof.  Now I know it is not a new roof.  I have had someone put the story up on this link with pictures and names on Houston Indymedia.  There is no uncensored Indymedia in Florida.  The state is controlled by our most hated and fascist enemies.  I was told to go North and turn left.  I wanted to investigate the Eden East of Hell, Pensacola, but it is no different than the Village of the Damned, Mobile Alabama, also known as Mob AL.

You can not beat the beast at his game. Our game will have to take a more somber and playful tone, like God grabbing a rabid dog that is small and tossing it onto a stake and then into a flame.

Daily Foreword August 29, 2008: I encourage people of the poor and lower caste of the USA to unite in an affront against the ruling regime controlled by corrupt businesses and their supporters. Do not let them or IT divide you on race. In Northwest Florida there is a group that reminds me of the old Nazi Germans, but in Washington D.C., they kill those around the world like other world conquerors who do not see the human face in their victims.

I have been swindled in a home purchase in North West Florida. The attornies will not assist due to lack of profit because it is a small home. The Better Business Bureau will not assist because it is too complex of a case and too much money is involved or they are paid off.

In the event of another war by the regime on any nation I encourage our people to stage an affront against the regime. How you do it is up to you. I urge you not to trust any realtors in the USA and to cease purchase of homes in the United States and to allow your homes into foreclosure if you are swindled. Do not serve the enemy. Applaud the death of the enemy. The regime has gutted the USA constitution. I was pushed from my former home by corrupt federal agents. I will applaud the death of their directors, where ever they or IT resides.

A special note to the realtor with the accent and her husband with the bleach bottle and their favorite inspector with the swastika, "This is not over with. Do not spend it all in one place. You will pay it back, 10-fold."

When I was young, I was a foolish young man.  I was poisoned by the mass media of television and radio.  I was poisoned by the lies of their public schools.  I was poisoned by their injections and inoculations.    I was poisoned by my neighborhood's decadence and misdirection.  I was poisoned by contradictions and lies.  Now, as an aging man, I see the truth.  If you lay down with your enemy, you will wake up disfigured or never awaken again.  The latter are the fortunate ones.  I laid down one too many times with the federal government of the United States and I am sure their or its allies that control the United States is no different.  I now admire the Iranian people and their government.  I admire the North Korean people and their government.  I admire all who are in direct contrast with the regime that I laid down with and which laid me open with a razor of lies and deceit and chemicals through forced injections, taking everything I had, and pushing my wife and friends and family and my own mother away from me,  and finally leading me into a trap of a home which I pray is destroyed by a tornado or other natural calamity so I can be set free in life or in death.  I was deceived on many things in the home purchase and I trusted my enemies, the enemies to humane and thinking mankind.  Let us, God's Children, pray for the end of their time, their reign, IT's reign, their sovereignty and false brotherhood, and assist our "true" brothers and sisters of humane conscience where ever they reside or are incarcerated.

A note to my readers and supporters. Protect your young. Do not ever serve or trust the military of the United States or their allies as long as they are controlled by the current regime. They are the enemies to mankind, and their followers are nothing more than pigs waiting to be burned to an ember.

Daily Foreword August 25, 2008: Today's daily foreword is an update on Quatrains 7, and is an introspection of many valid voices I have witnessed lately and in the distant past.

Daily Foreword August 19, 2008: Qua 2000 trains 7 was updated the day after the post of today. Recently I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, borrowed money to buy a home and my life was endangered due to an attempted fraud scam that has not yet been corrected.  I would recommend that my roof be replaced quickly and that the chain of frauds by the realtor in question, her husband, and her chosen inspector or inspectors be looked at very closely due to the danger they pose to not only myself and my family but other families.    I would like to warn you about the new white coatings they put on old roofs, and in particular the mold inside the attic if it is removed with bleach to remove any proof of leaks by corrupt inspectors or realtors husbands or their associates.

On June 5, 2008, I went to look at a home in Pensacola Florida, out on the West side of town with a building inspector.  I had been contacted by the realtor and she asked what day and time I would be there.  That point is critical because when I arrived at the home, the inspector was waiting on me outside and I am not sure if the realtors husband had been there earlier getting things ready for the big show.  I am not sure if I smelled bleach on the inspector, but I saw the inspector wiping his hand.  I have also caught the realtors husband working on the home allegedly to appease a VA inspector who found rot on a soffit.  A soffit is just below the edge of the roof on the outside of the home and indicates leaks in the roof if rotten.  The realtors husband was supposedly in the leather repair business.  I think he is in the home repair business and possibly the cover-up business to push through shady realty deals.

When I went into the attic of the home with the inspector who was referred to me by name by the realtor, I smelled what I at first thought was ammonia and it was very strong.  When we looked at an area that was worked on by the prior tenant without a building permit, we saw a little mold, but not much, and it was deep ingrained into the hole in the cutout portion of the roof.  

As I stood there, I began to get very dizzy.  I told the inspector and he told me we should go on down and look at more things. At first I thought it was the heat.     What happened was, either the inspector or the realtors husband cleaned the molded areas with full strength bleach.  Never clean mold with full strength bleach due to the toxicity of the fumes, in particular cholrine bleach due to the breakdown of bleach with organic organisms such as mold.  I only discovered this after talking with my favorite cleaning lady and I have linked the discussion about the hazards of bleach here on wikipedia.

The roof was supposed to be only three years old in totality but a roofer since that time has told me that many shingles are around 15 years old.   In addition the mold came back in profusion after recent rains and I have not yet stopped all of the leaks. 

Never let your realtor suggest an inspector unless you are doing an audit on the inspector and realtor.  Be very careful with bleach as a cleaning agent, and dilute 1 part bleach and 10 parts water.    The attorney would not hear the case.  I was actually given a passive aggressive threat by the realtors husband on the day I was to see the attorney.  They do not want to hear the case due to my being poor and the house being small.  So I am pursuing other avenues.

Buyer beware and realize that you have to take care of problems immediately by contacting all of those that you know of who can help.  Ask around, even talk to your favorite cleaning ladies or building inspectors or attorneys or roofers, etc.

You may note I was infuriated on my recent post due to the attornies telling me I had a case but not enough money. I have been told that there are those discussing burning down my house. If you do it, please make sure I am not home and do not leave me with a repair bill. I have been through so much shit since I worked at the FDIC and since I became a freelance auditor and investigative reporter. I miss sleeping in my truck on the shady shores just South of Carmel California. It is illegal and remember to put your parking brake on, and if you walk in your sleep, pray to God you do not drive in your sleep as I have. I woke up one night with my truck in gear driving toward the cliff. I thought a cop had told me to leave and I was dreaming. Hold the bleach you son-of-a-bitch, even if the F-DIC is full of a mass of shee-it.

To that Sweet Mass of Shit controlling the F-DIC, I want you to know I miss San Francisco and want to return to visit La Familia, and in particular I hope my ole bud from the band Prodigy has returned from Law School in Europe. Can you identify my bud by our unique translation of the F U sign, Fire By Prodigy on Youtube. Beware I am always under surveillance in this God Forsaken place. I have contact the Ayotollah of Iran and am seeking passage. I love a nice Iranian woman there, and if the regime harms her, I she it with thine will dance the fire dance, comanche style.

Daily Foreword August 16, 2008:  The days of brotherhood are over in the United States between the business people, the government, and the working class.  We the working class are injected with chemicals forcibly, lied to and swindled by businesses, and the government can not beat us down enough to satisfy themselves in their courts or our streets.

I encourage the formation of militias and paramilitary groups with an emphasis on technology and discovering those among us who will turn against us. If possible I recommend a complete breaking away from the regime in power and their governments even if it means another set of economic rules honed from past historical militia conflicts with tyrannical governments and their associates. It reminds me of Sodom and Gomorrha leaving Babylon, "IT is burning, so do not look back as you flee".

The wealthy own so much and the concentration of wealth is so great that corruption has spread to the point of extreme corruption and irreconcilable differences between the wealthy, the business people, and the working poor, and a prolonged and increasing conflict has already started.  This is an international situation as was evidenced in 2001 on 9-11 and the murder and attempted murder of myself, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, an FDIC internal crimes informant. In 2001 many legitimate and honest government and banking officials during that year and in years in recent past were murdered and many were covered up and labeled something else, suicides, accidents, natural causes, and of course many are imprisoned or put in insane asylums or labeled criminal erroneously, just as I was for legal gun ownership after an attempt on my life with no response by those or that in power in the federal police and internal crime syndicates.

Recently I bought a home in Northwest Florida, although it is in reality owned by the bank and I will die before it is paid off.  A building inspector told me a roof was new in 2005 as was advertised on what turned out to be a lie on  the realtors literature.  He was working with a realtor woman who hailed from a foreign nation near Germany and she works for Move 4 Less Realty.  The prior owners of the home had white-washed the roof with Polyelastometric coa 2000 ting and I could not tell that some of the tiles differed in age and texture at the time of inspection.   I am partially blinded in extreme light and extreme dark due to poisons sprayed in my eyes when the federal government and California government and Alabama government had in 2003 and 2004 forced me into exile and probation into California after working as a federal bank examiner for the FDIC and having survived attempts on my life afterward.  I was isolated during 2003 and 2004, and their abuse of me at my home before and afterward as illustrated on my videos under the name of saintrambone led to my divorce and losing my home with my wife. She was also harassed at work by the enemy police forces of the federal regime in power due to my attempting to work as a freelance investigative auditor and reporter on behalf of the downtrodden and outcast who are also tortured by the regime in power who are in many cases the enemies of the humane.  It turned out that an attorney would not hear the case about the roof due to the ability of business people to lie, lack of profit for him, and therefore the working class such as myself and others are unable to strike back through legal means due to lack of financial resources. One person, the banker, warned me about the roof in a sort of silent tone or indirect method and she reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago, a young girl named Kelly who predicted her own death date and my own death date. If you have read my writings on this it was not my death date on that date past that I am aware of but an exploding meteorite near Braman and Blackwell Oklahoma in 2004. I wish the banker would have spoken out more plainly, but then again, I did not want to hear Kelly either in the mid-1970's when she said she was going to die that weekend.

I almost walked away from the inspection and the house purchase during the inspection when I discovered the inspector was a white supremacist. The inspector was referred to me by the realtor who hailed from the Germanic nations. The inspector said we were going to have a race war.  But I ignored it and went ahead with the purchase.  The inspector is like many old timers who likely attended segregated schools and hold old beliefs. The realtors husband called my home during the day before or the day of the appointment with the attorney and the realtor's husband took on a passive aggressive stance with me as we discussed a man who was shot in the home I purchased and who died in it not much later allegedly from cancer. Immediately after the conversation with the realtors husband a young man came to my home, parked in my driveway in a Chrysler similar to a PT cruiser, a German looking car. He tried to sell me ADT home security. Either he was with the government or their crime syndicates and had some sort of weapon or due to post traumatic stress from forced injections and torture by the federal government and their associates I saw a flash of black in my eye during the conversation with him. I should have not opened the door and got a bit of a headache and saw more flashes afterward. The cancer of the prior owner was most likely contracted from USA military service and handling toxic chemicals in toxic environment or experiments by the USA governmental regime in power as he was very pro-Navy. He may have contracted cancer from VA Healthcare. I would die in the streets before I would step into a VA healthcare facility again.  For us to win any war, it is best not to have a war, but to withdraw from the constructs of governments and the wealthy who control those governments.  I should have known that the realtor and inspector duo were unethical.  Never let a realtor suggest who your inspector should be and if they say racial or ignorant things during the inspection, take it as a sign from God and walk away.

We should band together, those of the humane, in smaller separate groups if necessary.  Race should not be an issue but the destruction of the international regime in power should be the directive of our people around the globe.  We should beware of Nazi like groups in the United States and others who seem to collect in their inbred groups and closed government groups. 

The regime in power tortures and subjugates us and robs us of finances and safety from bodily harm and they or IT puts us in prisons and forced exile and mental hospitals and subjects us to forced medical procedures for non-crimes, and death by murder and warfare for their profit. They even cause divorces and isolate us so we can be controlled, monitored, and murdered.  I will likely sell this home at a loss and leave the USA in due time or just let it go into foreclosure and back to the VA underwriter of the loan like thousands of others in the area.

In the event of a war within another nation between the USA's ruling regime and their syndicated allies, we should move to pinpoint the profiteers, the bureaucrats, and their key supporters and hold them or IT accountable as in the old ways of the old world.  No regrets and mercy in the old fashion, quick and final.  Never again serve or trust the regime or their hospitals, schools, and social constructs, and applaud the destruction of the regimes war criminals.  Mass media is a distraction.  Beware of race mongers of war and those who monger war based on international boundaries, as those are fences to cage the humane and not borders as advertised.  They will leave us subjugated even further.  This will be a happy day when we have overcome the lies of the past and herald the beginning of a new future and our release from Prison Planet Earth. Some in the area want a war with Iran. I would prefer to kill those who want the war with any innocent foreign people. After all, the borders are fences here on Prison Planet Earth.

Daily Foreword August 14, 2008:  Today, I see I am soon to be embroiled in a legal battle due to negligence and fraud in the business world in the civilian sector.  I have already been through the same thing in federal and state and local governments since 2001 and have endured something akin to a holocaust with forced injections, physical and psychological torture, attempts on my life, false witness against my good name,  and other abuses and horrors as is evidenced on the Mobile Audit Club website recollections and on my saintrambone videos.

I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone.  I have called many people things and some take it all too personally.  Not all are bad in this world in any location, but it appears that many have lost faith in truth and thereby in themselves.  As my grandmother said, "Do not tell me any secrets and I will not tell you any lies."  She knew most likely a few holocaust survivors and mothers of women whose sons were forced to die in the alleged combat of Vietnam and other locales for no valid reason.

So today, I turn to scripture as I am surrounded by corruption and lies in a greedy and or starving world.  I use my right hand and pray to find solace as I have been attacked many times and it may happen again, and when I  am finally gotten ridden of, I only hope I get to sit on God's right hand.  I turn to Mark 5:37 and in a segment in red it reads, "Why all this commotion and wailing?  The child is not dead but asleep."

Maybe I too am asleep in a bad dream with moments of respite.  I urge young men to stay with their children and families, stay sober, and most of all, remember to be part of God's solution and not part of God's problem.  That does not imply any religion in part 2000 icular, only that of a humane free thinker of enlightenment.

Now for some closing humor and a song. The only thing I am missing to be a rock star is rhythm and Billy Joel hair. I miss San Francisco sometimes, Sueet.  You might be right I might be crazy by Billy Joel on

Daily Foreword August 11, 2008:  My daily living nightmare is, "Why am I the only person I know of who complains of and remembers being held down and forcibly injected with chemicals and forced to have medical procedures by the federal police and their approved associates in the United States since early 2001"? (An example is on this Google search)  There were others as you can see in the "continuing problems" section on this link.  I was injected later in Flagstaff Arizona in 2004.  Something is not right with the situation.  I would prefer execution by a bullet to the head and would not care if those who approve of the injections and those who abuse those like myself were taken out and executed in the streets in front of their homes and office buildings and hiding places.

I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, was a federal bank examiner before the injections and torture and robbery by corrupt and abusive government officials against myself.  I worked for the federal agency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and was pushed out and reported obvious murder labeled suicide and money laundering and financial crimes.  Afterward I was attacked in the streets by those associated with the federal government and I was attacked with extreme prejudice with no federal response.  Then the federal government attacked me with extreme prejudice and their courts joined suit. The government's crime syndicates and those crime syndicates associated with them will try to isolate you and then kill you or have you arrested or placed in a cage of some sort or another. Federal prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales of Seattle was isolated in late 2001, his wife had left him for a lesbian, he made a call on a phone, and he was shot in his home, alone. Was his wife under mind control or something else? Perhaps dead in the cerebral cortex? We must ask these questions in light of modern science and the true nature of nature, the Jungle. Never trust any federal government agency or any agency in police matters in our modern era. Crime syndicates know no bounds with technology at their control.

Where can I hide?  Can I join a military or militia that will kill all of my enemies and make their supporters of war crimes back down or be executed? Or can their behaviors be altered by non-violent means, such as mind control or thought modification?

I contacted Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain's widow today, or tried to contact her through various means, and on a usenet group.  Kurt was in the band Nirvana and Courtney later was in a band called Hole.   I would like to meet her in a way.  Teen idol worship, a past time of lust or adoration, or maybe just a distraction from the nightmare and Post Traumatic Stress in these damned United States.  Sometimes I feel as if I am already dead and can not die.  So, what is life, Love?  Is it curt for you, frank with you, earnest for you, or nun of the above? That is a joke, sort of.  I am divorced now, due to government tampering with me and hardship created for my wife, and perhaps brainwashing and mind control.  After all, the enemy regime in power demanded entry into my life, my home.  Never again trust them and beware of the international war crimes parties.  They or IT is in control now.  We were poisoned as children.  Jesus Christ could not make it out of the slums of the world today and preach salvation without being poisoned before or after birth.

One final note. When I was being hassled by the FDIC for filing an EEOC complaint in 1999, I was called into the Assistant Regional Directors office in San Francisco in early 2000...Y2K, remember that b.s. Sueet?. Her name was Sue Carroll and I now call her Sueet Carroll, and she was working for the dead man's replacement, George Masa, the Regional Director who replaced the dead man who was murdered and labeled suicide. Masa had a dismal EEOC record from Chicago. I tested him and the management later and it came back positive on one or both as murderers. Anyway, Sueet told me when I mentioned what had happened in D.C. at a school of extraordinary hours and physical endurance and what I see as insane indulgence due to the true nature of the crime syndicates FDIC bank examinations, which meant counting pre-added numbers and writing statements already written. I digress, but what Sueet said was, "It looks like you have dug yourself a Hole you can not get out of". It would be divine Karma to find myself in a Hole I could not get out of like Courtney Love. So I end this day with a little comedy from Love Line 7, Youtube Music Video, Put The Lime In The Coconut. House for rent, mine, since Florida real estate is a Betsy bug to sale. Burn it if you wish, but make sure it is a ember by morning. I do not recommend doing that though. That is for the record.

Daily Foreword August 10, 2008:  Late update: In the events noted below, I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone did not mention that when I was stopped by a Tom Thumb convenience store on the North side of the beach side road at 16786 Perdido Key drive Pensacola at approximately 9:00 p.m. on August 9, 2008, that someone came into the store behind me, two men. One stood watch by the coffee makers staring out the front door, and another approached me from behind and came very close to me while the cashier, who was slow, was getting my change. In hindsight it appeared he held something black in his hand and I felt a slight sting in my leg, as I was wearing shorts. He may have injected me or pricked my skin with something hidden in the black thing. There were some people in a truck who were with him outside who said out loud to my passenger, "Look at that bone head." Beware of the enemy, and beware of chemical warfare. The regime is our enemy and we can not be sure who is on our side, that of humane humans. We know the controllers of government are not humane humans. We must organize and move to separate ourselves from them or remove them or IT or prepare to die. They can inject you with anything in this manner, from AIDS virus to Hepatitis virus to hallucinogenics to any bio-engineered chemicals. If they corner you, take your hand and swing low to knock anything out that they may be holding so you are not stuck, and if possible, if suspicious, grab it and head butt them or elbow them in the face as if you are leaving or backing up. Our enemies will bleed from the nose and someday, wake up to their atrocities or die. Beware of technology. Mind control and other matters make things what they do not seem sometimes.

It appears, and I say it appears in a very descriptive manner, that the new war criminal and neo_Nazi sect of the Gulf Coast between Florida and Alabama has taken aim at me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former 2000 FDIC bank examiner and informant who survived assassins twice and who is under the gun once again.  Even something as simple as going into a store brings out the enemy and to my side, crowding me in stores, harassing my co-travelers, and such.

The world of deception and the world of fact collide.  The remedy for the two is completely opposite and not quite so different.  You must first find the source of your suffering by following or tracing the cause of your suffering to it's roots.

I recently bought a house in Pensacola Florida on a loan that I have found I can not support after being tortured and having my career wrecked by the current ruling federal regime in power.  That is nothing new, as many of my people of the humane human sect are targeted.  We are easy targets and we are difficult targets.   The thing to do is lure out the cause, and trace the source of the suffering to its roots.  There it can be dealt with in a multitude of manners, but you must be careful due to deceptions and hidden attack associates and traps and of course, and the natural tendency of every action to have an equal and opposite reaction.  This is where triangulation comes in handy as the thrust of the enemy in power can be directed into the heart of the other point of the enemy in power such as what I did to former Sheriff Jack Tillman in Mobile Alabama, the murderous ranks of the federal crime syndicates in San Francisco via D.C, and the torture chamber and forced experiment lab of the Los Angeles Veterans Administration and the corrupt courts housed in that traitorous city which we should boycott with extreme prejudice.

Soon I hope to travel out of the Northwest Florida region.  The war criminal sect is fat here, but so is it in Los Angeles and Arizona per my investigations in 2001 and 2004 where they inject people with chemicals like we are apes in a zoo.    I want to leave the USA, and especially the observed Neo-Nazi-like sect of the North West Gulf Coast near Pensacola and Mobile.  But I must be careful due to deceptions as what I am viewing may be different than what I see.  Humane humans have been manipulated by technology most likely on a large scale for a long time.  Only now is our  technology advancing for us to see what we are up against.  But then again, there are always new deceptions and methods of subjugation. 

The regime did not care if I died or not when I was attacked in 2001 and 2004, and they are upset that I say I would celebrate their death for harassing my wife in my wife's home in Alabama when they were injecting me and jailing me in early 2001 in Los Angeles.  I stand by that, but I want the root cause uprooted and burned to a crisp.  We are no longer a nation and likely never were, as humane humans are subjugated around the globe, and the war criminals are in power.  We never were a nation.  They have their followers but they will learn as I did, there is no appeasing a group of beasts or the beast in power.

  As someone told me, "We are not tied to them, the IT", and that is why they or IT tries to devour us.  Remember all of the wars and tortures and holocausts.  Remember the lies in their public school pledge of allegiance, e.g. "Liberty and justice for all".  We should teach our children and grandchildren that is a lie.  We will forever have to live to our utmost and face the enemy with enlightenment, just as we would have to live with a tried path and protective methods as if we were in the jungles with a beast, because we are, and the beast is in power worldwide.  Never allow involuntary servitude in a military draft.

Yesterday I elaborated on deceptions and mind control on page Love Line 7 that discusses the pitfalls of involuntary servitude in a forced military draft, which is now seen in many nations, including Israel and Turkey.

Daily Foreword August 9, 2008: Late Addition: Love Line 7 updated today regarding mind control and simulated war and military servitude as method of control. I see the time has come to end the United States, and all other dark nations under the realm of the IT, that greedy aftermath of historical conquest. A one world government that will likely self destruct. We should be wary of the USA governments including and especially the Veterans Administration and all federal police agencies and the law courts they control, which is all of them.

The international regime has disarmed me, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, after setting me up for a missed date for my own murder. They will take away your guns because they do not want you to strike back after they have stripped you and us of everything.

When I was in jail in Los Angeles for daring to survive an assassination attempt in Lousiana after working for that corrupt banking regulatory agency, the FDIC in California and Washington D.C., the federal government sent four men, what I now call the horsemen, to visit my wife at our home. ATF was threatening her and FBI and SS and another of their agents were there to back that son of a bitch up. They threatened her and I believe they did more, and this has led to my divorce from my long term wife. We know they inject us forcibly and other things, and I herald their death like the death of the anti-Christ. That was before 9-11-2001, most likely 8-11-2001 that they came into my home after I had trusted the Veterans Administration to simply let me sleep in their woods in my vehicle as I waited for a home. It was another test of sorts, as I run these often, or did, and now I know, I want IT dead and done away with. We should welcome the death of the enemy in power. WE should welcome our own deaths if necessary to rid ourselves of the rule of ourselves by that thing, that diabolical IT, and if one of us should die, we should applaud anyone who can arrange for all of us to die. It is my hope that some one of us or all of us will destroy the IT with extreme prejudice by tricking IT into killing itself and all of us if necessary. The veterans administration is a damned lie full of trickery. Beware, if you are not crippled, they will see to it that you are in the end, and you too will want to see the end of all of the suffering including your own.

The crucifixion holiday, 8-8-2008 has passed. It brought back memories of a thing that should have never been. This is our life, and they are not part of us, as they are the other side, the IT, and we are the lower caste, the humane humans and we are torn apart around the Earth and likely in ways we can not see or detect. We are a two sided army about to wrap around itself and choke the other to death. Who wins and who loses could be a matter of conjecture, but it is known that the line is transparent. We must realize that. We are intermingled. Those who inject and torture us and beat us from our governments deserve death, but it appears we can not kill them or IT, or perhaps we are being set up so we can not retaliate. We are intermingled, and our side is disarmed. So, I look to the jettisons of fate and despair, and wait for the enemy's heads to be blown off. Who gives a damn about those who do not give a damn. They can calculate, strange. They or IT can die, but not without strange pangs, and we must eliminate that Thing, the IT, for all eternity. IT has to be changed, removed, extricably. It is a two sided war. We are intermingled. Two angles thick. They injected me. I want to see them injected, bett 2000 er yet, detected and eliminated for war crimes atrocities condoned by the enemy in power around the globe. The regime is my enemy, I shall not want. We are intermingled. The regime is not I. We may have to sacrifice. Welcome IT's death and hope that it is done right with what is left.

The United States was once a great nation the media and texts claim, but it is likely a lie for most. Now we either laugh at each others suffering or growl at each other as at the start of the war. Let's hope some one of us can make it the last one. The lies told to and the naiveness of people in cities like those of Mobile Alabama make the lower caste believe. Many of us served their militaries out of hunger and despair and apparent hopelessness, but we were deceived. There is hope in many battles when confronting IT. The worst thing you or I can do is side with the side where the IT reigns supreme. Many do not even know of local newsgroups in Mobile and sites like Giganews used by comcast are a mystery to the deliberately uneducated and likely manipulated and brain damaged who do not even know how to set up a program to use news servers like Outlook Express uses the postings on Comcast's Giganews. The government there beats us from their buildings and no one cares as seen in saintrambone videos, so we should not care if their buildings are shut down and their true controllers removed from our populace. The hatred and attacks in cities like Los Angeles and New York make people applaud when the wealthy and their buildings are robbed and beaten to the ground. Who controls us now? We have lost something or maybe we never had anything to lose. We welcome global war and the proliferation of high tech weapons because underneath we want the death of our enemy, the lie that we once called, "Our fellow Americans", but nationalities are meaningless, as the true enemy is the IT, intermingled around the globe or in the confusion. Not all of us are the same as IT, not any longer, and that angers the followers of the IT. Their courts are like batters cages and we are beaten into submission, so let us applaud those on the sidelines who take out the concession stands where IT drinks our blood and suffering and applaud the execution and removal of the howling groups of war dogs in gold, and let us applaud those who save the lower caste by killing them before they and we are in the chains and under their needles. The Veterans Administration's controllers allowed me to be injected and tortured by federal police in 2001 and afterward and I was later partially blinded by poisons, my weapons of self defense and of heritage were taken away and now they may have done something to my wife that she is unaware of. She was so naive in allowing our mortal enemies into our home when I was in jail. She should have shot them in their heads if they dared to enter. Their democracy has been a lie for our entire lives since the 1960's. It will bring me pleasure to see them capture their deserved wrath, their final deaths, and ours also if we can not be set free from them, the IT.

Daily Foreword August 7, 2008: Today's post is on Quatrains 7/Prophetic Poem Art 7. It is dated one day before the crucifixion holy day 8-8-2008. That is a bit of a joke because 8 is from what I hear, the Jews lucky number, some of them anyway, or perhaps all or none of the true Jews as the proclamation is made within the circle or perhaps the 4 triangles or the two squares, if I am not mistaken.

Daily Foreword August 5, 2008: Late update: It appears that after the post below and to some newsgroups, some people have been calling members of my family and threatening them or perhaps me, early this morning. I take back the pledge of allegiance to the corrupted American flag and their allies. We are not allied, we are tied at the waist and itching to slit each others throats, the humane against the inhumane. Never again serve the traitorous and barbaric international regime in power, as they or IT is the enemy to humane mankind.

A while back I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, warned a very young service woman who was in the USA military of the true cut-throat nature of the U.S.A regime in power and the untrustworthiness of those associated with the federal government and their police agencies.  I will likely soon cut all ties with them, but I am not naive.  Those who control the U.S.A. governments are often like the proverbial Anti-Christ.  I make no mistake and lay no claim.  I hope to have IT slip into IT's final grave, and us with it if necessary.  We are the humane humans.  We are targeted.  I also put up a post recently on about the lie of the election system in the U.S.A.  I do not know if the USA ideals are even salvageable due to the fact that I feel we were poisoned in mind and body and spirit when young and many of us can never return to normalcy.  Below starting in the next paragraph is the letter to the young service woman detailing what happened to me in the U.S.A. military and afterward, some of it anyway.   I make a joke about sex and love, but isn't it common to make jokes before one dies if one has been incarcerated and tortured before death, as death is welcome like a long term love affair. It is ironic too that some chimpanzees used in experiments in Arizona were placed into a retirement jungle of sorts. They would have likely preferred death, just as I would have after the murderous attacks, forced injections, and forced medical procedures by war criminals housed inside the USA governments.  And here is the link on under saintrambone videos with a comment about the lie of the U.S.A.  election system.   The regime lays traps for us, and they are becoming more aggressive.  Do not serve.  Do not trust.  Do not save if they are attacked and destroyed around the globe and into space.  They are international.  They are local.   Welcome the end.  I have deleted some segments of the email to the young service woman, but the gist of the message is there and a true recollection of events I endured and have omitted some of the horrors of the regime whose death I welcome like I would welcome in the death of savages who serve someone or something that is like the Proverbial anti-christ.

The letter to the young military woman starts here:  So you are in the military. Have I got a story for you. It is true and it will blow your mind.

After you read this, if you want to go AWOL with me, I will take you to the ends of the Earth and if I make a wrong turn you can turn me over your knee and spank my bare ass in broad daylight.

The US government performs many unknown medical procedures and unknown experiments on many people, in particular service men and women and veterans.

They also do forced injections, but that is restrained to those that are actually insane and those that they want to call insane. You see, the government has "All" of the money. Everyone on Wall Street knows it.

I know it because I saw much of the money in accounts of banks that I audited as a federal bank examiner.

I also saw where an innocent man had been killed, of highest rank, and he was labeled a suicide in his high rise San Francisco FDIC office during the Savings and Loan Crisis of George Bush Sr's reign 2000 in office in the early 1990's.

You were just a mere year or two old at the time.

Because I was jettisoned out of my position at the FDIC by a man who was a known EEOC violator, and who was the replacement for the dead man, I put together two and two and two halfs and came up almost dead for talking about the five fingers of government, and in particular money laundering and murder and how it ties into the casino money laundering syndicates and federal drug importation and cultivation syndicates.

You are in an international cesspool and they have you waving your bandana flag, a torch, and your little pistola of a rifle. One hand of government has been lopped off or some fingers are in hiding.

That is the nature of the lion when it wants to feed. I would send you links to prove what I am saying but this site would cancel my account. I can communicate with you with links for proof if you send an email to

I was stationed in Long Beach California in the mid 1980's in the USN. I was a good sailor for the US Navy but did not fit the mold.

I needed a root canal done on a tooth. So I went to the USN dentist in 2003 or 2004. He told me he was tired of doing root canals and wanted to pull the tooth and put in a bridge. I had no idea of the size of that metal thing. He had to cut my gums to make it fit. I believe I was knocked out and when I came back to consciousness, another dentist was standing in the door, as if on lookout, and my jaw was hurting and it felt like blood was everywhere, and it was, and the dentist was standing over me working and said, "This thing will not fit." The other dentist said, "Well make it fit."  In recollection, I am not for sure if it was the bridge or a cut place on the opposite side of my mouth that went to the roof of the mouth.  I had much dental work done before I was discharged.

I thought nothing of the blood and pain and unusual activities in the dentist's office that day until I received basically a doctorate level education in total, educated in every field, from medicine to computer science to business accounting to mass communications and then more. I even trained myself in engineering and I was trained in biotechnology also.

I began to realize that something was askew when I was attacked and almost killed after working as a federal bank examiner and informing on money laundering, murder, and issuance of bank charters to casino associates from Nevada who came to California to launder their money through their banks and associated banks in the cartels and syndicates that are currently housed in the USA federal government and likely internationally.

The federal government turned against me, or at least some of them. Then I was handed a small pension, with many strings attached.

Next year it will not be as lucrative so I am making a new game plan as I type. What I discovered on X ray and MRI is that I have some unusual characteristics in my body. Things that are very strange.

I also have some unexplained scars in my body, some of which became infected after my ordeal with the federal government in early 2001.

I have been injected and knocked unconsciousness on more than one occasion, 2001 and 2004, and I was forced to undergo medical procedures in 2001, and maybe in 2004. I will not go into detail, but you can couple neurons to computer chips in our modern era.

Neurons are the nerves of the brain and central nervous system. It is my belief that you can couple a metal bridge implant to peripheral nerves or the resonance from those nerves to any injected and or bioengineered addition into the human genome.

The genome is every person or living things complete set of DNA. That usually means at birth, but changes can be made during the life time also.

So you see my love, when they inject you, you must ask, just like a reporter, "Who What When Where Why and How" like a reporter, and like an accountant, always maintain a "Reasonable amount of doubt", and like an auditor you must realize that when there is collusion, all audits and investigations are unreliable and irrelevant. Collusion is when two or more people cheat, however in our age of technology, one could bypass all safeguards and create the effect of collusion simply through application of technology.

Now, if you want proof of these claims, or some of them, I could send you the links. But not over website.  I have some of them at Mobile Audit Club and saintrambone videos.

 Life is like a box of chocolates, "You never know what you are going to get". Don't forget to "Be all you can be", "Have an adventure, not just a job", "Be one of the few, the proud, the brave", and if you find you are being used in a chess match 20 years from now, you can say that goody two shoes bank examiner Kurt sent a message in a fish hatchery bubble for you to play with. Now, when do you blow me a kiss love?

Want to go awol?

You will not believe this, but under MRI and X Ray, it looks like I have baby wings on my back. Weird isn't it that I get those before I get to heaven?

I have many surprises for you Earth Angel. Sincerely, Kurt

That was the end of the email to the young woman in military service.  It is true and it is horrific.  There are some in the federal government who try to set us up for failure at every turn.  They try to isolate many of us and later kill us or have us killed.  Thomas Crane Wales, federal prosecutor was isolated and they knew through his phone conversation he was alone and he was killed in late 2001 in Seattle.  I was attacked in the USA in early 2001, in Missouri in 2003 or 2004 while in forced exile and in Canada when I was going to flee and move there in 2006 or 2007.  Would I be killed in some foreign nation?  Would I be found?  Our enemies are better off dead, and if we can not remove the enemies to humane mankind, let us welcome all of our deaths.  We are the humane humans.  Stand brave in that final night.  Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner who has been persecuted and has become in like kind a stalwart of sorts, a man of war and peace in the end.

They or IT destroyed almost everything I had, my marriage, my career, my good name, my sense of security to be free from harm, my remaining health, and my hope for almost everything on this damned planet and existence. I welcome their or IT's death like a Christian who welcomes the death of the anti-Christ and their or IT's followers.

Daily Foreword August 3, 2008: Late Update: I was just informed by my wife who divorced me this year due to her being harassed because by federal agents for my informing on government money laundering and murder in the federal government, that the Arizona Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004 was trying to have me committed after I had reported money laundering and murder and having survived an attempt on my life in 2001. I had simply stopped at the Flagstaff Medical Center to have my neck checked for a burn on it and asked if there was a nuclear or toxic spill in Arizona that I had seen on Interstate 40 and if my vehicle tested positive for radiation. One cop smiled and said, Yes, it was slightly radioactive. He or IT was probably not telling the truth and would not do so today. It was not long after a r 2000 efinery explosion in West Texas in early 2004. The Flagstaff Medical Center emergency room crew or their federal war crimes protectorate was demanding to know if I had any weapons there at my former home at her house or if any were in my vehicle. I was at the time in forced exile in California where I had been partially blinded with poisons sprayed into my window. That was proven at a doctor that I had lost vision. She plead with them to let me go. They tricked me into signing documents so I could be released under their Chapter 36 Law paragraph that allows people to be detained and injected since 2001, before 9-11, and they not only lost my keys but charged me over $2000 for the ordeal and they put in a room with a psychopath and something may have happened at the hospital. Flagstaff is close to Nevada's casino money launderers and Mexico's drug importers. America has gone to shit, let it fall in to the toilet and flush it. If she had not been there for me, they would have committed me and silenced me. I hope all who inject the innocent are killed, and their primary lawmakers are skinned alive on National Television. Never serve or trust the enemy regime in power. Theirs is a world of deceptions, and let us hope and pray to God to end this living nightmare in the USA and the world that has been cast upon us the humane humans.

The lie that the USA federal government operates on behalf of the working class of the humane Americans of long term ancestry is a damned lie.  We should applaud the attack and destruction of the regime of betrayal, if we can find its head leaders and their benefactors who are up front.

For instance, I, a FDIC federal banking crimes and federal murder informant and survivor of attacks on my life by the enemy in power and who had my gun permit pulled by a Sheriff who is now a known thief who is approved of by the regime, and I was arrested for parking on VA property in Los Angeles with a U Haul.  I had a legal gun under the seat because no federal agent protected me after an attack on my life.  I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner in 1999 in Roseville California and in 2000 in San Francisco.

When I was arrested in 2001 for legal gun ownership in that most hated American city of USA corrupt courts and government officials, Los Angeles, my wife made the mistake of allowing four federal agents into our home.  Only one was supposed to arrive, but there was an ATF agent, an Secret Service agent, an FBI agent, and another agent of unknown office.  I was in Los Angeles being forcibly injected and forced medical procedures at the time.  That was in April of 2001 and May of 2001 and I was detained until August 12, 2001.

Let us applaud the death of ourselves and our  enemies if we can not be free.  The USA is a prison and likely we are deceived on many levels.  If they start a war with your family, I urge you to back up and then to retaliate, and do not believe your eyes in their government buildings.  It could be an IT, meaning a technological deception.

God help us.  Destroy this nightmare for myself and others.  Our families are likely already dead.  See my videos at saintrambone on    I was simply trying to work as a freelance reporter. I have a journalism degree from the University of South Alabama and an Accounting degree and training in the sciences and arts.  Free Speech is dead in the USA.  The regime we trusted is dead.  Demolish the regime in power and end our existence with God's blessings if we can not be free.  Never serve or trust the regime in power.  Protect your children.  Know that all can be deception.

Often when I picture the anti-christ, I picture those people like those at the VA and Federal government who inject us and rob us of everything. I picture their controller as the true anti-Christ, who stares off from space, controlling Washington D.C, Moscow, Beijing, etc., and IT's or his head larger than all of ours. His duty, to subjugate us to death. Welcome the end of time for the humane humans. We are subjugated by our enemy.  I should be able to sue in 2008 for the federal agent at my doorstep as illustrated at my top saintrambone video demanding I not enter the Mobile Alabama government building.  We can not sue the anti-Christ's of our era.  We or I have been deceived.  My wife is dead in my eyes.  The shell that was left divorced me for the Secret Service and FBI and Mobile Police Department harassing her at work.  Let us welcome global war and the destruction of the enemy in power. Do not open the door to it, to them. Tell them or IT to "Get off of my property". "Get out of my house".